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User:Oberiko/WWII maps

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Faction Color Hex
Allies (sans Soviet Union) Blue #0000FF
European Axis Steel Grey #3B444B
Japan Chrysanthemum yellow #FFD700
Soviet Union Flag red #BC0000
Germany Feldgrau #4D5D53
Italy Flag green #00BD46
France (3rd Republic / Free) Powder Blue #B0E0E6
British Commonwealth Navy Blue #000080
2nd Polish Republic Light Brown #D5B898
United States Olive drab #6B8E23
Republic of China Amethyst #9966CC
Vichy France Pink #EA979F
Neutral Light Grey #E0E0E0
Faction Color Hex
?? Arsenic #3B444B
?? Tea Green #D0F0C0



Sep 18, 1931 - Just before Japanese invasion of Manchuria



May 9, 1936 - After establishment of Manchukuo and Italian East Africa



  • Germany
    • Reunification with the Saar (Jan 13, 1935)

Aug 31, 1939 - Just prior to German invasion of Poland

  • Italy
    • Annexation of Albania (Apr 39)

3 Sep, 1939 - Just after the German invasion of Poland

    • UK, France, Poland, Commonwealth --> Western Allies
    • Germany --> European Axis

10 July, 1940 - After the formation of Vichy France and Soviet occupation of Baltics


Not organized 2

  • 14 Nov, 1940
    • Japanese bases in northern French Indochina
    • Italian advances into Egypt, Greece
    • Italian conquest of British Somaliland
    • Greece, French Equatorial Africa --> Western Allies
  • 23 Mar, 1941
    • Italy pushed back into Albania
    • Italy pushed back into Libya
    • Allies partly conquered East Africa
  • 7 Jun, 1941
    • Axis retake Libya
    • Axis conquer Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete
    • Allies conquer Italian East Africa
  • 6 Dec, 1941
    • Allied conquest of Iran, Syria, Lebanon
    • Limit of German press into the Soviet Union
  • 31 Dec, 1941
    • United States --> Western Allies
    • Allied advance into Libya
    • Japanese conquer Hong Kong, Malaya, several Pacific islands, Philippines up to Bataan, start of Dutch East Indies
    • Soviet's push the Germans back a bit
  • May 26, 1942
    • German advance to the Gazala Line
    • Japan conquers Philippines, Singapore, Burma, Dutch East Indies
    • German spring offensive in Soviet Union
  • June 30, 1942
    • German advance to El Alamein
    • Japanese capture of the Aleutians
  • Nov 17, 1942
    • Limit of German summer offensive in Soviet Union
    • Western Allies start of capturing Guadalcanal
    • French North Africa --> Western Allies
    • Germany captures southern France
    • Western Allied advance to Tunisia
  • June 1942
    • Soviet push back of German advance