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This wiki is about an idea for a character i had a while back. He is known as the arriver noobdahack, i dont have many ideas to add all ill say he lives in a void and can travel to different universes like other fanon and canon universes and dimensions. the arriver favors attacks using knives,he can summon them using infinite omni and colored spells.

His first ability is his knives his suppressed power is omnipotent, his attacks are deadly to anything it touches deleting anything and every being that the blade touches. There are a few beings that can survive the blade. This is his grey magic which is the weakest of his magic abilities if he wants to his knives can delete thing outside his plain an example is the reader. All of this is his least charged form, and by that i mean he does have a draw back, if another omnipotent being were to fight him the arriver would retreat to recharge his power.

Now for purple magic. This magic has his combat abilities enhanced with omnipotent, omniscience, and omnipresence abilities too. This magic is so strong and potent nothing in a humans imagination can survive? But there is a counter to this magic and i wont say.

Omniscience wiki

Omnipresence wiki

The other colored abilities will need his powers charged to a higher degree, the next color is blue which abilities are incomprehensible to most beings in existence including many omni beings as well.