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Article evaluation:


Psychological contract 10-12-2016

The article on Psychological Contract has a fair amount of information, but requires polish and more references. The ‘History’ and ‘Formation of the Contract’ should change its format from bullet points to paragraphs if possible. Better footnotes are needed throughout the article. While the contents of the article talk about the psychological contract within a job, the concept applies to the larger field, especially in the hiring and firing process.

Each bullet point on the history section could be elaborated on with works that overlap with the primary subject. For example, how has ‘the feminization of the workforce’ affected the aspects of the psychological contract? There is extensive research done on the integration of women into previously male-dominated fields? Anecdotes and studies show the transition has been rough. The gender pay gap is a breach the expectation that all workers doing the same work should be paid equally. Expectations can transition from informal to formal, and vice versa. For example, sexual harassment is illegal in the workplace, but the formalization of this law began from an expectation among workers.

The article could go into more detail about how the psychological contract differs between industries and how it has changed over time. The article mentions the unionization and deunionization of various industries; an excellent example of change over time.

Annotated bibliography:


Sandra L. Robinson. “Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract.” Administrative Science Quarterly Vol. 41, No. 4 (Dec., 1996), pp. 574-599. Web 21 October 2016

Study finds majority of workers report some form of psychological contract violation, reduction of trust, within 1.5 or 2.5 years of beginning their jobs. Changes in the workplace due to globalization, automation, changing duties means there is more opportunity for mismatched expectations between employer and employees, increasing chances of trust being breached. A breach in trust reduces worker loyalty, satisfaction with work.

Lyonel Laulié and Amanuel G. Tekleab. “A Multi-Level Theory of Psychological Contract Fulfillment in Teams.” Group Organization Management. October 2016 vol. 41 no. 5 658-698. Web 21 October 2016

Denise M. Rousseau. “Schema, promise and mutuality: The building blocks of the psychological contract.” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Volume 74, Issue 4 November 2001 Pages 511–541. Web 26 October 2016

Ans De Vos, Dirk Buyens, Rene Schalk. “Making Sense of a New Employment Relationship: Psychological Contract-Related Information Seeking and the Role of Work Values and Locus of Control.” International Journal of Selection and Assessment. Volume 13, Issue 1 March 2005 Pages 41–52. Web 26 October 2016

Jackie Coyle-Shapiro, Ian Kessler “Consequences Of The Psychological Contract For The Employment Relationship: A Large Scale Survey*” Journal of Management Studies. Volume 37, Issue 7 November 2000 Pages 903–930. Web 26 October 2016.