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User:Pko/sandbox/Silver Library of Duke Albrecht Hohenzollern and his wife Anna Maria

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The Silver Library of Duke Albrecht Hohenzollern and his wife Anna Maria is a collection comprising silver-bound old prints, which was originally a part of the library of Duke Albrecht Hohenzollern and his wife Anna Maria and stored at the Castle in Königsberg (today’s Kaliningrad).

The Silver Library of Duke Albrecht Hohenzollern and his wife Anna Maria was created in the period between 1545 and 1562. Most of the bindings were made about 1555. The collection originally included twenty volumes and currently, the location of fifteen of them is known. Most of them (twelve bindings) are held by the University Library in Toruń. Five volumes were lost after the end of the Second World War, and their further fate is unknown. It is assumed that the bindings of the Silver Library are the crowning achievement of the Königsberg goldsmithing, which owed its heyday mostly to the first ruler of Ducal Prussia – Albrecht Hohenzollern. Compared to goldsmithing in Europe, the Silver Library is a unique phenomenon. It is characterised by high artistic values and it is one of the most valuable monuments of goldsmithing of the Renaissance. It is a unique library and museum collection on a global scale, as we do not know of any other such large collection of books that are entirely bound in silver.

Authors and characteristics of bindings


Almost all of the Silver Library bindings are made by Königsberg goldsmiths: Paul Hoffmann, Hieronymus Kösler, Gerhard Lentz, Cornelius Vorwend, Jacob Binck, and at least one (or possibly several other) still anonymous craftsmen. However, there are two exceptions. One of the bindings was made by the Nuremberg goldsmith Christoph Ritter the Elder, probably in collaboration with Pankraz Labenwolf and the other one by an anonymous goldsmith from Münden in Lower Saxony. It is possible, however, that the latter one was made in Königsberg. Each of the Silver Library volumes is bound in oak boards about 4 mm thick. The books were bound and prepared for the goldsmiths by Caspar Angler, an outstanding bookbinder working in Königsberg at that time. Thin silver sheets of metal with a thickness of 3mm were applied to the board and fixed to it with nails or rivets. Each volume also had two fastenings composed of a catch and a clasp. The bindings were mainly made of silver, but iron, brass and gold were also used in their production. The weight of the preserved bindings together with the prints varies from 3 to over 6 kilograms. Several goldsmithing techniques were used in the decoration of the bindings, e.g. casting, engraving, forging, and in one case etching. The figural compositions on the bindings are usually scenes taken from the Holy Bible. The ethical theme was strongly emphasised in the iconography of bindings, which was the result of shifting the center of focus from dogmatic to pragmatic issues in the Protestant doctrine. Among the secular representations, it is worth paying attention to the images of Albrecht, which was supposed to emphasise the rank and position of the duke and his family. The decorations of the silver bindings have clear characteristics of mainly South German and Italian art. However, this was the specificity of this genre, where the level of goldsmithing work was evidenced by the craftsmanship and not by the originality of iconography. In this case, the aesthetics of the Silver Library is within the limits set by European goldsmithing.



Silver bindings originally contained 27 printed works and one manuscript mainly of religious content, including translations of the Bible. Most of them were published between 1541 and 1557. The greatest number of works were written by Martin Luther followed by Johann Brenz, then Erasmus Sarcerius, Veit Dietrich, Filip Melanchthon, Albrecht Blanckenberg, Caspar Hüberinus, Andreas Musculus, Andreas Osiander, Ludwig Rabe, Elisabeth von Braunschweig-Lüneburg. The vast majority of works are popular Protestant literature of an edifying and didactic nature written in German. Among the numerous Protestant writers, the leading representatives of this trend are represented in the Silver Library. Duchess Anna Maria, who played the leading role in the creation of the Silver Library, in the selection of prints was guided primarily by the hierarchy of theologians prevailing at the court in Königsberg. The dominance of Luther's works in the Silver Library is obvious, because he was not only a great Reformer, but also a friend of Prince Albrecht. The Silver Library was a collection that was intended to add splendor to the duke's residence in Königsberg and not to be used for reading. The ducal couple had duplicates of works from the Silver Library contained in the handy leather-bound volumes which ensured much greater comfort of use.



