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User:Onef9day/Sandbox/Yamuna Biodiversity Park

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Yamuna Biodiversity Park at Wazirabad is spread over 157 acres of land. Around 10 ecosystems including 2000-3000 species of flora and fauna are to be generated under the project. Over the years number of bird species has grown from 25 in 2002 to 150 in 2004.



The park's habitat programme started in July 2002 It will serve as an ideal alternative habitat for migratory and resident bird species. It will also be designed to conserve the wild genetic resources of agricultural crops and enhance ground water recharge and augment fresh water availability. The holistically envigsaged park, with an area of 80 ha, will have a positive impact on the local weather patterns and conserve the micro and macro ecosystems.

Emerging as the capital's most visited public place and prominent center for learning and understanding the environment, the Yamuna Biodiverstity Park has become a home for biologically rich wetlands, grassland communities, a wide variety of fruit yielding species and an abundance of medicinal herbs. The Park also comprises a native flora and fauna which used to exist a 100 years ago and then became extinct locally. It further, acts as a natural conservation site for specific group of endangered plants. The Yamuna Biodiversity Park is presently spread over an area of approximately 457 acres near Wazirabad village on the flat alluvial plains of the Yamuna and can be approached:

(i) from East Delhi through Bhajanpura, (ii) from South and Central Delhi through ISBT, and (iii) from North Delhi through Burari. The Biodiversity Park is 15 kms north-east of Connaught Place, and 4 kms north of ISBT.

The park features two major zones - the visitor zone and the nature reserve zone.

Domesticated Biodiversity Zone

The front portion of the Yamuna Biodiversity Park, a 220m southward and 140m northward stretch from the main entry gate with 20-30m width is demarcated as Domesticated Biodiversity Zone. Enclosed by a hedge of poplar, it features plants like Ailanthus, Butea and Bauhinia that have a continuous seasonal interest due to their long flower production throughout the season. The outer iron fencing is embraced by multi-coloured climbers like Jasmine and Quisqualis with the same theme of continual luxury.

Resting Point

Located at the main entrance, at the southward end, are three snack bars, a drinking water facilities and three resting places covered with the vines of Argyreia nervosa, Jasminum sambac and Petrogea volubilis. Just past the entry pocket and to the right is a “Welcome Rock facet” representing the origin of the Ganga and Yamuna and their convergence at Allahabad. A trail further leads to the Bambusetum, the Nature interpretation Centre, the Conservatory of fruit yielding species, the Migratory duck’s wetland and the Nature Reserve area.

A View of NIC Nature interpretation Centre is a beautiful classical building with elegant lighting, a red carpet floor, attractive interior designs, panels depicting various biodiversity levels, touch screens, and visual-aids that provide an insight into the basic concepts of biodiversity.

On the left, the landscaping provides two shallow valleys representing rangelands Welcome Rock Facet

with 10 mounds representing different ecosystems present from the foothills of the Himalayas (Siwaliks) through the Yamuna basin, till the point of confluence of the Yamuna and Ganga. The first rangeland i.e. Rangeland 1, corresponds to an exclusive Sporobolus diander dominance while the second one i.e. Rangeland 2 showcases a mixture of native tropical grasses such as Dichanthium, Chrysopogon, Vetiveria, and Bothriochloa. These two rangelands are bordered by a serpentine trail. The first loop of the trail connects Rangeland 1 with Herbal garden, sacred grove and Rangeland 2 while the other loop leads to the butterfly conservatory and amphitheater. Visitor Area Trail

The amphitheater is an open auditorium, the herbal garden offers a collection of about 450 plant species with healing properties.

On this loop trail one sometimes comes across bouncing hares and has a chance to watch red-wattled lapwings and other grassland birds. The exit of the Butterfly Conservatory on the west side leads to Sacred Grove and the Gene Bank of Petro- and Oil-yielding and other plants through the Bamboo Bridge from which one can enjoy a view of the resident ducks’ wetland and a wide variety of fishes.


Surrounding the valley are the Ten Mounds which illustrate the different forest ecosystems in its miniature form found all along the Yamuna River Basin. The composition of forests, as in nature, consists of three to four layers: a tree canopy that supports climbers and provides shade for the middle storey tree layer and shrub layer which in turn protect the ground-cover of herbs and grasses. Plantation on these mounds is designed on the basis of the structure and composition of the forest ecosystem found in its natural environment. These ecosystems are:

Subtropical mixed evergreen forest ecosystem Top canopy - Toona ciliata, Dalbergia latifolia, Mitragyna parvifolia, Syzygium cumini Middle storey - Trewia nudiflora, Artocarpus lakoocha, Cinnamomum camphora, Shrub layer- Dillenia indica, Coffea benghalensis, Murraya paniculata, Bauhinia malabarica, Herbs and Grasses- Barleria cristata, Flemingia bracteata, Desmodium triflorum Climbers- Vigna capensis, Combretum decandrum, Vitis paniculatum

Moist tropical deciduous forest ecosystem with Teak as a dominant species Top Canopy- Tectona grandis, Pterocarpus marsupium, Diospyros melanoxylon, Middle storey- Buchanania lanzan, Albizia lebbeck, Bauhinia variegata Shrub layer- Flemingia rugosus, Vitex negundo, Nyctanthus arbortristris, Zizyphus mauritiana Herbs and grasses- Desmodium triflorum, Crotolaria juncea, Bothriochloa pertusa, Climbers- Pueraria phaseoloides, Asparagus racemosus

Tropical dry deciduous forest ecosystem with Sal as a dominant species Top canopy – Shorea robusta, Diospros melanoxylon, Putranjiva roxburghii, Middle storey – Erythrina indica, Cassia fistula, Albizia sp., Sterculia urens Shrub layer – Carissa spinarum, Zizyphus oenoplea, Nyctanthus arbortristris Herbs & Grasses – Chloris, Eragrostis, Fimbristylis ferruginea, Indigofera tinctoria, Climbers – Smilax zeylanica, , Clittoria turnatea, Marsidenia, Cocculus hirsutus

Tropical Dry Deciduous forest with Teak as a dominant species Top Canopy – Tectona grandis, Butea monosperma, Sterculia urens, Terminalia chebula, Middle storey – Emblica officinalis, Bauhina variegata, Cochlospermum religiosum Shrub layer – Gardenia turgida, Randia dumetorum, Grewia asiatica Herbs & Grasses – Barleria prionitis, Bothriochloa pertusa, Dicanthium Hetropogo Climbers – Abrus pulchellus, Cocculus hirsutus

Tropical thorn forest Top Canopy- Acacia sp., Prosopis cineraria, Anogeissus pendula Underwoods- Zizyphus mauritiana, Maytenus emarginatus, Wrightia Herbs and Grasses- Vicovestata, Vico auriculata, Desmostachya bipinnata, Climbers- Valletia, Leptochloa fusca, Tinospora cordifolia

Scrub jungle Top Canopy- Acacia catechu, A. senegal, A. leucophloea Underwoods- Euphorbia neriifolia, Cassia auriculata, Maetenus emarginatus Herbs- Tephrosia purpurea, Justicia simplex, Cyperus rotundus, Eragrostis tenella Climbers – Cocculus laurifolius, Rhynchosia minima