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flour composition


flour composition (hbw p67):

  • starch (68-76%)
  • sugars (<0.5%), sourdough, amalyase or sugar needed to be added for yeast
  • protein (6-18%): 80% gluten-forming proteins in the endosperm, others in endosperm (white flour): e.g. amylase, protease, lipase.
  • Moisture: 11-14% (higher leads to fungus, mold, insects, flavour changes, enzyme activity)
  • other carbohydrates: gum (2-3%), specifically pentosans. Absorbs 10x weight in water.
  • lipids (1-1.5%): wheat oil and emulsifiers. Can oxidise and turn racid, leading to stale cardboard flavour, and limited shelf life. Needed for gluten development.
  • ash (inorganic, mineral salts) (<0.6% in white). Causes gray colour. Mostly in bran. For diet and yeast nutrition.
  • carotinoid pigments 1-4ppm. Give creamy colour. Higher in hard wheats.
  • soft wheat flour (weak flour, from soft wheat kernels), typically ground finer, and are poor for dusting benches.


  • most fats melt: 30-55 C. Most microbes die around 60 C. Egg proteins coagulate starting 60-70 C (other ingredients affect temp of coagulation).
  • Starch granules start swelling at 40C, gelatization underway + contributes to structure: 60-75C, gel complete approaching: 95 C.
  • table sugar (sucrose), melts: 186°C (and caramelizes?)
  • ethanol boiling point: 78.4 °C
  • CO2 + alcohol released around 75 C, especially in yeast doughs
  • 150 C surface temp reached quickly once water evaporates
  • 70 - 80 C: most enzymes inactivated
  • Vitamin C "decomposes" 190 - 192 °C
  • Pectin breakdown: 90 C (?)
  • fondant (crystals melt above 38 C and then recrystalize bigger)
  • perception of saltiness decreases with temp
  • perception of sweetness increases with temp
  • aroma typically increases with temp
  • butter, too hard: 10 C, too soft: 27 C, best for working: 18-21 C.
  • 21 C to 27 C - ideal dough temp for yeasted fermentation, although varies. (hbw)
  • 82 C milk simmers and denatures gluten-destroying glutathione tripeptide.
  • dough must be 21 to 35 C for instant yeast to survive (bb)
  • dough above 32 C, undesirable flavours (bb)
  • below 21 C, flour will not hydrate evenly (bb)
  • fudge is "properly cooked" at 114 - 116 C (hbw)
  • 27-32 C, gelatin melts to liquid
  • 34 C butter (final melting point)
  • 32 - 38 C Baker's margarine
  • 47 - 57 C Puff pastry margarine
  • 38 - 46 C Roll-in margarine
  • 43 - 52 C All-purpose shortening (AP)

  • "When much store-bought bread is factory whipped wheat candy ..." - Darrell Greenwood
  • "... the tasteless, colourless, prepackaged substance ..." — John Downes
  • "wholemeal" as dyed white dough with some bran, artificially inflated with by the use of gluten flour.

revist: food cooling (p40 HBW); dough temp (p29 NTBB), controlling gluten dev (p99 HBW); cookie spread p103; dough relaxation (p110);

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