< User:Pgk
//*********************************************** // IceKarma's WikiLinks script for ChatZilla // Version 1.2 // 1.2 by James Ross: fix the normal links by shunting the // word-hyphenator as well. // Version 2.0 // 2.0 By Glen Mailer: // - Converted to new plugin API // - Ripped out a whole load of unused stuff // - Also Made to fit chatzilla coding pedantics // 2.1 By Alphax: // - Added basic template linking functionality // 2.2 By Alphax: // - subst: and pipes now handled correctly in templates // 2.3 By pgk: // - Added a diff template for wikilinks so [[sdfs+newver+oldver]] will go to the diff // 2.4 By pgk: // - Convert full difflinks into "--Diff Page--" link to page // - Convert full version edit link into "--Version Edit Page--"" // This file is hereby placed by the author into the public domain. = "WikiLinks"; plugin.prefary = [ ["class", "wiki-link", ""], ]; // // Plugin management // plugin.init = function init(glob) { plugin.major = 2; plugin.minor = 2; plugin.version = plugin.major + "." + plugin.minor; plugin.description = "Munges wiki-links to be clickable in the output window"; plugin.prefary = plugin.prefary.concat(plugin.prefary); } plugin.disable = function disable() { client.munger.delRule("wiki-link"); client.munger.delRule("wiki-template-link"); client.commandManager.removeCommands(plugin.commands); display( + " v" + plugin.version + " disabled."); return true; } plugin.enable = function enable() { client.munger.addRule("wiki-link", /(\[\[.+?\]\])/, insertWikiLink); client.munger.addRule("wiki-template-link", /(\{\{.+?\}\})/, insertWikiTemplateLink); client.munger.addRule("wiki-diff-link",/(http:\/\/..\.wikipedia\.org.*?&diff=.*?&oldid=\d*)/, simpleWikiDiffLink); client.munger.addRule("wiki-version-edit-link",/(http:\/\/..\.wikipedia\.org.*?&action=edit&oldid=\d*)/, simpleWikiVersionEditLink); // ugly hack to cause the munger to evaluate wiki-link before these rules var tmp1 = client.munger.entries["link"]; var tmp2 = client.munger.entries["channel-link"]; var tmp3 = client.munger.entries["word-hyphenator"]; delete client.munger.entries["link"]; delete client.munger.entries["channel-link"]; delete client.munger.entries["word-hyphenator"]; client.munger.entries["link"] = tmp1; client.munger.entries["channel-link"] = tmp2; client.munger.entries["word-hyphenator"] = tmp3; var cmdary = [ [ "wiki-links-class", cmdClass, CMD_CONSOLE, "[<className>]" ], ]; plugin.commands = client.commandManager.defineCommands(cmdary); display( + " v" + plugin.version + " enabled."); return true; } // // Mungers // function simpleWikiDiffLink(matchText, containerTag) { var reallink = matchText; var anchor = document.createElementNS( "", "html:a"); anchor.setAttribute("href", reallink); anchor.setAttribute("class", "chatzilla-link "+plugin.prefs["class"]); insertHyphenatedWord("Diff Page", anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("--")); containerTag.appendChild(anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("--")); } function simpleWikiVersionEditLink(matchText, containerTag) { var reallink = matchText; var anchor = document.createElementNS( "", "html:a"); anchor.setAttribute("href", reallink); anchor.setAttribute("class", "chatzilla-link "+plugin.prefs["class"]); insertHyphenatedWord("Version Edit Page", anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("--")); containerTag.appendChild(anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("--")); } function insertWikiLink(matchText,containerTag) { var wikiLink = matchText; var linkTitle; wikiLink = matchText.replace(/^\[\[/, ""); wikiLink = wikiLink.replace(/\]\]$/, ""); linkTitle = wikiLink; if (linkTitle.match(/\|/)) { var ary = linkTitle.match(/^(.*?)\|(.*)$/); wikiLink = ary[1]; linkTitle = ary[2]; } var ary2 = wikiLink.match(/^(.*?)\+(\d+)\+(\d+)$/); if (ary2) { ary2[1] = escape(ary2[1].replace(/ /g, "_")); wikiLink=""+ary2[1]+"&diff="+ary2[2]+"&oldid="+ary2[3]; } else { wikiLink = escape(wikiLink.replace(/ /g, "_")); wikiLink = ""+wikiLink; } var anchor = document.createElementNS( "", "html:a"); anchor.setAttribute("href", wikiLink); anchor.setAttribute("class", "chatzilla-link "+plugin.prefs["class"]); insertHyphenatedWord(linkTitle, anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("[[")); containerTag.appendChild(anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]]")); } function insertWikiTemplateLink(matchText,containerTag) { var wikiLink = matchText; var linkTitle; wikiLink = matchText.replace(/^\{\{/, ""); wikiLink = wikiLink.replace(/\}\}$/, ""); linkTitle = wikiLink; if (linkTitle.match(/^subst:/)) { var ary = linkTitle.match(/^(subst:)(.*)$/); wikiLink = ary[2]; } if (linkTitle.match(/\|/)) { if(linkTitle.match(/^subst:/)) { var ary = linkTitle.match(/^(subst:)(.*?)\|(.*)$/); wikiLink = ary[2]; } else { var ary = linkTitle.match(/^(.*?)\|(.*)$/); wikiLink = ary[1]; } } wikiLink = escape(wikiLink.replace(/ /g, "_")); var anchor = document.createElementNS( "", "html:a"); anchor.setAttribute("href", "" + wikiLink); anchor.setAttribute("class", "chatzilla-link "+plugin.prefs["class"]); insertHyphenatedWord(linkTitle, anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("{{")); containerTag.appendChild(anchor); containerTag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("}}")); } // // Commands // function cmdClass(e) { if ( null != e.linkclass ) plugin.prefs["class"] = e.linkclass; display( "Current value: " + plugin.prefs["class"] ); }