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Hi! Welcome to my user page on the English wikipedia.

As I am active mainly on the Dutch Wikipedia (as amateur radio operators may have figured out from my user name), I am keeping this page very simple. Besides, I am not that much of a writer about myself, I like to spend that time on writing/updating articles.

My hobbies include:

Main subjects of interest:

  • Medical, with an emphasis on diabetes and congenital heart issues
  • Computers
  • Legal
  • (Air)disasters and emergency services and procedures

Having said this, I do not stop at these interests. And somehow I seem to have a fast eye for small language errors and typo's, which does a lot for my edit count ;)

For those that think they are spending too much, too little or just enough time on Wikipedia: go do the Wikipediholism test!

This user scored 2026 on the Wikipediholic test (revision 296146179).