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  1. V. R. Coss House
  2. V. R. Means House
  3. V.R. Harris House
  4. VFW Club
  5. Vacaville Town Hall
  6. Vachel Lindsay House
  7. Vachina Apartments-California Apartments
  8. Vagabond Motel
  9. Vaiden High School
  10. Vail Hotel
  11. Vail site
  12. Vail-Leavitt Music Hall
  13. Vaile Mansion
  14. Vail–Trust House
  15. Val Verde (Montecito, California)
  16. Val Verde Hotel
  17. Valasco Farr House
  18. Valcour Bay
  19. Valdese Elementary School
  20. Valdez Trail-Copper Bluff Segment
  21. Valdosta Commercial Historic District
  22. Vale Bridge
  23. Vale Cemetery and Vale Park
  24. Vale Drug Store
  25. Vale Hotel and Grand Opera House
  26. Vale School-Community House
  27. Valencia (Ridgeway, South Carolina)
  28. Valencia Court Apartments
  29. Valencia Hall
  30. Valencia Hotel and Arcade
  31. Valencia Subdivision Residential District
  32. Valentia (Hagerstown, Maryland)
  33. Valentin Blatz Brewing Company
  34. Valentin Blatz Brewing Company Office Building
  35. Valentine Building (Juneau, Alaska)
  36. Valentine Leight General Store
  37. Valentine Public School
  38. Valentine School (Chicopee, Massachusetts)
  39. Valentine Soap Workers Cottages
  40. Valentine Square
  41. Valentine Weaver House
  42. Valentine Wightman House
  43. Valentine Wilson House
  44. Valentine-Wilder House
  45. Valentine–French House
  46. Valentine–Varian House
  47. Valentown Hall
  48. Valhalla (Poolesville, Maryland)
  49. Valhalla Highlands Historic District
  50. Valier Public School
  51. Valle Crucis Episcopal Mission
  52. Valle Crucis Historic District
  53. Valleau Tavern
  54. Vallee Family House
  55. Vallejo City Hall
  56. Vallejo Estate
  57. Vallet-Danuser House
  58. Valley Cemetery
  59. Valley City Barnes County Public Library
  60. Valley City Municipal Auditorium
  61. Valley City Post Office
  62. Valley Cottage (Georgetown, Maryland)
  63. Valley County Courthouse (Nebraska)
  64. Valley Creek Presbyterian Church
  65. Valley Dale Ballroom
  66. Valley Falls Cotton Mill Site
  67. Valley Falls Mill
  68. Valley Farm
  69. Valley Farm Ruins
  70. Valley Forge National Historical Park
  71. Valley Grove (Wheeling Township, Minnesota)
  72. Valley Home
  73. Valley Junction Commercial Historic District
  74. Valley Junction-West Des Moines City Hall and Engine House
  75. Valley Lodge (Baldwin, Maine)
  76. Valley Mill Farm
  77. Valley Mills (Garnavillo, Iowa)
  78. Valley National Bank (Casa Grande, Arizona)
  79. Valley National Bank Building (Tucson, Arizona)
  80. Valley Paper Mill Chimney and Site
  81. Valley Pike Covered Bridge
  82. Valley Queen Mill
  83. Valley Railroad Bridge
  84. Valley Railroad Stone Bridge
  85. Valley Railway Historic District
  86. Valley Road Bridge, Stewartstown Railroad
  87. Valley School (Orderville, Utah)
  88. Valley Springs School
  89. Valley View (Romney, West Virginia)
  90. Valley View Leasing and Mining Company Mill
  91. Valley View School (Salida, Colorado)
  92. Valley of the Moon (Tucson, Arizona)
  93. Valmora Sanatorium Historic District
  94. Valparaiso Downtown Commercial District
  95. Valsin Broussard House
  96. Valverda Plantation
  97. Vamar Shipwreck Site
  98. Vamp Building
  99. Van Alen House
  100. Van Allen Building
  101. Van Allen House
  102. Van Alstyne House
  103. Van B. Snook House
  104. Van Benschoten House and Guest House
  105. Van Bergen House
  106. Van Blarcom House (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
  107. Van Blarcom House (Wyckoff, New Jersey)
  108. Van Blarcom–Jardine House
  109. Van Briggle Pottery
  110. Van Brunt House