The Silver Library collection, at first, was kept in Anna Maria’s writing room. After the ducal couple's death in 1568 the Silver Library became the property of the heir to the throne - their son Albrecht Friedrich. Then it have been moved to the private library of his wife Maria Eleonore von Jülich-Kleve-Berg, whom Albrecht Friedrich had married in 1573. In 1611, after the death of Maria Eleonora, the new ruler of Prussia Johann Sigismund decided to incorporate the Silver Library in the Königsberg Castle Library founded by Albrecht. The silver collection was held in the so-called Silberschaff. It was a book case behind a grill in one of the library rooms on the second floor of Königsberg Castle. The Silver Library aroused admiration and interest among eminent guests, which is why it was the object of special care of successive curators of the Castle Library. Even Tsar Peter I visited it in 1711. The fear of destroying the Silver Library caused that it was evacuated from Königsberg several times. For the first time during the Seven Years' War, when it was sent for few years (1756-1763) to Küstrin an der Oder (today Kostrzyn nad Odrą). At that time, in the damp dungeons of the city-fortress where it was stored, two of Brenz's prints rotted completely and had to be removed from their bindings. And that is why the binding with the reference number Ob.6.III.716 located today in Toruń does not contain printed pages. The Silver Library once again left Königsberg during the Napoleonic Wars, when in 1806-1807 it was transported to Memel, lying on the north-eastern borders of the Prussian state (today Klaipeda in the western part of Lithuania). In 1810, the Silver Library was moved to a new library building located at Königsstrasse 65/67. At that time Silver bindings were presented many times, mainly in Königsberg, but occasionally some of its volumes traveled to exhibitions in other centers (Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Augsburg). In 1901, the Silver Library was moved again and it was located in a modern building at Mitteltragheim 22, where people could see the silver bindings with the prior consent of the director of the library. During World War I, the Silver Library was evacuated to Berlin. In 1932, the collection became widely available with the creation of a permanent exhibition at the castle in Königsberg.

At the end of World War II, the library administration decided to evacuate the most valuable collections, including silver bindings, and moved them to smaller towns in East Prussia. The entire permanent exhibition collection, along with the Silver Library, was hidden in the village of Karwinden (Karwiny) near Preussisch Holland (today Pasłęk near Elbląg). As it turned out, this decision saved the silver bindings from destruction, as Königsberg was almost completely destroyed during allied air raids and warfare. In 1946, 14 surviving silver bindings, along with other valuable books from Königsberg, were moved to Toruń. In 1949, the then director of the University Library in Toruń (Stefan Burchardt) at the request of the director of the National Book Institute in Łódź (Adam Łysakowski) hand over one of the silver bindings to the Museum of Books and Librarianship established by Łysakowski. Unfortunately, the Institute was shut down in 1949, and the silver binding, along with its entire book collection, were moved to the National Library in Warsaw. In 1972, one silver binding was stolen and it was not until 1985 that a part of it came into view again. At that year the National Art Collection at the Wawel Royal Castle came into possesion of the upper cover of this silver binding. One of the silver bindings is in the Museum of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, which in 1982 purchased it from an unknown private collector. The location of the remaining five bindings is unknown, but it can be assumed that due to their artistic value they have survived to this day and are kept in private collections. In the years 1948-1976, there was a permanent exhibition at the University Library in Toruń consisting of, among others, selected silver bindings. Single volumes were also lent for large exhibitions in Germany. One silver binding was presented at the Polish-German exhibition Tür an Tür in Berlin (2011-2012). In 1995, 2005 and 2015, the Silver Library was shown in its entirety (in 2015, including three bindings from outside Toruń) at exhibitions organized to celebrate the anniversaries of the foundation of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. For the first time the exhibition was in the building of the University Library, for the second time in the University Museum, which is located in the building of Collegium Maximum and for the third time in the District Museum in Toruń, which is located in the building of the Old Town Hall.

