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2011-12-10 search Proquest NYT

bridge and morehead (and some other bridge searches)


bridge AND truscott, 378 hits 1964

Bridge: New York's Player of Year Tries Elegant Deception By ALAN TRUSCOTT New York Times (1923-Current file); Jan 1, 1964; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 22

BRIDGE: PAYING TRIBUTE TO AN EXPERT By ALAN TRUSCOTT New York Times (1923-Current file); Jan 5, 1964; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. X10

AHM "has resigned as bridge editor of the NYT." ... "When [he] wrote the first Sunday bridge column in 1935, he was already firmly established as editor of The Bridge World magazine and as chief executive of Ely Culbertson's many enterprises. When the daily column was established in 1959, he had widened his range from books on bridge to books on card games in general, and his work on a Hoyle compendium led him into the field of encyclopedias, thesauruses and dictionaries.
"This activity has grown to such an extent that Mr. Morehead has been forced to abandon his daily contributions to the game he has served so well." On bidding will be reviewed here soon.
helped merge
1930s helped merge USBA and ABL
also US delegate to IBL, which orgd first world championship 1937
(italic footnote) "Contract Bridge" — news about the game and how the experts play it, by Alan Truscott—appears daily.

Albert H. Morehead, 56, Dead; Ex-Bridge Editor of The Times: Championship Player Was Also New York Times (1923-Current file); Oct 6, 1966; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 47

includes "By 1935 ... contributor of a weekly bridge article to The Times. In 1959 this became a daily column which he continued to the end of 1963."

Bridge: A Tribute to Two Experts By ALAN TRUSCOTT New York Times (1923-Current file); Oct 16, 1966; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 136

in the last six months Morehead earlier this month and Ewart Kempson of England
"If Mr. Kempson wrote more words on the subject of bridge than anyone else has ever done, as he surely did in 21 books and in thousands of newspaper columns and magazine articles, it is only because Mr. Morehead covered a vastly wider field."

By Morehead

or no byline during his tenure
bridge AND morehead, 356 hits 1963

1963-1231 - Bridge: A Poker Face Is a Big Help In Misleading an Opponent By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD New York Times (1923-Current file); Dec 31, 1963; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 16

"The result of this deal was unanimously credited to Alan Truscott, who from tomorrow on will be writing the bridge column in The New York Times, daily and Sunday
"The present writer, who has written the bridge column 28 years, has reluctantly relinquished the assignement because of pressure of other duties."

1963-1229 - TRUSCOTT IS NAMED TIMES BRIDGE EDITOR New York Times (1923-Current file); Dec 29, 1963; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 21

(no byline) "Alan Truscott has been appointed bridge editor of The New York Times, replaceing Albet H. Morehead. His first column will appear on Wednesday.
T played Feb 1962 with GB national team, moved with wife and children Nov 1962; he resigns Assoc Ed, The Bulletin, but continues the league encyclopedia work
Morehead from 1935, Sunday until July 1959, then daily (5 or 6?)



BRIDGE: THE CAVENDISH CLUB TOURNAMENT: Second Annual Invitation Event Set -- Field Limited By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD New York Times (1923-Current file); Jan 31, 1960; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. X20

The Cavendish Club, under Sam Stayman for two years now, the Institute for Advanced Research in Contract Bridge. experiments include "methods of bidding and scoring, the rules of the game, and 'the Franco bridge partition', a diagonal board stretching across a bridge table to keep players from seeing their partners while a bridge hand is being bid and played."
italic footnote identical except "... by Albert H. Morehead—appears every weekday."

BRIDGE: PIERRE ALBARRAN'S BIDDING THEORIES: Methods Used by Late French Expert Have Been By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD New York Times (1923-Current file); Feb 28, 1960; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. X10

died last week age 66

A.H. MOREHEAD ELECTED: Times Bridge Writer Is Named Contract League President Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. New York Times (1923-Current file); Dec 7, 1942; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 32

(Dec 6) today elected President and Chairman of the Exec Cmtee, succeeding Morgan Howard and Waldemar Von Z. ... Al Sobel tournament director replacing Capt Richard Baldwin who entered the army, now Honorary Member.


first Morehead columns evidently Nov 3/10/17/24
See earlier coverage below

BRIDGE: THE VANDERBILT TOURNAMENT: Contract Experts Gather Wednesday to Compete By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD. New York Times (1923-Current file); Nov 3, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. XX5

today cut from 24/32 expected to 16
five sessions Thu-Fri-Sat cut to 2
100 deal final Mon-Tue
retired Four Aces are defending their championships inclg this one (Burnstine, Jacoby, Gottlieb, Shenken, not Frey), the first national championship
bridge content, preempts in fashion

