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User:Prasi90/Probationary mentorship log

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Semi- Official Mentorship Offer from Hamster Sandwich


Prasi90, as an interested party here, I would make a suggestion that you ignore any and all users, editors or administrators who on the surface of things seem to be trying to goad you into further bad actions. The suggestions you have made for an unblock are entirely reasonable, as the issues they address seem to be at the crux of the dispute between yourself and several other users. Do not rise to the bait cast before you. In fact the terms you have suggested for your unblock are very much the ones I would have asked you to adopt in the case of any so called "mentor-ship" that I could provide to you. A few very good administrators have pointed out to me in the past that it is incumbent on us (meaning you!), the individual editor/contributor to take "The High Road". Of course what is the high road is subject to an individual reading of that term. To me, by implementing the terms you have suggested, by not sending, responding to or most importantly posting email messages extraeneous to Wikipedia spaces within Wikipedia, will carry you to a better and happier and more productive editing place than you have recently been. I am prepared to give you a clean slate to start again. Others do not seem to be as willing to do so, but the onus is now on them to change their opinion, based on your new and reformed ways. some points for your consideration...

  1. Maintain WP:NPOV
  2. Adopt WP:NPA
  3. Embrace WP:AGF

Prasi90 if you agree to these terms, plus the suggestions you yourself have made above, there should be no problem in getting unblocked. However, I will ask the opinion of a few editors whose opinions I trust implicitly and who to my knowledge have not thus far been involved in the issues that we are faced with here at this time. They may choose to not involve themselves, but I am hoping for some direction and advice from them, nonetheless. I will direct them to this post, and so to encapsulate your suggestions for them here...

Prasi 90 will agree to:

  1. Refrain from editing Userpages,Usertalk pages (except my own-that too I will not add anything political or inflammatory) or Articletalk pages-where most of my disruptive edits have been made.
  2. Refrain from voting at RfAs for at least two weeks.
  3. Refrain from editing disputed articles.
  4. Stop sending e-mails to Administrators unless the matter is urgent.
  5. Maintain WP:NPOV
  6. Adopt WP:NPA
  7. Embrace WP:AGF

One word of caution to you, if you do choose to accept these terms. I am an old and generally very grumpy person who does not suffer foolishness gladly or for very long. I take real pleasure from blocking vandalism and reverting the work of the perpetrators. If I ever think or am shown by others that you are engaging in egregious behaviour, I will not hesitate to end any arrangement that we have come to, and wash my hands of the situation entirely.

By accepting these terms, you be under a de-facto probationary period of no less than one month and perhaps as long as three. If I feel, that you have improved to the extent that you no longer need my advice on a regular basis, the period would end sooner, rather than later. Also, you would be aware that I have limited computer access so it might be two or three days over weekends that you may not get a response from me concerning any questions/situations you might run up against. In the interest of full disclosure,this is the first such mentorship arrangement that I have offered to any person, so I might be asking other editors whose opinions/actions I trust to advise me as we go along, and I would be likely to adopt any suggestions that they might make in the course of any arrangement we have between us. Also, the terms of this arrangement may be altered by me at any time as events transpire. Please read the through the pages that I have indicated by through the blue links in this posting. Take some time, read them thouroughly, and re-read them if you have done so in the past. There may be a quiz.... :-) OK?

If you agree, please state in clear terms below this post, and I will do what I can to get the block lifted. Hamster Sandwich 16:38, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

I agree to the terms mentioned by you above.I will also like to add one more condition (to avoid any possible misunderstandings)-that my IP address also come under these terms and conditions.However I ask that if I ever (unintentionally) go against these conditions,I would like to be given ONE WARNING ONLY before the block is reinstated.I would also like to state here that in order to avoid being goaded into making any unreasonable edits I will (as far as possible)abstain from interacting with those Users,with whom,(in the past)I have had disputes.Once again I apologize to any Administrators I have inconvenienced by my behaviour (especially MONGO) and the Wikipedia community at large.I thank you,Hamstersandwich for your help in resolving this matter-you are a model Administrator.User:Prasi90 16:58, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

I agree that a ONE WARNING ONLY policy be instituted, for the purpose of providing you with some instruction/suggestions in the case of a contentious edit that you may make. Of course any admin could block you without warning, but they themselves may be in error of Wikipedia:Blocking policy by doing so. Blatent vandalism, racist/bigotted comments and threats of a legal or personal nature are not tolerated and result in immediate blocking, without warning. Those are standards that apply to all editors. Prasi90, I am now going to endevor to get you unblocked, and have the Indefinate block template removed from your user pages. I will look for an appropriate template to indicate that you are engaged in a probationary mentorship, and that asks any interested editors/administrators to leave comments or postings directed to you on my page as well. I may also start a new page, something to the effect of User Prasi90:Probationary mentorship log, to copy related materials to, for continuity purposes. Thank you for your consideration that you have shown thus far. Remeber, the purpose of this excerise is to help you to learn how to conform to the community standards, even in the face of adversity. The goal is to help you to be a happy, helpful and concientious Wikipedian. No more, no less. Hamster Sandwich 17:30, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

Advice chunklet #1


ADVICE(Remember Prasi90: You are under no obligation to respond or corespond with any user, although it may be considered impolite to not do so. For the present time, I suggest you provide only a cursory answer. The only time I would suggest that you must respond to comments are when it is related to an Arbitration. Altough impolite, it is sometimes a nescessary evil to ignore comments. In this case you must weigh the benefit of providing an answer to kingboyk's question against not doing so. Also, I suggest that you do not respond to any further comments by MONGO and Gator1 until our "program" is completed. I may ask you to ignore the comments of other users as we progress. This is a way of putting some distance between your old self and your newly minted powers to do good. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to improve your skills and establish your good standing as a Wikipedian of merit. Keep a cool head always, better to say nothing at all, than to give your detractors ammunition to fire at you. It is my hope that you are afforded a bit of room to improve, but you must be aware that your actions (and mine as well!) will be closely scrutinized. I'll be signing off till tomorrow, so keep it cool, simple and pleasant in your interactions here, ok? No need to debate anybody about anything! Peace!) Hamster Sandwich 18:45, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

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