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Developer(s)Sonov Entertainment[1]
Publisher(s)Aeria Games & Entertainment,Inc.[2]
Platform(s)WindowsXP/Vista, DirectX9
Mode(s)Massively multiplayer

Shaiya is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It was created by Sonov Entertainment.[1] It is published by Aeria Games & Entertainment, Inc,[2] The game places great emphasis on teamwork, socializing, and building relationships between players.



From http://shaiya.aeriagames.com/info/:

In the ancient times, there was the Goddess Etain and the three races she created: the Dragons, the Nordein, and the Dumianas.

The Goddess Etain found faults in the Nordien and cast them into the soil. In their arrogance, the Dumianas questioned the Etain's power and authority. The Goddess was weakened by their disbelief , and the Dumianas killed her. Her soul was torn in two.

The death of the Goddess left Teos out of balance and unprotected. Other Gods sought to take over Teos and created monsters to invade and destroy.

When the dust settled, there were two new Goddesses overseeing Teos.

The Dragons hid themselves from the world. The remaining Dumianas were split into two factions; one for each Goddess.

These two races, the Elves and the Vail, find themselves in constant conflict with each other. Age old tensions fuel their aggression. Soon after, the Humans joined forces with the Elves while the Nordein re-emerged as the "Deatheaters" and allied with the Vail creating two factions: The Alliance of Light and the Union of Fury. Not only battling the monsters that still roam the lands, these two sides wage a never ending war over the control of Teos.




New players have the choice to join either of the Two Factions: The Alliance of Light (light side), or the Union of Fury (dark side). There is no significant difference between the two other than graphics. A player must delete all of his/her characters before he/she is allowed to change factions. Many instead chose to create a second account to play the other faction, thus having two accounts: one for the Alliance of Light, and the other for the Union of Fury.



There are 4 races in Shaiya, Although because there are two pairs which are essentially identical, it really is more like having 2 races but 4 different race names. Players from the Alliance of Light may chose to be Human or Elf, while those who join the Union of Fury have the choice to play as Death Eaters or Vail. Humans and Death Eaters are one pair, while Elves and Vail are the other.



Players may chose from 12 class names (although, like race names, only 6 are different, and the other 6 are simply a different name for the same class). A player's choice of Class is restricted by their choice of Race, which in turn is restricted by their choice of Faction. Humans may be Fighters, Defenders, or Priests. Elves may be Rangers, Archers, or Mages. Death Eaters may be Warriors, Guardians, or Hunters, and Vail may be Assassins, Paegans, or Oracles.[4]

Table of Faction, Race and Class combinations, and Class discriptions


Alliance of Light--Human--------Fighter:
Union of Fury------Death Eater--Warrior:
Fighters/Warriors are close range combatants who like to get up close to fight their adversaries. They can deal a heavy blow, and have significant amount of armor, though not as much as Defenders/Guardians.

Alliance of Light--Human--------Defender:
Union of Fury------Death Eater--Guardian:
Defenders/Guardians are the tanks of Shaiya. They are close range combatants who charge into enemy fortifications, while occupying the enemies while his/her party members assist him/her. They do less damage than Fighters/Warriors, but have the highest armor in the game, and therefore recieve very small amounts of damage from physical attacks.

Alliance of Light--Human--------Priest:
Union of Fury------Vail---------Oracle:
Priests/Oracles are the Healer class. They aquire a variety of different healing spells and some offensive water based spells as well. They generally stay back and heal (particularly the Defender/Guardian), although they can be usefull attackers, particullarly if the enemy is fire-based (and therefore weak to water. Unless their spell is an instant-cast, it will be interupted by an attack.

Alliance of Light--Elves--------Ranger:
Union of Fury------Vail---------Assasin:
Rangers/Assassins are the stealth class. They can hide themselves and sneak up close to the enemy and ambush the enemy.

Alliance of Light--Elves--------Archer:
Union of Fury------Death Eater--Hunter:
Archers/Hunters are the ranged class. They stand back, and fire at their adversaries from afar. An Archer's/Hunter's damage is penalized (I believe halved, though confirmation is necessary) if he/she is shooting at a target at close range.

Alliance of Light--Elves--------Mage:
Union of Fury------Vail---------Pagan:
Mages/Pagans are the mage class. They gain a variety of offensive spells. Their spells may be any element other than water, so they may be fire, earth, or wind.

