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March 2020

Tuesday 31


Foreign names in footnotes


I like what they've done for the lead sentence of North Macedonia, putting the other-language names in footnotes.

Monday 30


Comparison of Ostreidae taxonomy


Harry p. 153 has a summary table of his taxa.

Older Harry 1985 [1] Salvi, Macali, & Mariottini [2] Comments
Subfamily Lophinae Merged into Ostreinae.
Tribe Lophini
Genus Lopha

Monotypic, L. cristagalla

Incubates larvae (Wada 1953 via Stenzel, Harry)
Genus Alectryonella

One living species, A. pliculata. Rare and localised, from Madagascar to Philippines, Ryukyu, and western Carolines. Type specimens of O. dubia and O. solida are actually juvenile and white-shelled (respectively) A. pliculata.

L./O. cristigalli, A./O. pliculata, D./O. folium form a clade within Ostrea. D. frons is sister to this clade.
Included in Lopha by … Genus Dendostrea

Three species: D. folium (type), D. frons, D. mexicana. First two are known to be larviparous, breeding strategy for the last is unknown.

Dendostrea is paraphyletic to Lopha and Alectryonella. The similar features are probably convergent.
Tribe Myrakeenini (tribus novum)

Named for malacologist A. Myra Keen. Pp. 138–141

Genus Myrakeena (genus novum)

One known species, M. angelica.

Not sampled.
Genus Anomiostrea

One species A. coralliophila Habe 1975 (nom nov) = Ostrea pyxidata Adams & Reeve 1850 not O. pyxidata Born 1778.

Subfamily Ostreinae p. 141

"Those species of which the reproductive habits are known are larviparous."

Mostly tropical, a few warm temperate, Ostrea cool temperate.

"The Ostreinae show a close relationship to the Lophinae in the completely closed right promyal passage and larviparous habit …"

Expanded Ostreinae. Ostrea–Lophia clade, includes all larviparous species, c.f. Saccostreinae and Crassostreinae which are broadcast spammers.
Tribe Ostreini (ex Ostreidae Rafinesque 1815, trib. nov., nom. trans. Harry 1985)
Genus Ostreola
Genus Ostrea


Ostrea – O. (O.) edulis and denselamellosa

Eostrea – one species O. (E.) puelchana, junior synonyms O. chilensis, O. angasi, O. algoensis, O. lutaria. Circumpolar, 35–50°S.

Genus Neostrea (gen. nov.)

Type O. deformis Lamarck 1819 not O. deformis Lam. 1806. N. exigua Harry nom. nov.

Genus Planostrea (gen. nov.) p.

One species Planostrea pestigris, junior synonyms O. rivularis, O. paulucciae, O. palmipes.

Philippines, north Borneo, Formosa, Thailand. Low tide to 100m.

Tribe Cryptostreini trib. nov.

Three new monotypic genera, all larviparous.

Cryptostrea permollis. Lives embedded in bread sponge Stellata sp. Gulf of Mexico and N. Carolina. C. permollis had a small genetic distance from O. puelchana.
Teskeyostrea weberi. Named after Margaret Teskey, "for many years Secretary of the American Malacological Union". Florida keys, West Indies, Yucatan. 16S sequence only. Sister to group containing Dendostrea, Lopha, Alectryonella, and O. algoensis.
Booneostrea cuculli. Jun. syn. Ostrea sedea. Named for Constance E. Boone, malacologist and Secretary of the American Union. Not sampled.
Tribe Undulostreini, trib. nov., p. 146

One species Undulostrea megadon gen. nov.

Tribe Pustulostreini

One species Pustulostrea tuberculata, gen. nov.

Subfamily Crassostreinae
Tribe Striostreini Subfamily Saccostreinae. Though if Striostrea is included, Striostreinae would have precedence.
Genus Saccostrea

S. cucullata and S. palmula

Genetic distance supports S. scyophylla, kegaki, cucullata, palmula, echinata, glomerata as separate species.
Genus Striostrea

Subgenus Striostrea: S. (S.) margaritacea (west to South Africa), S. (S.) circumpicta (south Japan), S. (S.) prismatica (tropical eastern Pacific).

