Misc issues
[edit]- Hertia; plant blocked by non-notable Sonic character
- Carrot Yellow-leaf Virus, ICTV name is carrot yellow leaf virus
- Pterygophora, Cutleriaceae, Soranthera, Egregia, Xerocladia, Pollichia monotypic redirects that should be titles
- Move monotypic Naufraga (plant), Scleropogon (plant) to binomial
- Mandrake (plant) incomplete disambiguation, retarget to dab page and resolve incoming links
- Epichloë and it's species; remove diaresis
- Terpsinoë
- Noëlaerhabdaceae
- Tetraëdron
- Leptoptilos lüi
- Stratification (botany); incomplete disambiguation with stratification (vegetation), label as incomp dab and retarget
- Cybistetes; see article
- Aucoumea; monotypic (?) genus
- Pentaglottis; monotypic genus
- Prioria redirects to Prioria (plant)
- Category:Elsinoë
- Roussoëlla
- Pelagodinium béii
- Amomum ovoideum; junior to uliginosum, and now placed in another genus
- Pollichia; monotypic genus redirect to binomial
- Hemibiotrophs; to singular Hemibiotroph
- Gymnosomata could be moved
(genus) dab term
[edit]- Artemisia (plant); needs pagemover
- Aster (plant); also used as shorthand for family or common name for segregate genera (Symphyotrichum)
- Codon (plant); possibly ambiguous with molecular bio term codon?
- Crypsis (plant); possibly ambiguous with general bio term crypsis?
- Felicia (plant); needs pagemover
- Lotus (plant); retarget from SIA to DAB page
- Musa (plant); just move?
- Phyla (plant); possibly ambiguous with plural of phylum?
- Pimenta (plant); possibly ambiguous with Spanish/Portuguese word for pepper?
- Rhamnus (plant); needs pagemover (plant most likely primary topic if there is one)
- Severinia (plant); needs pagemover
- Umbilicus (plant); movable. Any possibility of ambiguity with a plant morphological term? Need to check.
- Calamus (palm); (and associated category). (plant) and (genus) unavailable. (plant genus) possible
- Triodia (grass); movable to (plant), previous move reverted
Bad use or potential use of (plant)
[edit]- Ephedra (plant); plant product at base title with hatnote to genus. movable to (genus), but no disambiguation to point (plant) to
- Geranium (plant); ambiguous with Pelargonium, base title is genus. Possible to move to (genus), but would still need to swap dab page (with lots of hard to resolve incoming links)
- Nasturtium (plant); common name for Tropaeolum
- Silphium (plant); extinct plant at base title with hatnote for genus; no disambiguation to point (plant) to
- Kumara (plant); common name for a plant in NZ
- Pothos (plant); common name for Epipremnum aureum
- Spinifex (plant); common name for Triodia
[edit]- Cannabis probably ought to be at Cannabis (genus) with drug at base title
- Cassia (legume) should retarget Cassia dab page (some species now in Senna have cassia in common name)
- Cryphaea (moss)
- Mahua (plant)/Mahua (moss)/Mahua; the vernacular name looks like the closest contender to a primary topic (it's in dictionaries).
- Puerulus (crustacean); my bad, should've stayed at Puerulus (genus), as Puerulus is also a crustacean term
- Archamia vs Archamia (fish); Archamia (genus) perhaps a little more clear as to the content of that article, but Archamia article should be at binomial (this case brought up at NCFAUNA)
Scientific name synonyms
[edit]Blechnum chilense needs to move to Blechnum cordatum Euphrosyne partheniifolia needs to move to Euphrosyne parthenifolia
- Nothofagus alessandri or Nothofagus alessandrii? Taxonbar sources have two i's, but one i for Fuscospora alessandri
Cultivars needing technical requests to from dabbed titles
[edit]Plant Caps
[edit]SIA/DAB caps:
- Autumn Crocus
- Black Cherry; Dab page with black cherry to species. DIFFCAPS?
- Black Walnut (disambiguation) (delete and handle with hatnote?)
- Chinese Chestnut (Chinese chestnut redirects elsewhere, probably best handled with hatnote and no dab/sia)
- Jointed Goatgrass (it's not clear to me that this name is really used for more than A. cylindrica; one CRC press book does list it for A. triuncialis (as "jointed goat grass"); maybe hatnote is best?)
- Naked Lady
- Prickly Moses Moses should be capitalized
- Red Gum Redgum is a listed band
- White Aster has a see also that shoub be capped
To move
[edit]- Ephedra (plant) move back to (genus)? Base title Ephedra is also a plant (cf. Stevia)
Move dab to base title?
