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User:NoSeptember/Federal authorized judgeships

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Circuit

1891 2 1905 3 1978 4 1984 6

Second Circuit

1891 3 1902 4 1929 5 1938 6 1961 9 1978 11 1984 13

Third Circuit

1891 2 1899 3 1930 4 1936 5 1944 6 1949 7 1961 8 1968 9 1978 10 1984 12 1990 14

Fourth Circuit

1891 2 1922 3 1961 5 1966 7 1978 10 1984 11 1990 15

Fifth Circuit

1891 2 1899 3 1930 4 1938 5 1942 6 1954 7 1961 9 1966 13 1968 15 1978 26 1980 14 1984 16 1990 17

Sixth Circuit

1891 2 1899 3 1928 4 1938 5 1940 6 1966 8 1968 9 1978 11 1984 15 1990 16

Seventh Circuit

1891 2 1895 3 1905 4 1938 5 1949 6 1961 7 1966 8 1978 9 1984 11

Eighth Circuit

1891 2 1894 3 1903 4 1925 6 1929 5 1940 7 1966 8 1978 9 1984 10 1990 11

Ninth Circuit

1891 2 1895 3 1929 4 1935 5 1937 7 1954 9 1968 13 1978 23 1984 28

Tenth Circuit

1929 4 1949 5 1961 6 1968 7 1978 8 1984 10 1990 12

Eleventh Circuit

1980 12

District of Columbia Circuit

1893 3 1930 5 1938 6 1949 9 1978 11 1984 12

Federal Circuit

1982 12