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What is Big-Picture Cosmology?

Big-Picture Cosmology is a cosmological viewpoint where the scale of one's perspective affects the place of mankind in the cosmos. In Big-Picture Cosmology, the whole existence is called "Hyperspace" or " Mother Space. Hyperspace is regarded as the realm all parallel universes are placed in together with other higher dimensions. When we use "Mother Space" or "Hyperspace" the focus of our attention is the fact that space has more dimensions than the three dimensions we are familiar with inside our universe. According to string theory space (hyperspace) may have between 11 to 26 dimensions. A universe is viewed as a three-dimensional pocket of existence (pocket universe) that coexists with numerous other parallel universes (pocket universes) intermingled with other higher dimensions. In other words, the environment of a pocket universe by our senses is experienced as a three-dimensional place. Together with "time", a universe can be viewed as a four-dimensional entity. According to Big-Picture Cosmology, every object (living or nonliving) is an inseparable part of space, or Mother Space/Hyperspace to be more exact. Matter is a process within space. In other words, what we call a particle of matter is a constant process done by space and as a result of its innate dynamism. Based on Big-Picture Cosmology, the number of all different universes that can ever be created is finite (10^10^122 universes), but the number of all universes is infinite. As a result, of every universe, there are always infinite identical copies in the scene of existence otherwise known as Mother Space/Hyperspace. The creation of each universe is a constant occurrence that happens repeatedly for always. That means of every object, every person, every event, every "whatsoever" there are always infinite identical copies that constantly come into being. The simple mathematical reason for the creation of the finite different universes in the ocean of infinite universe is as follows: The number of all the universes that are constantly created is infinite, but the patterns are limited. In other words, if you are asked "how many different universes can be created?", the answer is finite (10^10^122 universe). And if you are asked "how many universes can be created", the answer is infinite. So inside the infinite parallel universes that are constantly created and recreated, again and again, there are infinite numbers of "10^10^122" universes. That means of you and this universe you live in, there are always infinite identical parallel universes. There are always infinite identical copies of you. Of every stage of your life, there are always infinite identical copies that are created and re-created again and against infinitely.

Saeed Javahery Nikou was the first person who proposed the idea of Big-Picture Cosmology. The book titled "Big-Picture Cosmology" gives detailed information about the theory. The book can be searched and found on Amazon.com. You can also learn more about this magnificent new theory at www.youandcosmos.com.

According to Big-picture Cosmology, space or a better and more exact term, Mother Space/Hyperspace is a living entity. To materialize the attributes of being alive and being conscious space forms consciousness-producing organs or brains. All the brains are the brains of space. You are space that has assumed your form. Each one of us is a configuration within the fabric of space and inseparable parts of space. In other words, there is only one being and that is the living, intelligent infinite space. Because the infinite space (Mother Space) is infinite both in the spatial and temporal stretch it cannot have one big brain infinite in size. The laws of physics and chemistry do not allow the formation of one brain that is infinite in size. As a result, space has infinite smaller brains whose creation is constantly repeated.

For the formation of these brains, infrastructures are needed and planets where life can come into being function as these infrastructures. The number of parallel universes is infinite, so the number of planets that can harbor life is also infinite. The creation of all universes is repeated in an endless loop. So, all the planets and all the life on them have the chance of being re-created and repeated infinitely. This means you and I are always present in the scene of existence. Exactly the same way our skin renews itself and creates new skin cells to replace old worn cells, the whole existence (Mother Space/Hyperspace) does exactly the same. It renews and regenerates itself always. The process of the creation of infinite parallel universes is nothing but the regeneration process of Mother Space.

It may be useful to compare Small-Picture Cosmology with Big-Picture Cosmology. The scope of Small-Picture Cosmology is only this universe of ours that was created 13.8 billion years ago; while the scope of Big-Picture Cosmology is all the existence as an eternal infinite entity with no beginning in time and no end in time. The whole existence is infinite and beyond the limitation of time, space, and human imagination.