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When the day ends


It's 2:30 am. Sometimes I wake at stupid hours of the night / early morning and can't get back to sleep for 2 or 3 hours.

Being after midnight, it's technically a new day (Thursday 8), but it feels like part of the night before. I tend to reckon my days starting from sunrise or when I get up in the morning.

Reverse or forward chronology


Reverse date order seems a good way to have the fresh stuff on top and the stale stuff further away down below. But then should sections within a day be top-posted in reverse time order? Within a single editing session, it feels more natural to just keep writing forwards and adding sub heads as I go. Perhaps each session within a day should get its own "piece".

Subpage structure


If I do this as a single flat page, it's going to get very big very quickly. From the start, I've been considering how to split this into subpages. One a month? One a day? If I transclude, does it bring across the subheads into the ToC?