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WikiID: Niyouzzy

Stub Title: Flora of China

Stub URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flora_of_China

Flora of China, which has a very vast and diverse topography is one of the most of the richest in the world. The World Bank, in 2016, attributed an area of 22.6% as forests in the country which allows for a variety of different species of plants to flourish in the environment. More than 30,000 species of plants can be found in the country. There are many plant species in China which are endemic as well.

Sections for the Article

1.Plant Biodiversity in China:

China has a plant population that is high endemic with many plant species not found anywhere else in the world. In addition to this the diversity in plant species across the country is very high. This section will be dedicated to briefly defining the biodiversity of plant species in the country.

2.Features of Chinese Flora:

With the vast area and availability of more than 30,000 species it is important to understand the basic features of these plant species found in the country and attempt to categorize them into groups and sub-groups. This section will be focused on achieving the same.

3.Cave Flora in China:

China is a country that has seen a large variety of plant species thriving in caves and has a lot of endemic cave-dwelling plants. This section will highlight the cave-dwelling flora of China and how it adds to the diversity of plant species in the country.

4.Medicinal Plants in China:

Chinese people still make use of a lot of plants for healing and medicinal purposes. The use of Chinese traditional plants has been gaining a lot of interest worldwide. This section will be used to highlight how Chinese plants have been and are continued to be used for healing and medicinal purposes.

5.Conservation of Flora in China:

With the increasing population of the country and the need for more agricultural, industrial and residential space, the need for the conservation and protection of flora has increased over the years. The most important would be the protection of endangered plant species, especially those that are native to the country and are not found elsewhere.

Sources and Annotations

Hosheng, W. (1979). THE BASIC FEATURES OF CHINESE FLORA [J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 3.

This article which writes in details about the flora of China and their basic features will be useful in making references and drawing content for section two of the article. This source is written very thoroughly, which will make it substantial to be able to draw groups and sub-groups for the flora which the section aims to do. The article already has many important pointers about these elements which can be expanded upon and included in the Wikipedia article.

López-Pujol, J., Zhang, F. M., & Ge, S. (2006), Plant biodiversity in China: richly varied, endangered, and in need of conservation. Biodiversity & Conservation, 15(12), 3983-4026.

This source will be beneficial for reference for the first and second sections of the article relating to plant biodiversity and basic flora features in the country. The article is taken from Springer, which is a renowned international publisher of academic journals and will therefore be a good source to begin with. The article presents a lot of insight on the flora in the country and can be used to make several points keeping in mind the points advanced by multiple authors who are involved in writing the paper.

Volis, S. (2016). How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations?. Plant Diversity, 38(1), 45-52.

This article would be the one of the most important ones for sources because it will be used for the formation of the fifth section in the wiki article which is based on conservation of plant species in China. With all the sections that will previously be discussed the conservation section will hold a lot of importance because many plant species in China are highly endangered. The article is very through and covers a lot of points on the ideas of preservation and conservation. This article will provide ideas on why plants are getting endangered, what are the alternatives and how they can be practiced and will be a good way to end the wiki article and formulate an overall through and in-depth article from the stub that has been provided.

Wei, Y. G., Monro, A. K., & Wang, W. T. (2011). Additions to the Flora of China: seven new species of Elatostema (Urticaceae) from the karst landscapes of Guangxi and Yunnan. Phytotaxa, 29(1), 1-27.

This article is important for the final the division of the section because it can not only allow for information to be found on the new species that have been found in caves in the country but will also provide information on existing cave flora. In this way the article can be a useful source for making a well-rounded description in the section for cave flora in China.

Wong, C. C., Li, H. B., Cheng, K. W., & Chen, F. (2006). A systematic survey of antioxidant activity of 30 Chinese medicinal plants using the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay. Food chemistry, 97(4), 705-711.

The section on medicinal Chinese flora will be written with the help of this article. Referring to this article will help to draw information on the basis of which plants in the ecosystem of China are medicinal, how they function and which diseases or infections they are used for. It will also allow to study and write on how and why Chinese healing and medicinal plants have become so popular all over the world and have invited a lot of interest.