List of bindings

No. Königsberg signature Authors Size
(height × width × thickness)
Year of creation Content Current location Current signature Photograph
1. E 1, Fol. 1 Cornelius Vorwend, Jacob Binck 343 × 220 × 81 1555 Das ist: Die gantze Heilige Schrift, Deudsch, Auffs new zugericht D. Mart. Luth. Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1546, 2° [8], 350; 408 ff. VD 16 B 2721 Lost
2. E 2, Fol. 2 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 354 × 236 × 71 Probably 1555 1. Luther, Martin, Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien durchs gantze iar, D. Mar. Luthers. Auffs new corrigiert mit einem nützlichen Register. [Pars 1]... Leipzig, Nicolaus Wolrab, 1544, 2° [6], 281 [7] ff. cf. VD 16 L 5605
2. Luther, Martin: Kirchen Postilla das ist, Auslegung der Euangelien an den Jurnemesten Festen der Heiligen, vom Aduent bis auff Ostern. [Pars 1] D. Mart. Luth. [Hrsg. V. (Stephanus Rodt...)] Wittenberg, Hans Krafft, 1553, 2° [8], 87 ff. VD 16 L 56172.
University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.707-708
3. E 3, Fol. 3 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 335 × 210 × 63 Probably 1555 Brenz, Johann, **Postill. Auslegung der Euangelien, so aujftdie Sontage, vnd Jurnemsten Feste, durchs gantze Jar gepredigt werden, Zusampt angehenckter Erklärung der Histori vom Leiden vh sterben vnsers Herren Jesu Christi. Nach Beschreibung der Vier Euangelisten, Zusamen bracht vň verteutscht, Jnhalts der Anlegung, Predigen vnnd Homilien des ... Herrn Johann Brentzen. [Übers. V. Justin Gobler]. Frankfurt a. M., Christian Egenolff, 1554, 2° [6] 297, [1] 142, [2], 122 ff. VD 16 В 7821 Lost
4. E 4, Fol. 4 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 342 × 232 × 88 Probably 1555 Luther, Martin, Hauspostill vber die Sontags vnd der fürnemesten Feste Euangelien, Durch das gantze jar. Wittenberg, Gedruckt durch Hans Lufft, 1553, 2°, 12 [the beginning and end of the table of contents (registruni) missing] 166, 155, 105 ff. / cf. VD 16 L 4851 University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.711
5. E 5, Fol. 5 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 327 × 224 × 65 Probably 1555 Sarcerius, Erasmus, Hausbuch Fur die Einfeltigen Haus veter, von den vornemesten Artickeln der Christlichen Religion, darinnen der Euangelischen Christen, vnd der Gottlosen Papisten leren, gegen einander gehalten werden... Durch Erasmum Sarcerium, Leipzig, Jacob Berwald 1553, 2° [10], 378 ff. / VD 16 S 1708 University Library in Toruń Ob. 6.III.713
6. E 6, Fol. 6 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 330 × 221 × 63 Probably 1555 Sarcerius, Erasmus, Ein Buch vom heiligen Ehestande, vnd von hesachen mit allen vmbstendigkeiten zu diesen dingen gehörig, darinnen zu gleich natürlich, Göttlich, Kaiserlich, vnd Bepstlich Recht angezogen wird, zum Teil aus vieler gelerter Theologen Bücher gezogen, zum Teil vom zusamen zieher selbst geschrieben. Durch Erasmum Sarcerium... Leipzig, Jacob Berwald 1553, 2° [16], 232, [1] ff. / VD 16 S 1669 University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.712