  111. Van Buren Confederate Monument
  112. Van Buren County Courthouse (Arkansas)
  113. Van Buren County Courthouse (Iowa)
  114. Van Buren County Courthouse (Michigan)
  115. Van Buren County Road 2E Bridge
  116. Van Buren Historic District
  117. Van Buren Place Historic District
  118. Van Buren Post Office
  119. Van Buren Street Historic District
  120. Van Buren Terrace Historic District
  121. Van Buren Women's Literary Club
  122. Van Buskirk-Oakley House
  123. Van Cleave Flats
  124. Van Cortlandt House
  125. Van Cortlandt Manor
  126. Van Cortlandt Park–242nd Street station
  127. Van Cortlandt Upper Manor House
  128. Van Cortlandtville School
  129. Van Court Town House
  130. Van Denbergh-Simmons House
  131. Van Derheyden House
  132. Van Dien House
  133. Van Dorn House
  134. Van Duyne–Jacobus House
  135. Van Dyke House
  136. Van Dyne Civic Building
  137. Van Frank Cottages
  138. Van Gelder House
  139. Van Gelder Studio
  140. Van Gilder Hotel
  141. Van Hise Rock
  142. Van Horn Building
  143. Van Horn Hotel
  144. Van Horn Mansion
  145. Van Horn-Ackerman House
  146. Van Horne House
  147. Van Houten House
  148. Van Houten's Landing Historic District
  149. Van Houten-Hillman House
  150. Van Houten–Ackerman House (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
  151. Van Houten–Ackerman House (Wyckoff, New Jersey)
  152. Van Kirk Farm
  153. Van Kitchen House
  154. Van Koert-Winters House
  155. Van Leer Pleasant Hill Plantation
  156. Van Lyell House
  157. Van Marter Building
  158. Van Meter Hall
  159. Van Meter State Park
  160. Van Metre Ford Stone Bridge
  161. Van Ness House (Fairfield, New Jersey)
  162. Van Ness Mausoleum
  163. Van Nest–Hoff–Vannatta Farmstead
  164. Van Nuys Branch
  165. Van Nuys Farm
  166. Van Ornam & Murdock Block
  167. Van Osdel House
  168. Van Patten Barn Complex
  169. Van Reed Farmstead
  170. Van Rensselaer Lower Manor House
  171. Van Reyper-Bond House
  172. Van Riper–Hopper House
  173. Van Salsbergen House
  174. Van Sant Covered Bridge
  175. Van Schaick House
  176. Van Scoy Burial Ground
  177. Van Swearingen-Shepherd House
  178. Van Syckel, New Jersey
  179. Van Tassell Carriage Barn
  180. Van Tassell and Kearney Horse Auction Mart
  181. Van Valkenburgh–Isbister Farm
  182. Van Veghten House
  183. Van Vleck House and Barn
  184. Van Voorhees-Quackenbush House
  185. Van Voorhis-Quackenbush House
  186. Van Vorst Park
  187. Van Vredenburg Farm
  188. Van Wagenen House
  189. Van Wagenen Stone House and Farm Complex
  190. Van Wert Bandstand
  191. Van Wert County Courthouse
  192. Van Wickle House
  193. Van Wie Farmstead
  194. Van Winkle House (Franklin Lakes, New Jersey)
  195. Van Winkle's Mill Site
  196. Van Winkle–Fox House
  197. Van Wyck Brooks Historic District
  198. Van Wyck Homestead Museum
  199. Van Wyck-Lefferts Tide Mill
  200. Van Zandt County Courthouse
  201. Van Zile House
  202. VanDyke–Libby House
  203. VanFleet Hotel
  204. VanLandingham Estate
  205. Vananda, Montana
  206. Vanatta Apartments
  207. Vance C. Larmore House
  208. Vance County Courthouse
  209. Vance Creek Bridge
  210. Vance Farmhouse
  211. Vance Lodge
  212. Vance-Maxwell House
  213. Vance-Tousey House
  214. Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
  215. Vancouver Telephone Building
  216. Vancroft
  217. Vandalia State House State Historic Site
  218. Vandenberg Space Launch Complex 10
  219. Vander Ende–Onderdonk House
  220. Vander Veer Park Historic District
  221. Vander Wilt Farmstead Historic District
  222. Vanderbeck House (Mahwah, New Jersey)
  223. Vanderbeck House (Ridgewood, New Jersey)
