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Sultan ul Arifeen
سلطان العارفین
Shrine of Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo
Born17 January 1630
Died1 March 1691
Other namesSultan Bahoo
Known forSufism, poetry, Sarwari Qadiri Sufi order
TitleBahu(with God) and Faani fi'llahi (Annihilated in God)

Sultan-ul-Arifeen Punjabi: سلطان العارفینis the title used exclusively for Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. He is the most pre-eminent famous saint of the subcontinent to date. Sultan refers to the king or leader whereas Arifeen is derived from its singular Arif which literally means the perfect knower of Allah. Hence, Sultan-ul-Arifeen means the King of the Knowers of Allah and it is proved time in time by many sufis as well as scholars that Sultan Bahoo was already with Allah since his birth as his name literally suggests.” Ba-hoo” means “with Allah”. As the title denotes his elevated status so does the following information about him.



Sultan-ul-Arifeen is the direct descendent of Hazrat Ali who was the cousin of Muhammad pbuh through the Awan (tribe). His ancestry is linked directly to Ameer Shah who was the son of Qutb Shah. Sultan-ul-Arifeen was born on the 1st Jamadi-us-Sani/Jumada al-Thani in 1039 Hijri / 17th January 1630 AD in Shorekot, Jhang district. This was the time of the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Sultan-ul-Arifeen was named “Bahoo” by his virtuous and pious mother Bibi Raasti. The name Bahoo literally means “with God”. According to Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan “Bahoo’s mother named him Bahoo because he always remains with Hoo. Thousands of praises for the mother of Bahoo. Bahoo, who is the son of Bibi Raasti, finds pleasure only in the Zikr of ‘Ya Hoo’.”



Belong to the Qadri Sufi Order, Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sultan Bahoo initiated his own offshoot-Sarwari Qadiri. Although Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani died long before the birth of Sultan-ul-Arifeen, it has been testified in a number of books and poetry that Sultan Bahoo took Mohi-ud-Din Abdul Qadir Jilani as his spiritual master. Most Sufis believe that Abdul Qadir Jilani has significant role in the mystic world and that all the sufi orders and saints are indebted to him in some way or other. Sultan Bahoo’s education began from his early stages from his mother, Mai Rasti, who was a pious and God-fearing lady. She advised her son to seek spiritual guidance from Hazrat Shah Habib Gilani. His shrine is in Baghdad Sharif near Abdul Hakim tehsil Mian Channu district Khanewal, Punjab, Pakistan. Sultan-ul-Arifeen moved to Delhi for further guidance under Sheikh Abdul Rehman al Qadri. Soon, Sheikh Abdul Rehman al Qadri realized he could not add anything more to Sultan-ul-Arifeen's knowledge as he already knew more than him so Sultan-ul-Arifeen moved back to his familiar surroundings. Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo says, "Although, I have not got worldly education but spiritual knowledge has sanctified me so much that all the knowledge is absorbed in my body and mind.” In his book Ain-ul-Faqr, he says: “I did not get worldly education like Prophet Muhammad but I have got such spiritual and Divine Knowledge due to the heavenly experiences, that a lot of books are required to express it...I could not find time to get education due to excess of revelations and effects The Divine Self Disclosures and neither had I ever done excessive prayers or mystic exercises.”



Sultan-ul-Arifeen's greatest struggle was his search that can be divided into two parts: his search for a perfect Murshid and his search for a secret-keeper. He writes in his books: “I searched for a Murshid for thirty years but in vain.” He had already sworn spiritual allegiance upon the hands of Muhammad but his mother told him that outward oath is also necessary. He travelled long distances in search of the Perfect Murshid and met many saints and dervishes but none could fulfill his desire. Then he heard about Shah Habib Allah Qadri Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh who belonged to the progeny of Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, and lived in Garh Baghdad (Mian Channu, district Khanewal, Punjab Pakistan) a village near Ravi River. Sultan-ul-Arifeen went to Garh Baghdad to meet him. Shaikh Habib said, "What could I tell you? I do not have what you desire. You can get your destiny from Hazrat Abdul Rehman Jilani Qadri who is in Dehli.”

