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My name is Patrick Burr, I was born in Perth, Australia, and raised in Pisa, Italy.

I'm an academic (research and teaching) surfing on the cusp between Science and Engineering. I hold a Master's degree in Material Science and Engineering from Imperial College London (UK) and PhD in Computational Nuclear Material Science from the same institution. Currently, I am Lecturer in Nuclear Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia).

My research interests are energy materials, from photovoltaics (solar panels), to batteries, to nuclear materials, to fuel cells, to electrochemical capacitors. I'm also interested in new ways to combine theory and experiment.

Outside work, I'm a rock climber, a keen environmentalist, and I enjoy hand-on activities: DIY, pottery, woodwork, or at least pretending to know how to do woodwork...

Most of my Wikipedia contributions regard materials science, with some edits in the nuclear technology and renewable energy space.