7. E 7, Fol. 7 Paul Hoffmann, probably in collaboration with other godsmiths 316 × 240 × 80 1555 1. Brenz, Johann, **Acta Apostolorum. Das Buch der Apostel geschieht Die recht vnd haupt Historia der ersten heyligen Christlichen Kirchen. Auszgelegt durch Johannem Brentium, vnd in C.XXII. Predigten getheilet. Jetzt erst un Deuscher sprach gedruckt. [Übers. V. Hiob Gast] Nürnberg, Johann vom Berg u. Ulrich Newber, 1551, 2° [413] ff / VD В 7693
2. Brenz, Johann, **Von der Herrlichen Auferstehung, vnd Himelfart, vnsers Herrn Jhesu Christi, Nach beschreibung der vier Euangelisten, Jnn Lateinischer Sprach au gelegt durch, H. Johan Brentzen... verteutscht. Allen frommen christglaubigeü, lateinischer sprach unwissend, zujhrer Seelen heyl verteutscht (durch Christoph Rothan). Auch mit sch nen Figuren vnd Concordantzen gezieret. Königsberg, Johann Daubmann, 1554, 2° [4], 107, [1] f. / VD 16 В 7930
University Library in Toruń Ob. 6.III.716
8. E 8, Fol. 8 Anonymous Königsberg goldsmith, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 325 × 230 × 65 1554 1. Luther, Martin, Auslegung der Episteln vnd Euangelien, von Ostern bis auffdas Aduent. D. Mar. Lut. Auffs new zugericht... [Pars 2] Leipzig, Nicolaus Wolrab, 1544, 2° [5], 382, [9] ff. / VD 16 L 5606;
2. Luther, Martin: Kirchen Postilla das ist, Auslegung der Euangelien an den furnemesten Festen der Heiligen, von Ostern bis auffs Aduent. [Pars 2] D. Mart. Luth. [Hrsg. v. Stephan Roth]. Wittenberg, Hans Krafft, 1553, 2°, 59 [=69], [4] ff. / VD 16 L 5618
University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.709-710
9. E 9, Fol. 9 Paul Hoffmann, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 319 × 239 × 56 Shortly after 1555 Dietrich, Veit, **Summaria vber die gantze Bibel, das Alte vń Newe Testament, darinn affs kürtzte angezeugt wirt, was am n tigsten vnd ntzten ist, dem jungen volck, vnd gemeinem Man, au allen Capiteln, zu wissen vn zu lernen, ... Durch Vitum Dietrich. Jtem Unterschid des alten vn newen Testaments. Fürneme vnterschid zwischen reiner Christlicher lehre des Euangelij, vnd der Abgötischen Papisten lehre. Christlicher vn kurtzer vnterricht, von Vergebung der sünde, vnd seligkeyt, Durch Philip. Melanch. Mit fley von newem vbersehen, gemehret, vnd gebessert. Nürnberg, Johann vom Berg u. Ulrich Neuber 1546, 2° [176], I70 ff. / VD 16 D 1644 National Library in Warsaw XVI F.907
10. E 10, Fol. 10 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz and an anonymous goldsmith 315 × 226 × 77 Around 1555 Biblia, ** Spiegel der Haustzucht. Jhesus Syrach genant, Sambt einer kurtzen Auflegung. Für die armen Hau väter, vndjre gesinde, Wie sie ein Gottselig leben, gegen menigklich sollen erzeygen. ... Caspar Huberinus, Nürnberg, Johann Daubmann 1553, 20 [8], 364 ff / VD 16 В 4084 Museum of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn M-904-OMO