It is also said that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ordered Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo/Bahu, after completing his inward training, to swear allegiance upon the hands of Syed Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi. Sultan-ul-Arifeen immediately set for Dehli to obey this order. Sultan-ul-Arifeen met Shaikh Abdul Rehman Jilani on Friday, 29 Ziqa'ad 1078 Hijri (11 May 1668). The Shaikh took him in privacy. Sultan-ul-Arifeen received his eternal destiny in the form of Ism-e-Allah Zaat in only one meeting with his Murshid. He found everything he wanted and returned replete and brimful with the emotions to benefit people with this favour and benevolence. Further, Sultan-ul-Arifeen spent all his life wandering in streets and cities searching for the Seekers of Allah and taking them to the Divine Oneness, as he was ordered from the court of Muhammad to do the duty of guiding people towards God.



Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh had four wives: 1. One of his wives belonged to the family of Hazrat Makhdoom Burhan-ud-Din Ahmad resident of Langar Makhdoom Wala, District Jhang. 2. His second wife belonged to the outer circles of his family of Awans. 3. The third wife was also his close relative. His fourth wife belonged to a Hindu money lender family, who accepted Islam at the hands of Sultan-ul-Arifeen, before he married her.



According to Manaqib-e-Sultani [1]: 12  Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan-ul-Faqr Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh had eight sons. Their names are:

1.Hazrat Sultan Noor Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

2.Hazrat Sultan Wali Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

3.Hazrat Sultan Latif Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

4.Hazrat Sultan Saleh Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

5.Hazrat Sultan Ishaq Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

6.Hazrat Sultan Fateh Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

7.Hazrat Sultan Sharif Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

8.Hazrat Sultan Hayat Mohammad Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh

Doctor Sultan Altaf Ali writes in Miraat-e-Sultani, Bahoo Nama Kamil that he also had a daughter by the name of Mai Rehmat Khatoon.

Spiritual Order


Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo followed the “Sarwari Qadri way.” In almost all of his books he has declared himself “Qadri” and has explained the excellence and Spiritual Beneficence of Head of all saints Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani from whom this order continues. Sultan-ul-Arifeen has discussed two off shoots of the Qadri way, Sarwari Qadri and Zahidi Qadri. He belonged to the former. Sultan-ul-Arifeen named Qadri order as “Sarwari Qadri” after he took oath of allegiance directly at the hands of Hazrat Muhammad Sall’Allahu Alayhi Wa’alihi Wasallam and got Beneficence from Ghaus-ul-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Sultan-ul-Arifeen declares Sarwari Qadiri way the actual and perfect Qadri way. This way flourished in the Subcontinent due to Sultan-ul-Arifeen.

Spiritual Lineage


The complete spiritual lineage (silsila) of Sultan Bahu is as follows:

  • Muhammad pbuh
  • Ali Ibn e Abi Talib
  • Imam Khawaja Hassan Basri Razi / Hasan of Basra
  • Shah Habib Al Ajami
  • Shaikh Daud Tai
  • Sultan Maruf Karkhi
  • Shaikh Sir'ri Saqti
  • Syed-Ut-Taifah Shaikh Junayd Baghdadi
  • Shaikh Jafar Abu Bakr Shibli
  • Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Hars Bin Asad Tameemi
  • Shaikh Abu-al-Fazal Abdul Wahid Tameemi
  • Shaikh Mohammad Yousaf Abu-al-Farrah Turtoosi
  • Shaikh Abu-Al-Hassan Ali Bin Mohammad Qureshi Hankari
  • Abu Saeed Mubarak Makhzoomi
  • Ghaus-ul-Aazam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani
  • Shaikh Taj-ud-Din Abu Bakr Syed Abdul Razaq Jilani
  • Shaikh Syed Abdul Jabar Jilani
  • Shaikh Syed Mohammad Sadiq Yahya
  • Shaikh Syed Najm-ud-Din Burhan Puri
  • Shaikh Syed Abdul Fattah
  • Shaikh Syed Abdul Sattar
  • Shaikh Syed Abdul Baqqa

