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User:Navy Smart/03 14

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  • 1863 - A squadron of ships led by Rear Adm. David G. Farragut passes the heavy batteries at Port Hudson, La., to establish blockade of Red River supply lines during the Civil War. USS Mississippi becomes grounded, catches fire and blows up, killing 64.
  • 1929 - During the Elba, Ala., flooding, Navy planes from Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., make 113 flights carrying relief supplies and conducting rescues to flooded towns in southern Alabama and western Florida.
  • 1945 - USS Cotten (DD 669) and USS Dortch (DD 670) sink the Japanese guardboats Futa Maru and No.17 Kaiko Maru off the Bonin Islands.
  • 1945 - During the Battle for Iwo Jima, Marine Pvt. George Phillips and Pvt. Franklin E. Sigler each perform acts of conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life. Both are awarded Medals of Honors, Phillips receives his posthumously.
  • 1945 - USS Bream (SS 243) sinks the Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Kihin Maru in the Java Sea, south of Borneo. Also on this date, USS Trepang (SS 412) sinks the Japanese guardboat Kaiko Maru off Inubo Saki, Japan.
  • 1964 - USS Sacramento (AOE 1) is commissioned at Seattle, Wash. She is the first-of-class Combat Supply Ship that combines the characteristics of an oiler, ammunition and supply ship.

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