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I'm a full time student at Everett Community College with plans to transfer to the University of Washington to go the med school and study to be an Ob/Gyn. Though I take college courses, I am a running start student who still attends Lake Stevens High School. There, I am the president of MAM/BSU (minority awareness movement /black student union. I'm also apart of the National Honors Society and Varsity Cheerleading. Although currently live in the Pacific Northwest, I'm originally from Chicago, Illinois.

Before taking English 101, I never would use wikipedia for I saw it as a completely unreliable source. After hearing about it more in class and looking into it a bit myself, I now see that although it may not be the most reliable source, it's most definitely filled with generally interesting information. I would love to use wikipedia to research things such as conspiracy theories but I don't necessarily see myself being a regular user.

Thank you for showing interest in my page.

Article Critique


Until just a few months ago, I've always called bluff on anything related to horoscopes or astrological signs. A bit after my most recent birthday, I began to look into my zodiac sign, cancer, and after a few short weeks I was convinced that these concepts were true. Although I did do some research on zodiacs in general, I never really took a deeper look at the history and components of all the signs. I want wikipedia to give curious readers like myself detailed information on these peculiar constellations so I visited the Zodiac page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its extensive list of sources, its currency, and its formal or professional language.



Many times that I've looked at a Wikipedia page, the only links that would be provided would be from Wikipedia. Although the zodiac page does refer to many wiki pages, there are also external links associated with the stated facts. Not every external link is going to be reliable but many of them were from very reliable organizations or such as NASA and the British Astronomical Association which are both globally recognized. While I was doing my research outside of the wiki world, I came across many scam or extremely ad based websites which gave me no information. This wiki page has steered clear of using such uncertain websites and retrieved its information from verified sources. If the trustworthiness of this page was based on the quality of the citations, I would think of it as an extremely credible source.

Structure & Completeness


The completeness of this page is quite impressive. The focus of information varies from broad topics such as the early history of the zodiac signs and the place of zodiacs in modern astronomy down to more specific themes like the Hellenistic and Roman era. The article gives sufficient information about multiple subjects relating to the zodiac without repeating unnecessary facts or failing to finish off complete thoughts in certain areas.

Grammar & Voice


The grammar and voice of this article was nothing short of professional. All the information was stated in third person and there were few to no grammatical errors. In addition to the professional language, instead of the page only consisting of paragraph form information, it also included visuals such as pictures and charts from external sources to help expand on topic. The article was also written from a very neutral point. There was no bias suggesting that one zodiac may be better than another or that one cultures discovery of zodiacs was any less than another's.



All in all, I would rate this as an excellent article. The information provided came from many credible sources and did a phenomenal job of covering multiple subtopics in detail. The professionality of this article is also very commendable. All information came from a neutral viewpoint and remained without bias.