  224. Vanderbeck House (Rochester, New York)
  225. Vanderbilt Archeological Site
  226. Vanderbilt Family Cemetery and Mausoleum
  227. Vanderbilt Lane Historic District
  228. Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site
  229. Vanderbilt Museum
  230. Vanderbilt Peabody College of Education and Human Development
  231. Vandergrift Historic District
  232. Vanderpool Farm Complex
  233. Vandiver-Trout-Clause House
  234. Vandyke-Heath House
  235. Vanetten House
  236. Vang Evangelical Lutheran Church
  237. Vangen Church (South Dakota)
  238. Vanguard Park Historic District
  239. Vanity Ballroom Building
  240. Vanmeter Church Street House
  241. Vanmeter Stone House and Outbuildings
  242. Vansant Farmhouse
  243. Vardell Family Cottages Historic District
  244. Vardy Community School
  245. Vare-Washington School
  246. Variable Density Tunnel
  247. Varina Commercial Historic District
  248. Varina Farms
  249. Varner–Hogg Plantation State Historic Site
  250. Varney School
  251. Varney's Falls Dam
  252. Varnum Building
  253. Varnum School
  254. Varsity Theatre (Martin, Tennessee)
  255. Vasa Township, Goodhue County, Minnesota
  256. Vashon Hardware Store
  257. Vasquez Rocks
  258. Vassar College Observatory
  259. Vassar Home for Aged Men
  260. Vassar Institute
  261. Vassar Swiss Underwear Company Building
  262. Vassar-Warner Row
  263. Vastine Wessinger House
  264. Vaucluse (Bridgetown, Virginia)
  265. Vaucluse Mill Village Historic District
  266. Vaughan Homestead
  267. Vaughan House (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  268. Vaughn House (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  269. Vaughn's Book Store
  270. Vaughn's Hall and Blacksmith Shop
  271. Vaughn's Stage Coach Stop
  272. Vaught House (Huntsville, Alabama)
  273. Vauter's Church
  274. Vawter Hall and Old President's House
  275. Veal School
  276. Veasey-DeArmond House
  277. Vedado Historic District
  278. Vee Bar Ranch Lodge
  279. Veeder Farmhouse No. 1
  280. Veeder Farmhouse No. 2
  281. Vehicle Assembly Building
  282. Veillard House
  283. Veith Building
  284. Velosco V. Leonard House
  285. Venable Tobacco Company Prizery and Receiving Room
  286. Venable Tobacco Company Warehouse
  287. Veneman's Bungalow Court Historic District
  288. Venersborg School
  289. Venetian Causeway
  290. Venetian Court
  291. Venetian Pool
  292. Venezia Park Historic District
  293. Venice Branch
  294. Venice Canal Historic District
  295. Venice of America House
  296. Venice station (Florida)
  297. Venoge Farmstead
  298. Ventana Cave
  299. Venters Farm Historic District
  300. Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum
  301. Ventura County Courthouse
  302. Ventura Theatre
  303. Venus Hill
  304. Venus House
  305. Vera and Laszlo Tisza House
  306. Vera and the Olga
  307. Veraestau
  308. Veranda House
  309. Verbeck House
  310. Verbena, Alabama
  311. Verde River Bridge
  312. Verde River Sheep Bridge
  313. Verden Separate School
  314. Verdi Lumber Company Buildings
  315. Verdigris Creek Bridge
  316. Verdoy Schoolhouse
  317. Verdurette
  318. Verendrye Site
  319. Vergennes Historic District
  320. Vergennes Residential Historic District
  321. Verlot Ranger Station-Public Service Center
  322. Vermeule Mansion
  323. Vermilion Estate
  324. Vermilion Inn
  325. Vermillion County Courthouse
  326. Vermillion County Jail and Sheriff's Residence
  327. Vermillion Institute
  328. Vermilyea Inn Historic District
  329. Vermont Academy
  330. Vermont Building
  331. Vermont Granite Museum
  332. Vermont Hatch Mansion
  333. Vermont Historic District
  334. Vermont House and Fenton Grain Elevator
