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P. Mohamed Nawaz

Mohamed Nawaz, is a student of Islamic Science and Jurisprudence and a student Automotive Mechanic and Electronics at the MITD.

He went to a state secondary school in Plaine Wilhems, Mauritius and there after went to study mechanical courses.

His Journey to Islamic Knowledge started at an early age of 9 years. He studied under his first teacher, the Qaidah thereafter he went to study further in a mosque under a second teacher, then he went to study under a third teacher in a khanka the Quran recitation, thereafter he went to study with a forth teacher in another Madrassa the Urdu language and the Quran, then in the same institution under another teacher he studied part of Islamic jurisprudence and the the Tajweed and Quran recitation then he left at the age of 13 to pursue higher education in School then another journey start for him at the age of 16,where he met another Teacher, who encourages him to study Islam again. He started once again under his sixth teacher, once again the Qaidah, Tahweed, the Quran and jurisprudence known as Fiqh.

According to some sources he also studied Uloom ul Hadith and six month later he joined an Islamic Course. That's when his main journey of becoming a Talab Ilm Start at the age of 17.He studied Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Uloom ul Quran, history of Islam and much more.

From other sources we found out he is studying more including the Arabic language and more Islamic Science.

He is 19 years old and he studied many Islamic Principles. He is still studying in his country, Mauritius Island.

He follows the school of thoughts of Imam Abu Hanifa but sometimes he seems to be following the School of Imam Shafi'i

and according to other sources he seems to be a Deobandi or a Sufi but he does not follow any tareeqah "ways" or any saint but from some sources we found that he says, he walk in the path of Al Ghazali and he has many favorite Scholars including Ibn Rajab, Ibn Qayyim, Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Zakarriya kandhlewi, An Nawawi, Ibn Hajjar and the Four Mujtahid Imams namely Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi'i, Ahmad. Most of his information can be found on his personal Instagram.