Shaikh Syed Abdul Jaleel Shaikh Syed Abdul Rehman Jillani Dehlvi (Dhhli) Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sakhi Sultan Bahoo / Sultan Bahu

Literary Works


The actual number of books written by Sultan-ul-Arifeen is not certain. According to tradition, he is supposed to have authored over one hundred and forty works and treatises. The following is a list of the important works of Sultan-ul-Arifeen that still exist today, and can be traced back to him with credibility.

  • Abiyaat-e-Bahoo
  • Risala-e-Ruhi or Risala Roohi Sharif [1]
  • Sultan-ul-Waham [2]
  • Nurul Huda (Kalaan)
  • Nurul Huda (Khurd)
  • Aql Baidaar
  • Mahq-ul-Fuqar (Kalaan)
  • Mahq-ul-Fuqar (Khurd)
  • Aurang-Shaahi
  • Jami-il-Asraar
  • Taufiq-Hedaayat
  • Kaleed Tauheed (Kalaan)
  • Kaleed Tauheed (Khurd)
  • Ainul Faqr
  • Shamsul Arifeen
  • Magzane Faiz
  • Asrare Qaderi
  • Kaleed Jannat
  • Muhqamul Fuqar (Kalaan)
  • Muhqamul Fuqar (Khurd)
  • Majaalis-tun Nabi
  • Muftahul Arifeen
  • Hujjatul Asraar
  • Jannatul Firdaus
  • Kash-ful Asraar
  • Muhabbatul Asraar
  • Panj Ganj
  • Fazlul Laqa



Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo died at the age of 63 years on Thursday 1st Jamadi-us-Sani 1102 Hijri (1 March 1691 A.D) at the time of Asr prayer. Sultan Mohammad Nawaz says that Prophet Muhammad pbuh spent 63 years in this world, similary, Sultan-ul-Arifeen also spent the same period of time in this world. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh said, while he was talking about the birth and death date of Sultan-ul-Arifeen "His age was exactly 63 years in accordance with the age of Hazoor Alayh Salat-o-Wasalam. Neither a day more nor less. His date of birth and death are the same". Sultan Hamid has not mentioned the date of birth of Sultan-ul-Arifeen in Manqib-e-Sultani, but writes that he died on the night of Friday 1st Jamadi-us-Sani 1102 Hijri.

Urs/ Death Anniversary


The shrine of Sultan-ul-Arifeen located in Garh Maharaja [2] , Punjab, was originally built on his grave but it had to be moved twice when the Chenab River changed its course. It is a popular Sufi shrine, and the annual urs festival commemorating his death is celebrated with great fervour. The urs festival is celebrated every year on the first Thursday of Jamadi-us-Sani/Jumada al-Thani. People come from far off places to join the celebrations. Sultan-ul-Arifeen used to hold the urs of the martyrs of Karbala every year in Muharram from 1st till 10th. This tradition is still carried on. The urs festival is also held during the month of Muharram. Every year, thousands of pilgrims visit the shrine during the first 10 days of Muharram, while in the last three days their number reaches to lacs. In this way, two big congregations are held every year, at his shrine, where thousands of people are benefited.

See also


Further reading

  1. ^ Sult̤ān Bāhū (1998). Death Before Dying: The Sufi Poems of Sultan Bahu. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-92046-0.
  2. ^ Sadia Dehlvi. Sufism: Heart of Islam. HarperCollins Publishers. pp. 185–. ISBN 978-93-5029-448-2.