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User:No Such Business

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No Such Business


There is no such business with the name and address you have requested. Either the business does not exist squat, or exists in a parallel universe, and you have inadvertently stepped through an interuniversal spacetime continuum and accidentally arrived here, in the Human Universe, also known as the Local Universe, where the business name and address registers no match in the Database of Old Souls.

Please head for the search button on the left of this page and search for the business again, or scroll down to the bottom of this page to find out if this is all a friggin' joke...

HAHAHA! Fooled ya! Yeah, my name is Nathan Guannan Zhang, this is my last and final account on Wikipedia, since, due to my autism spectrum disorder (PDD-NOS), I happed to be very forgetful and have forever lost the passwords to all my other accounts. SO I'll use this one from now on only, until my eventual natural passing in Anno Domini 2122, at the (hopefully attained) age of 135. (My IQ is also 135).

A little about myself:

I'm a novelist, independent filmmaker, private musician, trance music fan, jumpstyle dancer (but only in private), future student pilot (come this fall, hopefully), and a pianist. I have written two books (not counting ebooks; print books only), made, er... I believe, er... eight (??) short subject films, and two smooth jazz musical arrangements, as well as some world and instrumental arrangements.

I go to the Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration in Troy, MI, where I am a junior in the undergraduate management concentration.

I have made plans to join the Air Force next year (or maybe the one after that) after graduation because I've always wanted to be a military commander and I've been itching to dogfight since I was five (and since that time also dreamed of becoming an ace of aces). Though now, I believe it is more important that upon graduation and subsequent enlistment, I should focus on helping to win the current stupid war quickly, so as to mitigate human suffering (regardless of whether they are American, Allied, civilian, or the Other Side) and put an end to this war as soon as possible (I want to do that because I happen to be VERY Anti Warfare with a capital A and a capital W and I don't like killing anyone, or letting anyone die. Warmongers should send themselves in first, and then once they're all dead, we can enjoy the everlasting peace that comes afterwards). The last thing I want to see the USA do is lose another war ('lose' depending on how you view our pullout of Iraq and Vietnam) and I love it when the country I grew up in wins.

I also have to root for my motherland, which given my name is quite obvious so I won't repeat the name here, and I plan to do all in my power to prevent war between my motherland and the USA.

I'm not well-known and I hope to stay out of the spotlight, hopefully even avoiding getting a Wikipedia entry on myself 123 years from now, but I do plan to unite the world.

See you all on Wikipedia!