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Mirza Lucian- ancient name eMIRZAda Luck (place of birth near Klausenburg-Romania...) Now I write the story of my life in more than 10 volumes: The name of my books :Stolen not by americans.Stolen by europeans. ...... At 15 years I beat the world champ.At 18 years I beat the absolute world champ ( so I became world champ of all the times) . The great Fridtjof Nansen said : the math is reserved ,is only for gods. My brot.,was champ in holistic way: in sport,in math.science,in art and others. At 12 years I decided to exceed him in performance.. By example my research for skyscrapers resitance was stolen by national institute of buildings research and sold to americans with more than 5 millions. $. ...... Medicine: Successful Cancer Treatment by Hammer Ryke can be understood only in a few years But if we understand the mechanism and its method hypnotherapy (treatment not ),we win a few years He did not explain how heal can But to understand the mechanism of hypnosis only the view of the anthropology can help us. ......

Now I have many research in more than 50 science fields: African history American history Ancient history Australian history Asian history Chinese history Indian history Iranian history Indonesian history European history Economic history Environmental history Ancient Greek history Intellectual history Latin American history Modern history Political history Pre-Columbian era Ancient Roman history Russian history Scientific history Technological history World history Linguistics Edit Main articles: Linguistics and Outline of linguistics See also: Language arts Classics Languages Business English Classical language Modern language Standard English World Englishes Applied linguistics Computational linguistics / Natural language processing Discourse analysis Etymology Grammar Historical linguistics History of linguistics Interlinguistics Language arts Morphology Philology Phonetics Phonology Pragmatics Semantics Semiotics Sociolinguistics Syntax Composition studies Rhetoric Usage Word usage Literature Literature and Outline of literature Poetry Comparative literature English literature World literature African-American literature American literature British literature Historical Medieval literature Post-colonial literature Post-modern literature Literary theory Critical theory Literary criticism Poetics Rhetoric Creative writing Creative nonfiction Fiction writing Non-fiction writing Literary journalism Poetry composition Screenwriting Playwrighting Arts Performing arts Performing arts and Outline of performing arts Arts administration Music Accompanying Chamber music Church music Musical composition Conducting Choral conducting Orchestral conducting Wind ensemble conducting Early music Jazz studies Music education Music history Music theory Musicology Historical musicology Systematic musicology Ethnomusicology Performance and literature Organ and historical keyboards Piano Strings, harp, oud, and guitar Singing Woodwinds, brass, and percussion Recording Orchestral studies Dance Choreography Dance notation Ethnochoreology History of dance Television Television studies Theatre History Acting Directing Stage design Puppetry Dramaturgy Playwrighting Scenography Musical theatre Film Animation Live-action Filmmaking Film criticism Film theory Oral literature Public speaking Performance poetry Spoken word Storytelling Visual arts

Visual arts and Outline of visual arts

Animation Art Design Video game design Product design Software design Web design Drawing Painting Filmmaking Performance art Photography Sculpture Video Art Applied arts

Industrial design Graphic design Fashion design Interior design Landscape design Decorative arts Culinary art Other arts

Fine arts Mixed media Creative arts Art history Calligraphy Printmaking Studio art

Philosophy and Outline of philosophy

Meta-philosophy Metaphysics   Ontology Teleology Philosophy of mind Philosophy of artificial intelligence Philosophy of perception. ....medicine,sociology,psihology,agriculture...etc

After I became a personality I search my name origin. Mirzaim (god of Egypt) means mirza-We.are Mizraim was the son of god Ham son of god Noah. Many towns have his name :Ham burg, Buc.king.Ham (the queen recognized the name origin) Many english words come from name Ham: cHAMp,Hol.ly,Had-to have. The name holly wood means holly-ham wood-wang(chinese-chan,emperor) : holly.emperor. The english word eMpIRE come from EMIR (arabian word for king - emperor) .E.Mir means likE-Mir.za. The iranian god Mithra and indian Mitra have the same origin.

Noel-nephew of Noah...