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User:ProfGray/312/Lesson plan week 6

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Lesson plan: Week 6. Religions of the Hebrew Bible. Return to the course page


Objectives for today
  • Understand Mendenhall. Review outlines and key points.
  • Allocate Mendenhall paraphrases and edits for article
  • Review academic claims about the historicity of the exodus and key features of Israelite religion (theology and ritual).
Reading for today
  • Coogan. Ch.12, 184-188 (Assyrian context w Dtr origins)
  • Coogan. Ch. 13, 196-198 (more on Dtr Hist)
  • Mendenhall
  • Carryover -- D in Coogan
  • skim Deut. chs. 4:44-49. 5; 6; 27-30
  • Coogan. Ch.12, skim (read 181-184 Deut. Code)
Review BRE
  • ANE shift (Marduk, Ba'al, J - Y - tetragrammaton)  Done
  • Exodus dating (Hyksos, Amarna letters Merneptah stele)  Done
  • Sandboxes  Done
  • Other Wiki issues
Discussion of the Coogan / JSB readings
  • Coogan on D / Dtr  Done
  • Sources, including covenant in D  Done
  • see worksheet


  • Key terms: amphictyony (p.62 Mendenhall), Decalogue, Hittite, (stipulation), suzerainty, vassal  Done

Next class


Questions about assignment? User:ProfGray/Exercise Write Paragraphs




  • Everyone has clear plan for 2 paragraphs (i.e., paraphrases of Mendenhall and Weinfeld)
  • Understanding of Mendenhall and Weinfeld




  • Discuss his argument
  • Outlines

Test prep and plan

  • Next Monday = 100 points in-class test, see study sheet
  • Take-home essay(s) will be assigned on Monday and
  • Due Thursday at 7pm on Niihka > Assignments