- Blazing star (disambiguation)
- Lizard orchid (disambiguation)
- Ragwort (disambiguation)
- Sweet flag (disambiguation)
- Apple of Sodom (disambiguation)
- Elk-sedge (disambiguation)
Plant article caps:
Plant moves
[edit]The following common names fail basic Google test unless otherwise noted, no clear reason why these particular species should be at common name
US/UK wildflowers
[edit]- Dragon's mouth->Arethusa bulbosa (Google test useless; multiple meanings for both terms)
- Golden samphire->Limbarda crithmoides (synonym Inula crithmoides passes Google test)
- Plains coreopsis->Coreopsis tinctoria
- Saw-wort->Serratula tinctoria (scientific name passes, and "saw-wort" is ambiguous with Saussurea)
- Swamp dewberry ->Rubus hispidus
Random tropical plants
[edit]- Arracacha->Arracacia xanthorrhiza (my prior move reverted by RM/TR)
- Lava cactus->Brachycereus (monotypic, genus passes Google Test, binomial fails by 4k vs. 11k)
- Mexican weeping bamboo->Otatea acuminata (scientific name fails 7k vs 9k; but common name seems to be particularly subsp. aztecorum)
- Moonlight cactus->Selenicereus
- Saint Helena olive->Nesiota (extinct; "St. Helena Olive Oil Company" complicates results)
- Yareta->Azorella compacta ("yareta" passes, but is it really English? also spelled "llareta")
- Tembusu->Fagraea fragrans
- Bronze loquat->Eriobotrya deflexa (moved from scientific name w/o discussion)
- Fique
- Pink ivory
- Fragaria × Comarum hybrids->× Comagaria (need taxobox, nothogenus category)
- Cicely
Bad redirects (Wikipedia neologisms, etc.)
[edit]Other Caps
- Starburst Anemone
- Solo Man
- Dusky Canada Goose
- Malagasy Mother-of-Pearl Butterfly
- Rich Mountain Slitmouth
Fish Article Caps
[edit]- Boar Fish ambiguous with Boarfish (which is the FAO/AFS preferred format of vernacular)
- Cameroon Logsucker multiple vernacular names
- Ceylon Logsucker multiple vernacular names
- Crying Izak, Grinning Izak, Honeycomb Izak, White-spotted Izak
- Emperor Cichlid; convert to dab
- Goldstripe Sardinella (ambiguous common name)
- John Dory?
- Little Colorado River Sucker
- Molly Miller
- Nkhomo-benga Peacock Not a peacock; misleading name (now moved)
- Striped Raphael catfish; "raphael catfish" per FAO/AFS
- Mascota Jumprock
- Bank Butterflyfish
- Deep-water Cape hake &, caps OK here
- Deep Aristochromis
- Drysdale Gudgeon
- Jullien's Golden Carp, sci name most common, JGC isn't most common vernacular, FAO calls it Isok barb
- Mottled Conger Moray
- Ninespine Batfish & ninespine is FAO/AFS, but short-finned is most common (AU usage, where species occurs)
- Parallel-striped Mbuna (Fishbase has Melanochromis parallelus as a synonym of Melanochromis loriae)
- Pearl of Likoma; caps OK, vernacular most common, but scientific names might be most common in aggregate (taxonomy unsettled, but cichlid enthusiasts who care about this thing seem happy to use one of the scientific name; also, exasperatus cichlid as a another common name (from a potential synonym))
- Prince Regent gudgeon caps OK?
- Prince Regent hardyhead caps OK?
- Starry Triggerfish; common name may be ambiguous (depending on whether stellaris and stellatus are different)
- O'opu naniha: Fishbase doesn't have this listed as an English name. Now moved to scientific name, but a good example of a terrible "common" name.
- Yellownape tripplefin misspelled
- Witch (righteye flounder)/Witch (lefteye flounder); are these titles really helpful?
Herp article caps
[edit]- Anatolian Worm Lizard (needs article)
- Borneo Python
- Böhme's_Gecko
- Common Checkered Whiptail &
- Common Ameiva
- Common Suriname toad
- Dominican Anole &
- Doumergue's Skink
- Knight Anole
- Lesser Antillean Iguana &
- Peacock Monitor
- Plains Garter Snake
- Prairie Skink
- Quince Monitor
- Ryukyu Kajika Frog
- Saban Anole
- Sind River Snake
- Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko & (some mess with another species of Saltuarius being mentioned and also a name for Phyllurus platurus)
- Southern Sandhill Frog & (sort out with sandhill frog)
- Watts' Anole
- Western Bearded Anole
Insect article caps
[edit]- Death Valley June beetle &
- Iron Cross Beetle &
- Stalk Borer &
- Ten-lined June beetle & OK?
- The Herald (moth)
- Uluguru Mountain Grasshopper
- West Coast lady OK?
- Acmon Blue
- Buck Moth & (probably should redirect to genus or be a SIA with H. nevadensis et al.)
- Common Quaker
- Dominican Snout
- Dutch Alcon Blue &
- Gold Spangle
- Grass Skippers
- Marbled Green &
- Pandora Pinemoth (I moved to pandora moth; how the hell did Wikipedia decide on "Pandora moth"? It's not common)
- Saint Francis' Satyr
- Sandy Carpet
- Sara Longwing
- Silver Y
- Sunset Morpho
- Tricolor Buckmoth &
- Venezuelan Poodle Moth; viral internet photo, notable?
- Clouded Apollo, yay, back to capitalized Apollo. Best solution long term?