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Article: National Women's Law Center

National Women's Law Center Outline

History The history of this center originated with secretaries who were employed with the Center of Law and Social Policy (CLASP), wanting higher pay, an increase in women staff employment, the initiation of a women's organization, and to no longer feel responsible for serving the coffee in the morning. After the establishment of the National Women's Law Center (NWLC), the female organization they created entitled, the Women's Rights Project found fault in a standard company policy. The issue was concerned with pregnant women being deprived access to disability coverage. The acknowledgment of this flawed procedure essentially aided the vote of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The center has been developing for over 30 years and continues to make contributions today.


The National Women's Law Center found discrepancies with girls being given inadequate representation within the athletic departments in school districts including Deer Valley Unified School District (AZ), the Wake County (NC) Public Schools, Columbus (OH) City Schools, the Houston Independent School District and the Irvine Unified School District. With the help of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, it is mandatory for these districts to give an assessment to students and provide athletic opportunity accordingly.

Bib "History of the National Women's Law Center." National Women's Law Center. N.p.,n.d. Web.21 October 2015.

"OCR Resolves Five NWLC Title 1X." National Women's Law Center. N.p.,n.d. Web. 32 October 2015.

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