11. E 11, Fol. 11 Hieronymus Kösler, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 315 × 227 × 80 1555 1. Brenz, Johann, Heilsame vnd nützliche Erklärung, des Ehrwirdigen Herren Joannis Brentij, vber den Catechismum, Durch Hartmann Beyer, allen Christlichen Hau uättern zugefallen, verdeudscht. Franckfurt a. M., Peter Braubach , 1552, 2°[6] ff. 389 [1] pp. / VD 16 В 7555;
2. Brenz, Johann: Passio Vnsers Herren Jesu Christi leyden vnd sterben, nach Hysterischer beschreybung der vier Euangelisten, in Latein au gelegt, durch, Herren Johann Brentzen. Jetzund... verdeutscht. Auch gezieret mit schönen Figuren vnd Concordantzen. Nürnberg, Johann Daubmann, 1551, 2°[8], 197 ff. / VD 16 В 7796
University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.703-704
12. E 12, Fol. 12 Gerhard Lentz 315 × 225 × 71 Probably 1555 Dietrich, Veit, Kinder Postilla vber die Sontags vnd der furnemesten fest Euangelia, durch das gantze Jar. Gestellet durch M. Vitum Dietrich... Gedruckt zu Wittemberg, Durch Georgen Rhawen Erben, 1550, 2° [9], 302, [3] ff. University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.705
13. E 13, Fol. 13 Gerhard Lentz 315 × 232 × 115 1555 Luther, Martin, Der Sieb d Teil der bücher des Ehrwirdigen Herrn Doctoris Mart. Lutheri, Darinnen begriffen, die Bücher vom Christlichen stand, wider den Bapst, vnd die Bischoue, jre Scribenten vnd Vorteidinger. Jtem, von der Kirchen vnd den Concilijs, vnd der gleichen, Welche zu der Kirchen vnd jrer regirung vnd Ordnung gehören, nach anzeigung des Registers, Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1554, 2° [8], 628 ff. / VD 16 L 3322 University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.706
14. E 14 Paul Hoffmann, probably in collaboration with Gerhard Lentz 315 × 227 × 103 Shortly after 1555 1. Sarcerius, Erasmus, Von Einer Disciplin. Dadurch zucht, tugend vnd Erbarkeit mögen gepflantzet vnd erhalten werden... Jtem was hier bey die Weltliche Obrigkeit, Kirchendiener, vnd Vnterthanen zu thuen schuldig......sein... Durch Erasmus Sarcerium, Superintendenten der ... Graffschafft Mansfeldt, Eisleben, Urban Kaubisch, 1555, 2° [64], 217 ff. / VD 16 S 1781
2. Sarcerius, Erasmus, Von mitteln vnd wegen, die rechte vnd ware Religion (welche uns Gott in diesen letzten gefehrlichen Zeiten, widerumb geoffenbaret hat) zu befördern vnd zu erhalten. Mit einem...Register. Durch Erasmum Sarcerium, Superintendenten der ... Graffschafft Mansfeldt, Eisleben, Urban Kaubisch, 1554, 2° [34], 346 ff. / VD 16 S 1786
University Library in Toruń Ob.6.III.714-715
15. C 1, Qu. 1 Gerhard Lentz 207 × 177 × 84 1562 Das newe Testament auffs new zugericht. Doct: Mart: Luth. Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1546, 4° [4], 479 [=481], [7] ff. / VD 16 В 4440 University Library in Toruń Ob.6.II.4496
16. Qu. 2 Gerhard Lentz 207 × 143 × 53 1556 1. Johann Albrecht, **Kirchenordnung. Wie es mit Christlicher Lere.... Wittenberg, Hans Lufft, 1554, 40, 144 ff. / VD 16 M 1831
2. Blanckenberg, Albert, **Von der Menschwerdung, Leiden, Sterben vndAuferstehung Jesu Christi..., Gestellet durch Albrecht von Blanckenburg den Jüngern... Königsberg in Preussen, Johann Daubmann, 1554, 40, [4], A-Z ff. / por. VD 16 В 4661
