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Who am I?


I'm a Evangelical Christian born and raised in Sweden, working as an accountant in the not-for-profit sector. I'm currently residing in Lidingö, a town and an island in the Greater Stockholm area. I have twice lived and worked in Paris, France and once lived and studied in Brussels, Belgium, totaling four years as an expatriate. I hold a Master of Social Science degree from Linköping University, majoring in Accounting and Management Systems with minors in French and Business law. During my Erasmus Exchange I studied at Solvay Business School in Brussels.

I am currently employed by a Christian youth organization linked to the United Methodist Church, the Baptist Union of Sweden and the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, I'm involved with Evangelical Missions Agency OM International and after local elections in 2010 I was elected an alternate member of the environment and urban planning committee of the municipality of Lidingö, standing as a candidate for Folkpartiet. I have previously held a position as a sabbatical officer for the students' union at my alma mater, and used to work as the Accountant of the Maison des Etudiants Suédois in the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, leaving me with an interest for the Higher Education sector.

While I'm mostly contributing to the Swedish Wikipedia, I frequently use the English version and try to contribute in my areas of interest and expertise whenever possible. My response rate to comments left on my talk page will, however, be very slow.

Lived in (in chronological order)
Travelled to (in alphabetical order, some countries visited multiple times)