  335. Vermont Masonic Hall
  336. Vermont Square Branch Library
  337. Vermont State Hospital
  338. Vermont State House
  339. Vermontville Chapel and Academy
  340. Vermontville Opera House
  341. Vernal Presbyterian Church
  342. Vernal Tithing Office
  343. Vernal, Utah
  344. Vernier Street–Swan Creek Bridge
  345. Vernon (Mount Olive, North Carolina)
  346. Vernon Center Green Historic District
  347. Vernon County Courthouse (Missouri)
  348. Vernon County Courthouse (Wisconsin)
  349. Vernon County Jail, Sheriff's House and Office
  350. Vernon District Schoolhouse No. 4
  351. Vernon Fitzhugh House
  352. Vernon Historic District
  353. Vernon House
  354. Vernon Methodist Church
  355. Vernon Parish Courthouse
  356. Vernon Place
  357. Vernon School (Vernon, Iowa)
  358. Vernon Square–Columbus Square Historic District
  359. Vernonia Pioneer Museum
  360. Vero Beach Diesel Power Plant
  361. Vero Beach Woman's Club
  362. Vero Theatre
  363. Vero station
  364. Verona (Jackson, North Carolina)
  365. Verona Apartments (Detroit)
  366. Verona Apartments (Springfield, Massachusetts)
  367. Verona School
  368. Verona United Methodist Church
  369. Versailles (Burgess, Virginia)
  370. Versailles School and Tyson Auditorium
  371. Versailles Town Hall and Wayne Township House
  372. Versteeg-Swisher House
  373. Verville (Merry Point, Virginia)
  374. Vesper Cliff
  375. Vesper-Buick Auto Company Building
  376. Vessey School
  377. Vest Cemetery
  378. Vesta Battery Corporation
  379. Vestal Central School
  380. Vestal's Gap Road and Lanesville Historic District
  381. Vesuvius Furnace (Catawba Springs, North Carolina)
  382. Veteran's Monument in Covington
  383. Veterans Cottages Historic District
  384. Veterans Home Chapel
  385. Veterans Memorial Auditorium (Providence, Rhode Island)
  386. Veterans Memorial Building (American Fork, Utah)
  387. Veterans Memorial Coliseum (Portland, Oregon)
  388. Veterans Memorial Elementary School (Reno, Nevada)
  389. Veterans Park (Holyoke, Massachusetts)
  390. Veterans of Foreign Wars Building
  391. Veterans of Foreign Wars Parkway
  392. Veterans of Foreign Wars Walter R. Mickens Post 6021 and William Weech American Legion Post 168
  393. Veterans' Memorial Hall (Richmond, New Hampshire)
  394. Via Mizner
  395. Vickers House
  396. Vickers Petroleum Service Station
  397. Vickers and Schumacher Buildings
  398. Vickery Building
  399. Vickery House (Lavonia, Georgia)
  400. Vickery Street Historic District
  401. Vickery-Baylies House
  402. Vicksburg Historic District
  403. Vicksburg National Military Park
  404. Vicksburg, Colorado
  405. Victor Cicero Kays House
  406. Victor Cullen Center, Old Administration Building
  407. Victor Cullen School Power House
  408. Victor Downtown Historic District
  409. Victor F. Lawson House YMCA
  410. Victor H. and Marta Jorgensen House
  411. Victor Holm Homestead
  412. Victor Hotel
  413. Victor station (Colorado)
  414. Victor station (Idaho)
  415. Victoria (Charlotte, North Carolina)
  416. Victoria Avenue (Riverside, California)
  417. Victoria Boulevard Historic District
  418. Victoria Colored School
  419. Victoria Grist Windmill
  420. Victoria Hall (Pittsburgh)
  421. Victoria High School (Victoria, Virginia)
  422. Victoria Mansion
  423. Victoria Theatre (Dayton, Ohio)
  424. Victorian Apartments
  425. Victorian Corn Cribs
  426. Victorian Dover Historic District
  427. Victorian Village, Memphis
  428. Victory Chimes (schooner)
  429. Victory Grill
  430. Victory Mills
  431. Victory Monument (Chicago)
  432. Victory Noll–St. Felix Friary Historic District
  433. Victory Park Historic District