Nov 10: occupations of 80 Vanderbilt players 41 + 10 housewives + 29 bridge (6 bridge, 4 wealthy, 13 nominally professional play $bridge, 6 play $bridge for only income

North America - South America will play by radio, teams of US Americans and Argentines; short wave enthusiasts "have been playing bridge for some time", this is the first for experts and will be a free lesson for listeners
bridge content, psyches almost dead
MISTAKEN analysis of one deal AJ7xx K98

Nov 17: Four Aces, outline of their methods

example bid with three-card suit AKQ4 83 7542 AJ6
11.5 to 13.0 4333/4432/5332 notrump Kx or better
notrump bidding divide points by two
slam bidding, rule of Ace and King when responder forces to game, eg 1S-3S

BRIDGE: NEW DUPLICATE SCORING LAWS: Honors Will Not Count in Match-Point Tourneys By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD. New York Times (1923-Current file); Nov 24, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. XX6

rules adopted by ABL AWL USBA cut honors except total points scoring (eg Vanderbilt Cup teams, some Mitchell pairs)
committee selection of 16 deals for Olympic, Feb 4

BRIDGE: AMERICANS TO PLAY ABROAD: Minneapolis Team Will Go to Budapest-- Three Hands Morehead, Albert H New York Times (1923-Current file); May 2, 1937; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. X8

Budapest Jun 12. Minneapolis Grand National final losers by 8420 to Four Aces
more than half of 18 teams declared they would decline the trip, partly because USBA pays only travel
Culbertson team will also go; Mrs. Culbertson is also on the women team

BRIDGE: SCHNEIDER WINS: Austria's 'Perfect Player' Helps Team Capture World Title--Three Hands By ALBERT H. MOREHEAD New York Times (1923-Current file); Jun 27, 1937; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 160


BRIDGE, HOBBIES, OTHER ACTIVITIES FOR LEISURE HOURS: BRIDGE: A HUMAN ROBOT; Herr K. Schneider of ... Morehead, Albert H New York Times (1923-Current file); Mar 14, 1937; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. X8

Herr K. Schneider of Austria Subsidized as a Perfect Machine [wow!]

0307 - BRIDGE: TOURNEY ENTRIES: Economic Recovery Held Responsible for Smaller Attendance--Three Handss Waiting for a Signal Finessing the Nine Game Contract Missed

0314 - BRIDGE, HOBBIES, OTHER ACTIVITIES FOR LEISURE HOURS: BRIDGE: A HUMAN ROBOT; Herr K. Schneider of Austria Subsidized As a Perfect Machine--Three Hands

0502 - BRIDGE: AMERICANS TO PLAY ABROAD: Minneapolis Team Will Go to Budapest-- Three Hands

0509 - BRIDGE: CLUBS PREPARE FOR SUMMER: Duplicate Tournaments Decline in the Heat --Three Hands

0606 - BRIDGE: ON TO BUDAPEST: Three American Teams Leave to Compete In International Tourney--3 Hands Passing a "Forcing Bid" Visualizing Opponent's Hand. Choice of Flnesses Placing the Diamond Jack

13 or more european countries beginning Jun 13

0620 - BRIDGE: SCORING METHODS: System Used at Budapest for Teams of Four Differs From Ours--Three Hands A Real "Suicide Squeeze" A Deceptive Opening Lead Declarer's Line of Play Information by Bidding

preliminary rounds, graduated match points, scale 1 (10-30) to 10 (750+)

0627 - BRIDGE: SCHNEIDER WINS: Austria's 'Perfect Player' Helps Team Capture World Title--Three Hands A Slam by a Double Squeeze Heavy Set on "Light" Double

Schneider and Jellinek "half" of the team
Culbertsons won all preliminary matches, def Nor and Hun knockout
Minneapolis semifinal loser
Sobel and Vogelhofer "evoked much admiration"; featured deal Sobel 6N v Norway

0912 - BRIDGE: SEASON BEGINS: Duplicate Games at Local Clubs Slated To Start This Week--Three Hands

1003 - BRIDGE, STAMPS AND OTHER HOBBIES FOR LEISURE HOURS: BRIDGE: THE NEW LEAGUE Merging of Old Organizations Is Expected To End Former Confusion--Three Hands

1010 - BRIDGE: LEAGUES MERGE: Many Tournaments May Be Affected by The New Combination -Three Hands Trick With a Three-Spot An Unusual 4---3---3---3 For Fun Rather Than Money A Towie Hand

