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We humans are at war - with Entropy. The Universe is on an unrelenting path towards Heat Death, and the only difference, the slightest jiggle, that can be made to that unrelenting path is by sentient beings who create things. Everyone who creates things is on my side of this battle; everyone who destroys things is on the side of Entropy, and is therefore my enemy. The only valuable endeavor for Humans is to fight Entropy and create things. Big Things. Really Big Things. The bigger, the better.

I thereby support grand works of civil engineering. I support the moving of mountains, the diverting of rivers, and the parting of oceans. I want to see cities extending beyond the atmosphere into space, far into the oceans, and into the depths of this planet. I want to transform the regolith of the Moon into carbon nanotubes and oxygen, and build monstrous habitats in various Langrange points. I want to terraform Mars into the semblance of Earth. I want to roundup the asteroids and lesser planets like cattle, and harvest them into generation ships to seed the galaxy with the likeness and ideas of humans, and use the leftovers to create a Dyson Sphere.

I embrace biotechnology and fully support genetic engineering. Nothing says biodiversity like having 6 billion people designing new lifeforms as a hobby. I want to apply engineering rigor to the accidental process of evolution. I want to remove genetic defects, regenerate limbs and organs, and perhaps add some extra ones. I want as many different vanity bodies as Imelda Marcos has shoes. I think genetically modified foods are delicious and nutritious. I want to play God.

I support nanotechnology. I want a home replicator. I want to rip copies of 2-ton SUV's and Boeing 767s. I plan on fueling my fleet by disassembling landfills and rainforests into renewable hydrocarbons. I want to own a welcome mat of grey goo to embrace any traveling salesman who thinks I need something as mundane as vinyl siding. I await the utopian rejection of scarcity that nanotech will deliver.

I embrace strong AI, and look forward to the Rapture of Nerds. I want to mix computers, humans, software, and robots together in a roiling vat, until we can no longer recognize the differences between them. I want to be connected at all times. I want the universe to be my network. I am Borg, hear me roar.

I want us to master quantum physics. I want a Mr. Fusion in my DeLorian. I want to travel faster than light. I want us to build time machines, and seriously screw up all known history - past, present, and future. I want to be visited by the Time Cops; I want to be on their most-wanted list. I want to teleport objects, people, and Brundlefly vast distances and violate all known laws of causality. I want to move planets and stars, and use them like tinkertoys to build interesting objects that briefly amuse me. I want to change the constants of physics. I want our science experiments to generate such huge amounts of quantum flux that we attract the attention - no, the concern - of beings in another galaxy. I want only the smallest excuse to show off our small arms, like advanced particle beam weapons, nova bombs, and Death Stars. And when provoked, I would proudly demonstrate the bigger stuff like our negaspheres and sunbeams.

I am a rabid capitalist. I want to own everything. I support big government, multinational corporations, globalisation, and incredible salaries for CEOs. I believe that money talks, that Big Projects require Big Money, and that Big Money cannot be raised through bake sales or PayPal. I think that the military-industrial complex is a good start, but doesn't go nearly far enough. I support robber barons and monopolies, and believe the term "fair competition" to be an oxymoron. I believe that copyright, patents, trade secrets, and trademarks are all fabulous ideas which I have absolutely no intention of honoring.

I find that I occasionally grow tiresome of my mundane plans for global domination and the subsequent galactic empire, so I use those periods of time to fill in the gaps of human knowledge in this embryonic Encyclopedia Galactica.