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I don't really understand the use of this page, but I notice my recent edit features a red number with a minus after my user name ... without knowing any details, I'm just assuming that isn't a good thing. Perhaps I'm not really welcome to edit pages? I don't know. But since nobody's communicated anything to me, I thought perhaps putting a comment here might be a start to ... something?


OK, now I've started what appears to be the Wikipedia tutorial, which brought me to this page. It didn't tell me to use the Edit tab, so already minus one point there for something I had to figure out myself.

Still: obviously I did figure that out, and we can move on to the interests/background. Equally obviously, I'm one of those people who use writing as a way of working through things. Already I've edited a few articles on various topics, including various music acts and movies. I don't actually remember doing those edits, so I must have read some article, noticed it was missing some info, researched what would be the more correct data, and then changed to entry to efficiently include whatever I learned (or deleted extraneous/incorrect data).

I am pretty keen on the Wikipedia concept and presentation, and I use it a lot -- one of the reasons I like to see it be the best it can be. So here's a big thanks to everyone who has made it what it is.