1024 - BRIDGE: LEAGUE'S PLANS: Two-in-One Organization Decides UponName and Membership-Three Hands The "Combined Stopper" Use of a Three Bid A Jump Overcall

trophies for losers or for fifth players

1121 - BRIDGE: RIVAL TOURNEYS: Vanderbilt Cup Contest to Be the Only 'National' One in Its Field--3 Hands Change for $1,000 When Both Sides Err Wrong Guess Made Fortunes of a Slam Bid [1]

the only in 1928 will again next year be the only KO team
thanks to ABL USBA merger ACBL, AWL cooperation, and Vanderbilt cmtee cooperation (move to ACBL schedule, April, from November
Fred Kaplan of the defending champions paid his entry fee with $1000 bill

1219 - BRIDGE: A NEW ALLIANCE: Eastern Tournament Hereafter to Come Under League's Rules-Three Hands

Eastern championships, including Julian Goldman open pairs, George Reith permanent chairman, agree to ACBL rules and get ACBL masterpoints
following AWL all-America tournaments, Vanderbilt Cup tournament, ACBL now has all major tourns except Pacific Coast

BRIDGE, STAMPS AND OTHER HOBBIES FOR LEISURE HOURS: BRIDGE: THE NEW LEAGUE Merging of Old Organizations Is Expected To End Former Confusion--Three Hands BRIDGE, STAMPS AND OTHER HOBBIES FOR LEISURE HOURS: BRIDGE: THE NEW LEAGUE Merging of Old Organiz... Morehead, Albert H New York Times (1923-Current file); Oct 3, 1937; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. K8

"An end to the confusion which has resulted from having too many tournaments in each year advertised as "national championships" is promised in an announcement made last week. The two principal associations ..." ABL and USBA will form ABA (tentative name) ... "Most [national and sectional] contests were competitive, for each league would have its own tournaments and would declare the winners to be "champions". The new league will govern all major tournaments except Vanderbilt Cup and the Knickerbocker Whist Club Eastern championships

BRIDGE: INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT: When Ace-Trumping Pays Oslo Winner May Come to New By AILBERT H. MOREHEAD New York Times (1923-Current file); Jun 26, 1938; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 147

(Jun 26) IBL championship begins today, Oslo. Attendance down for "unsettled political condition in Europe" and "restrictions many European countries have placed on spending money outside the country". Last year 17 countries incl US
The Oslo winner is expected to play the Grand National winner August in NYC

Prior to Morehead


11 TEAMS ENTERED IN BRIDGE MATCH: New Type of Exhibition Board Will Show Later Stages New York Times (1923-Current file); Feb 10, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. N1

also Feb 12, 14, 15, 17

CULBERTSON FOUR LOSES AT BRIDGE: Defeated by 4,670 Points by New York Whist Club New York Times (1923-Current file); Feb 12, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 19

1st round: defending champion five defeated Sante Fe NM by 6270
52 pairs started Grand National Open Pair last night; after tonight cut to 28 pairs
GNT 22 teams played 11 matches with 11 winners and closest loser advancing; others play morning session today to select four more quarterfinalists

FOUR ACES TEAM VICTORS AT BRIDGE: Eliminates Culbertson Group by 5,380 Points in Grand New York Times (1923-Current file); Feb 14, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 5

3rd round: 40 deals. side bet $800 to $400
four teams remain, Chicago the only surviving regional champion

Feb 15

NEW YORK PLAYERS WINNERS AT BRIDGE: J.A. Shorman, His Sister Ruth, Mrs. Greenbaum and Richard New York Times (1923-Current file); Feb 17, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 26

Mixed Teams (24); mixed pair champion selected by committee, according to advance notice, but this article cites matchpoints
Grand National Team final concludes today, Four Aces lead Beinecke by 6500 overnight

April: Culbertson-Sims, 4 articles inclg three consecutive in conclusion Apr 11/12/13

LONG ISLAND GROUP PLANS BRIDGE PLAY: Week's Tournament to Open June 3 in Brooklyn New York Times (1923-Current file); May 26, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. N4

new rules Mar 31; new duplicate code expected before 45th AWL Jun 21
LIBL will award ABL master points for the first time

H.M. VANDERBILT TEAM TAKES LEAD IN BRIDGE: Leads Off Scoring in Opening Round New York Times (1923-Current file); Jun 25, 1935; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) pg. 17

all-American contract team-of-four championship, Skytop PA
"Vanderbilt, playing in his first bridge tourney, other than the annual Vanderbilt Cup competition, helped his partner, Oswald Jacoby, and their teammates, ..." [half of one sentence], evidently a Knickerbocker Whist Club team; teammates played for Cavendish Club and won last year