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User:Paul August/Thoas (mythology)

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Thoas (mythology)

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And the Fates, fighting with brazer clubs, killed Agrius and Thoas.


Icarius and Periboea, a Naiad nymph,1 had five sons, Thoas, Damasippus, Imeusimus, Aletes, Perileos,2 and a daughter Penelope, whom Ulysses married.
1 According to the Scholiast on Hom. Od. xv.16, the wife of Icarius was Dorodoche, daughter of Ortilochus; but he adds that according to Pherecydes she was Asterodia, daughter of Eurypylus.
2 Perileos (Perilaus), son of Icarius, is said to have accused the matricide Orestes at the court of the Areopagus. See Paus. 8.34.4.


And on arriving in his native land Ulysses found his substance wasted; for, believing that he was dead, suitors were wooing Penelope.28 From Dulichium came fifty-seven: [27] Amphinomus, Thoas, ...


and that there chanced to be with him [Theseus] on this expedition three young men of Athens who were brothers, Euneos, Thoas, and Solois.


Just so does Tydeus ignore the lines arrayed against him and the lesser throng, and pass them by in the fight; yet he wounds the face of Thoas, ...


Icarius stayed on, keeping a portion of Acarnania, and by Polycaste, the daughter of Lygaeus, begot both Penelope and her brothers.


Now Agamemnon's kinsman, cruel foe
to the mere name of Troy, Halaesus, yokes
the horses of his car and summons forth
a thousand savage clans at Turnus' call
But the fierce warrior Halaesus next
led on the charge, behind his skilful shield
close-crouching. Ladon and Demodocus
and Pheres he struck down; his glittering blade
cut Strymon's hand, which to his neck was raised,
sheer off; with one great stone he crushed the brows
of Thoas, scattering wide the broken skull,
bones, brains, and gore.





s.v. Thoas 5 p. 520

5. A giant, together with his brother Agrius he was killed by the Fates. He was also called Thoon.



s.v. Thoas 6

Son of Icarius and brother of Penelope (Table 19).

p. 513

Thoas ... (6) Apollod. Bibl. 3.10.6

p. 540

Table 19
(Children of Icarius and Periboea: Thoas, Damasippus, Imeusimus, Aletes, Perileus, Penelope)



s.v. Solois

When Theseus returned from his expedition against the Amazons, ... There happened to be with him three young men of Athens who were brothers, Euneus 3, Thoas 11 and Solois. ... (For other brothers with the same name see also Euneus 1 and Thoas 9.)

s.v. Thoas 1

  • a) Icarius 1 - Periboea 3.
  • b) Icarius 1 - Polycaste 1.
  • a) Apd.3.10.6
  • b) Strabo.10.2.24

s.v. Thoas 4

From Dulichium
[KILLED BY:] Odysseus, Eumaeus 1, Philoetius, Telemachus.
D.-G. Apd. Ep 7.26ff. [KILLED BY:] Apd. Ep. 7.33

s.v. Thoas 6 ROM. A companion of Aeneas.

[KILLED BY:] Halleus 2.
D. [KILLED BY] Vir. Aen. 10.415

s.v. Thoas 7

A trojan warrior
[KILLED BY:] Menelaus, at Troy
D. [KILLED BY] Hom.Il.16.311

s.v. Thoas 10

Defender of Thebes against the SEVEN
[KILLED BY:] Tydeus at Thebes.
D. [KILLED BY] Stat. Theb. 8.696

s.v. Thoas 11

An Athenian. Brother of Euneus 3 and Solois. (see also Solois)
D. Plu. The.26.3-5.



s.v. Thoas 3

A son of Icarius and Periboea, and a brother of Penelope. (Apollod. 3.10.6.)

s.v. Thoon 1

(Θόων) One of the Gigantes, was killed by the Moerae. (Apollod. 1.6.2.)