Subgenus Parastriostrea, subgen. nov., p. 151: one species S. (P.) mytiloides. Samoa through Philippines, Indonesia, NW Australia to India and Zanzibar. Usually found adhering to roots of mangroves.

Striostrea unresolved, only one gene sequenced. Clustered weakly with O. denselamellosa.
Tribe Crassostreini (ex Crassostreinae Torigoe 1981, nom. trans., trib. nov.) monotypic Subfamily Crassostreinae.
Genus Crassostrea. Native distribution mostly N hemisphere, estuarine.

Four species: C. angulata, C. virginica, C. columbiensis, C. gigas.

Reduced genus Crassostrea (Atlantic species only). C. virginica, rhizophorae, brasiliana (latter includes C. gasar).
New genus Magallana (Pacific species). M. belcheri, nippona, ariakensis, hongkongensis, gigas, sikamea.

Sunday 22




FUCK. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck FUCK! Visual Editor just made me lose hours of work. Piece of shit software.

Technically, it was the switching back-and-forth between visual and source mode that killed it, but the only reason I was jumping back to source is because VE wouldn't let me add a wikilink with specific spelling.

Oysters again, wikidata incinsistencies


[need to rewrite this from scratch, or maybe I can't be bothered]

Oyster articles


Might be able to use some of this info in our articles.

  • "Molecular taxonomy of cupped oysters (Crassostrea, Saccostrea, and Striostrea) in Thailand based on COI, 16S, and 18S rDNA polymorphism." Klinbunga et al., 2005. Marine Biotechnology. [3]
  • "The oysters of Hong Kong (Bivalvia: Ostreidae and Gryphaeidae)." Lam & Morton, 2004. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52(1): 11-28. [4]
  • "Molecular phylogenetics and systematics of the bivalve family Ostreidae based on rRNA sequence-structure models and multilocus species tree." Salvia, Macali, & Mariottini, 2014. PLOS One 9(12): e116014. [5]
  • Littlewood, DTJ, 1994. "Molecular Phylogenetics of Cupped Oysters Based on Partial 28S rRNA Gene Sequences". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 3(3):221–229. Found that the Atlantic Crassostrea were related to the Pacific Saccostrea: "topology (Mytilus edulis (Ostrea edulis ((Crassostrea rivularis (C. belcheri, C. gigas))(C. virginica, C. rhizophorae, Saccostrea cuccullata, S. commercialis))))"

Wednesday 18


All teh datas


Been trying to get my head around RDFa, microdata, microformats and other linked-data topics. Not that I hadn't heard of RDF and μformats, but it's been a long time since I paid any attention to them.

Some of these I haven't read yet or haven't finished reading.

Saturday 14


Zoo pics


Availed myself of the free ticket and visited Taronga Zoo, Taronga Zoo Sydney yesterday. Rather than shooting the photogenic big cats and primates, I spent more time on the birds, reptiles, amphibians and lesser known or endangered species. Some on smartphone and some on DSLR, depending on conditions.


To do:


  • Some decent binturong photos, but that article already has a good one.

Still to check:

Sunday 1


New reply interface for talk pages



On iOS 9, 10, 12, after I press the Reply button I get "Could not find the comment you're replying to on the page. It might have been deleted or moved to another page. Please reload the page and try again."

mw:Talk:Talk pages project/replying and mw:Talk pages project/Updates.

The NZ macron battle is back


Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (New Zealand) (this is from last month, but noting it here)

Goat mutton


Apparently goat meat is called mutton in Australia? WTH?

Talk:Goat meat#Not mutton in Australia

Supply shortage:

  • Getting the goat: Australia struggling to meet soaring demand for goat meat. 21-Jan-2019 By RJ Whitehead. [6]

Substitution of hoggett for lamb


Commonwealth of Australia, Senate Inquiry into Meat Marketing Interim Report 2008, Chapter 2: Lamb branding and marketing. [7]