3. **Der Prophet Joel durch Doct. Mart. L. in Latinischer sprach gelesen vnd ausgelegt, Vnd newlich verdeudscht etc. Mit einer Vorrede herrn Niclas von Amsdorff. Jena Christian Rödinger, d.A., 1553, 40 [160] ff. / VD 16 В 3864 (VD 16 В 3865)
17. C 3, Qu. 3 Gerhard Lentz 210 × 185 × 100 Second half the 1550s – around 1560 Rabe, Ludwig, Historien der Heyligen Außerwölten Gottes Zeugen, Bekennern vnd Märtyrern, so in Angehender ersten Kirchen, Altes vnd Neüwes Testaments... t. 1-2, ... Durch Ludouicum Rabus... Straßburg, Samuel Emmel, 1554, 40, P. 1 [8], 254 [2] f, P. 2 [8], 305, [3], ff. / VD 16 R 32; 34 University Library in Toruń Ob.6.II.4497
18. Qu. 4 Anonymous goldsmith from Münden or Königsberg 220 × 159 × 28 After 1545 – around 1550 Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Elisabeth, **Unterrichtung und Ordnung, unser, von gots gnaden, Elisabeth, geborne marggrevin zu Brandenburg etc., hertzogin zu Braunschweick und Lüneburck etc., witwe, so wir aus gantz mütterlicher wohlmeinung... dem hochgebornen fürsten, hern Erich, hertzogen zu Braunschweick und Luneburg, unserm ßeuntlichen, hertzlieben son, zu künftiger und angehender regierung... gestalt haben. 1545. 195 ff. Lost
19. D, Okt. 1 Christoph Ritter the Elder, probably in collaboration with Pankraz Labenwolf 187 × 121 × 40 After 1547 – early 1550s Osiander, Andreas, Die gantze Euangelische Histori. Das ist: Das Heilig Euangelion nach dem inhalt der vier Euagelisten, in sein natürliche Ordnung, der zeit vnndgeschieht nach, inn eynen lauteren text artlich züsamen gestimpt, vnd in vier Bücher gebracht. Durch Andream Osiandern. [Übers. V] (Johan Schweintzer...), Frankfurt a. M., Cyriacus Jacobi, 1541, 8° [40], 166, [1] ff. / VD 16, В 4660 Wawel Royal Castle – National Art Collection in Kraków (former University Library in Toruń) 6986 (upper cover)
former Ob.6.III.4495
20. Okt. 2 Gerhard Lentz 159 × 94 × 38 After 1557 – around 1560 1. Melanchthon, Philipp, **Vita Lutheri. Vonn dem Leben vnd Sterben, des Ehrwirdigen herrn D. Martini Lutheri trewlich un warhaffiiglich beschriben, durch den wirdigen Herrn. Philippum Melanchthonem. Auß dem Latin ins Teutsch gebracht,... vnd jtzt auffs neu fleissig vbersehen vnd gebessert. Durch Mathiam Ritterum. ... Frankfurt a. M., David Z pfel, 1557, 8°, 152 ff. / VD 16 M 3429
2. Musculus, Andreas, **Vom jüngsten Tag, Durch D. And. Musculum, Frankfurt a. O. Johann Eichorn, 1557, 8° [143] ff. / VD 16 M 7239

External links



  • Paul Schwenke, Konrad Lange, Die Silberbibliothek Herzog Albrechts von Preussen und seiner Gemahlin Anna Maria, Leipzig 1894. Available online: [1], [2]
  • Alfred Rohde, Die Silberbibliothek des Herzogs Albrecht in Königsberg, Königsberg 1928. Available online: [3]
  • Janusz Tondel, Srebrna Biblioteka księcia Albrechta Pruskiego i jego żony Anny Marii, Warszawa 1994. Available online: [4]
  • Janusz Tondel, Arkadiusz Wagner, The Silver Library of Duke Albrecht of Prussia and his Wife Anna Maria, Wien 2019.
  • Archive of Old Prints Room in University Library in Toruń (exhibition files).