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Alphabetical Index of Member Schools - Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada
- Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology
- Acadia Divinity College
- Alliance Theological Seminary
- American Baptist Seminary of the West
- Anderson University School of Theology
- Andover Newton Theological School
- Aquinas Institute of Theology
- Asbury Theological Seminary
- Ashland Theological Seminary
- Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
- Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) of Trinity Western University
- Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
- Athenaeum of Ohio
- Atlantic School of Theology
- Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Bangor Theological Seminary
- Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
- Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
- Barry University Department of Theology and Philosophy
- Beeson Divinity School of Samford University
- Berkeley Divinity School
- Bethany Theological Seminary
- Bethel Seminary of Bethel University
- Bexley Hall Seminary
- Biblical Theological Seminary
- Blessed John XXIII National Seminary
- Boston University School of Theology
- Briercrest Seminary
- Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University
- Byzantine Catholic Seminary of SS. Cyril and Methodius
- Calvin Theological Seminary
- Campbell University Divinity School
- Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary
- Canadian Theological Seminary
- Candler School of Theology of Emory University
- Capital Bible Seminary
- Carey Theological College
- Carolina Evangelical Divinity School
- Catholic Theological Union
- Catholic University School of Theology and Religious Studies
- Central Baptist Theological Seminary
- Chapman Seminary of Oakland City University
- Chicago Theological Seminary
- Christ the King Seminary
- Christian Theological Seminary
- Christian Witness Theological Seminary
- Church Divinity School of the Pacific
- Church of God Theological Seminary
- Cincinnati Bible Seminary of Cincinnati Christian University
- Claremont School of Theology
- Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
- Columbia International University—Seminary & School of Missions
- Columbia Theological Seminary
- Concordia Lutheran Seminary (AB)
- Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (ON)
- Concordia Seminary (MO)
- Concordia Theological Seminary (IN)
- Covenant Theological Seminary
- Dallas Theological Seminary
- Denver Seminary
- Dominican House of Studies
- Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
- Dominican Study Center of the Caribbean
- Drew University Theological School
- Duke University Divinity School
- Earlham School of Religion
- Eastern Mennonite Seminary of Eastern Mennonite University
- Ecumenical Theological Seminary
- Eden Theological Seminary
- Emmanuel College of Victoria University
- Emmanuel School of Religion
- Episcopal Divinity School
- Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest
- Erskine Theological Seminary
- Evangelical School of Theology
- Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico
- Florida Center for Theological Studies
- George Fox Evangelical Seminary
- Franciscan School of Theology
- Fuller Theological Seminary
- Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
- (The) General Theological Seminary
- Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
- Gonzaga University Department of Religious Studies
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- Grace Theological Seminary
- Graduate Theological Union
- Grand Rapids Theological Seminary of Cornerstone University
- Haggard School of Theology of Azusa Pacific University
- Harding University Graduate School of Religion
- Hartford Seminary
- Harvard University Divinity School
- Hazelip School of Theology of Lipscomb University
- Heritage Theological Seminary
- Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
- Hood Theological Seminary
- Houston Graduate School of Theology
- Howard University School of Divinity
- Huron University College Faculty of Theology
- Iliff School of Theology
- Immaculate Conception Seminary Seton Hall University
- Institut de Formation Theologique de Montreal de Grand Seminaire de Montreal
- Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary
- Interdenominational Theological Center
- International Theological Seminary
- Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
- Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
- Knox College
- Knox Theological Seminary
- La Sierra University School of Religion
- Lancaster Theological Seminary
- The John Leland Center for Theological Studies
- Lexington Theological Seminary
- Lincoln Christian Seminary
- Logos Evangelical Seminary
- Logsdon Seminary of Logsdon School of Theology of Hardin-Simmons Univ.
- Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Loyola Marymount University Department of Theological Studies
- Luther Seminary
- Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
- Lutheran Theological Seminary (SK)
- Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
- Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
- Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
- Mars Hill Graduate School
- James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University
- McCormick Theological Seminary
- McGill University Faculty of Religious Studies
- McMaster Divinity College
- Meadville Lombard Theological School
- Memphis Theological Seminary
- Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary
- Methodist Theological School in Ohio
- Michigan Theological Seminary
- Mid-America Reformed Seminary
- Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Montreal School of Theology
- Moravian Theological Seminary
- Mount Angel Seminary
- Mount Saint Mary's Seminary
- Multnomah Biblical Seminary
- Nashotah House
- Nazarene Theological Seminary
- New Brunswick Theological Seminary
- New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
- New York Theological Seminary
- Newman Theological College
- North American Baptist Seminary
- North Park Theological Seminary
- Northeastern Seminary at Roberts Wesleyan College
- Northern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Notre Dame Seminary
- Oblate School of Theology
- Oral Roberts University School of Theology
- Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
- Pacific School of Religion
- Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University
- Payne Theological Seminary
- Perkins School of Theology Southern Methodist University
- Phillips Theological Seminary
- Phoenix Seminary
- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
- Pontifical College Josephinum
- Princeton Theological Seminary
- Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia
- Providence Theological Seminary
- Queen's College Faculty of Theology
- Queen's Theological College
- Reformed Episcopal Seminary
- Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Reformed Theological Seminary
- Regent College
- Regent University School of Divinity
- Regis College
- Sacred Heart Major Seminary
- Sacred Heart School of Theology
- Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology of Virginia Union University
- St. Andrew's College
- St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
- St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
- St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
- Saint Francis Seminary
- St. John's Seminary (CA)
- St. John's Seminary (MA)
- St. John's University School of Theology - Seminary
- St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
- St. Joseph's Seminary
- Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology
- St. Mary's Seminary and University
- Saint Meinrad School of Theology
- St. Patrick's Seminary and University
- Saint Paul School of Theology
- Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas
- St. Peter's Seminary
- St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary
- Saint Vincent Seminary
- St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
- St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
- SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary
- Salt Lake Theological Seminary
- San Francisco Theological Seminary
- Seabury-Western Theological Seminary
- Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry
- Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
- Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary of Andrews University
- Shaw University Divinity School
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Southern Evangelical Seminary
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Starr King School for the Ministry
- Talbot School of Theology of Biola University
- Taylor University College and Seminary
- Toronto School of Theology
- Trinity College Faculty of Divinity
- Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry
- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University
- Trinity Lutheran Seminary
- George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University
- Turner School of Theology of Regions University
- Tyndale University College and Seminary
- Union Theological Seminary
- Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education
- United Theological Seminary
- United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
- University of Chicago Divinity School
- University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
- University of Notre Dame Department of Theology
- University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
- University of St. Michael's College Faculty of Theology
- University of St. Thomas School of Theology
- University of the South School of Theology
- The University of Winnipeg Faculty of Theology
- Urshan Graduate School of Theology
- Vancouver School of Theology
- Vanderbilt University Divinity School
- Wake Forest University Divinity School
- Wartburg Theological Seminary
- Washington Baptist College and Seminary
- Washington Theological Union
- Waterloo Lutheran Seminary
- Wesley Biblical Seminary
- Wesley Theological Seminary
- Western Seminary
- Western Theological Seminary
- Westminster Theological Seminary
- Westminster Theological Seminary in California
- Weston Jesuit School of Theology
- M. Christopher White School of Divinity of Gardner-Webb University
- Winebrenner Theological Seminary
- World Mission University
- Wycliffe College
- Yale University Divinity School