All descriptions for the professions were taken from the Aeria Games Shaiya Website and the Aeria Games's forums.[6] [7]

Difficulty Modes


Shaiya consists of 4 difficulty modes: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Ultimate.

  • [Least exp needed to level.]
  • [Significantly Limited Skills (no Special Skills, Hard Mode Skills, or Ultimate Mode skills unavailable]
  • [Level Limit of 30]
  • [Inability to use certain equipment/weapons]
  • [5 ability points per level]
  • [3 skill points per level]
  • [Available at start]


  • [Second lowest exp needed to level.]
  • [Limited Skills (Hard Mode Skills, or Ultimate Mode skills unavailable]
  • [Level Limit of 70]
  • [5 ability points per level]
  • [3 skill points per level]
  • [Available at start]


  • [Second highest exp needed to level.]
  • [Slightly Limited Skills (Ultimate Mode skills unavailable)]
  • [Level Limit of 70]
  • [7 ability points per level]
  • [4 skill points per level]
  • [Must Reach Lev 40 on Normal Mode to Activate]


  • [Most exp needed to level.]
  • [All Skills Available]
  • [Level Limit of 70]
  • [9 ability points per level]
  • [5 skill points per level]
  • [If you die, and are not resurected (either by cash shop item, or priest's/oracle's level 2 or greater resurection spell within 3 minutes, your character is deleted]
  • [Must Reach Lev 40 on Hard Mode to Activate]


Ability Points


While some classes may benefit most from a certain ability, each ability can be helpful to any class. The abilities available are as follow:



Skills are available at certain levels. Skill upgrades are available several levels later. Ex. Guardians may attain the skill Physical Defence. Level 1 Physical Defense may be obtained at character level 1, Level 2 Physical Defense may be obtained at character level 28, and level 3 Physical Defense may be obtained at character level 49. All classes gain skills which benefit their playing style, and all have at least one party skill.

Chat System


The game offers the following chat modes:

Normal – Regular chat that broadcasts to any players within listening distance. Whisper – This is a direct chat to another player. You will have to enter the player’s character name and then the message you would like to send. Party – This message will only be heard by members of your party. Guild – This message will only be heard by members of your guild. Trades – This is used when you would like to broadcast messages concerning the buying, selling or trading of items. *Note: Until you reach level 11, you will not be able to talk on Trades chat. [9] [10]

A quick computer tip - If you want to invite someone who is on the same map as you but not next to you, type /party then enter the persons name. For example /party jamie123 and then the player will be requested to join your party.

Colors of text mean a lot in Shaiya, as do colors of monsters and players name. The colors of text don't change much, but here are what the few colors mean: Gray - Simple chat that show to everyone in your vicinity Tan - Trade chat, often used as a simple global chat, not just for trade Green - Various system messages (correct me if this is not green) Light Green - Party chat, only members of your current party/team can see this. Pale Red - Whisper or private messege, only the sender and receiver can see it. Red - Yelling, only the people on the same can see this chat. (correction may be needed) Pale Purple - Guild Chat, only your current guild (not party) can see this. [11]



Users may use a point-and-click movement, or use the wasd keys to move.[12]



Shaiya, uses a point and click aproach for fighting. Select the enemy, and cast a spell (or click again on it to whack it). Also the (~) or (`) key targets the enemy. [13]

The colors of the name of monsters mean even more than chat colors. Each color shows how much stronger the monster is than you, they are as follows: White - Way too easy, I mean, it's like paper against a rifle. No EXP given Light Blue - Way too easy, not as bad as white though. Bad exp Dark Blue - Easier than most. Poor exp Green - Somewhat average. fair exp Yellow - Medium strength, they're the best to train on . Decent exp. Orange - Harder, they seem to be much harder to fight, you'll nearly never win. Nice exp. Red - These can be beat if you try hard enough, and they don't one hit you, although it is better to just run on past them. Good exp. Purple - These things will kill in one hit. They are much stronger than you. Very good exp. Grey - Suicide! You like life? Don't even look at one of these, they'll kill you tenfold in one stare. No EXP is given for killing one. [14]

Faction PvP


Shaiya has several battle-fields in which players from Opposing Factions are engaged in a never-ending conflict. There are various maps for different level ranges. The level ranges for the various Faction PvP maps are: 1-15, 20-30, 40+.

PvP Challenges


At any point, a player may issue a challenge to another player within the same faction who is near him/her. If the challenged player does not respond within 10 seconds, the challenge is automatically rejected. [15]

Notes and references