  434. Victory Theatre
  435. Vidalia Commercial Historic District
  436. Vienna High and Industrial School
  437. Vienna Public Library
  438. Vienna Town House
  439. Vienna and Earl Apartment Buildings
  440. Vieques Pharmacy
  441. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  442. Viets' Tavern
  443. View Point Inn
  444. View Street Historic District
  445. Vigilant Fire Company Firemen's Monument
  446. Vigilant Firehouse
  447. Vigo County Courthouse
  448. Vigo County Home for Dependent Children
  449. Viking Bridge
  450. Viking Lutheran Church
  451. Vikingsholm
  452. Vikur Lutheran Church at Mountain
  453. Vilas Circle Bear Effigy Mound and the Curtis Mounds
  454. Vilas Park Mound Group
  455. Villa Albicini
  456. Villa Anneslie
  457. Villa Avenue station
  458. Villa Bella Vista
  459. Villa Bianca
  460. Villa Bonita
  461. Villa Carlotta (Los Angeles County)
  462. Villa DeSales (Aquasco, Maryland)
  463. Villa Del Mar
  464. Villa District
  465. Villa Friuli
  466. Villa Heights (house)
  467. Villa Julita
  468. Villa Kathrine
  469. Villa Lewaro
  470. Villa Loretto
  471. Villa Louis
  472. Villa Maria (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
  473. Villa Maria Academy (1892)
  474. Villa Maria Motherhouse Complex
  475. Villa Mira Monte
  476. Villa Montezuma
  477. Villa North Historic District
  478. Villa Nova (Laurinburg, North Carolina)
  479. Villa Panorama
  480. Villa Philmonte
  481. Villa Place Historic District
  482. Villa Providence
  483. Villa Riviera
  484. Villa Rosa (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
  485. Villa Serena
  486. Villa St. Clara Apartments
  487. Villa St. Rose
  488. Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum
  489. Villa Verde (Pasadena, California)
  490. Villa Victoria (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
  491. Villa Virginia
  492. Villa Zorayda
  493. Village Creek (Norwalk, Connecticut)
  494. Village Diner
  495. Village East by Angelika
  496. Village Green, Los Angeles
  497. Village Hall (Sheffield, Illinois)
  498. Village Historic District
  499. Village Hobby Shop
  500. Village Inn (Englishtown, New Jersey)
  501. Village Number 1, Alabama
  502. Village Park Historic District
  503. Village School (Unity, Maine)
  504. Village Store
  505. Village View (Emporia, Virginia)
  506. Village of Addyston Historic District
  507. Village of Antwerp Historic District
  508. Village of Columbus and Camp Furlong
  509. Village of Davis Junction Town Hall
  510. Village of East Davenport
  511. Village of Edgewood Historic District
  512. Village of Encinal Day School
  513. Village of Greenwich Historic District
  514. Village of Monroe Historic District
  515. Village of Morattico Historic District
  516. Village of the Branch Historic District
  517. Villard Hall
  518. Villard Houses
  519. Villard station
  520. Villarán Bridge
  521. Villines Mill
  522. Villisca National Guard Armory
  523. Vinalhaven Galamander
  524. Vinalhaven Public Library
  525. Vincennes Fortnightly Club
  526. Vincennes Historic District
  527. Vincent Forge Mansion
  528. Vincent House (Fort Dodge, Iowa)
  529. Vincent LeRay House
  530. Vincent Lugo Park
  531. Vincent School
  532. Vincent Street Historic District
  533. Vincent Walters House-Walters Music Academy
  534. Vincent-McCall Company Building
  535. Vincentown, New Jersey
  536. Vine Area Historic District
  537. Vine Forest
  538. Vine Hill (Centerville, North Carolina)
  539. Vine Hill (Cross Bridge, Tennessee)
  540. Vine Lake Cemetery
  541. Vine Street Apartment Buildings
  542. Vine Street Bridge
  543. Vine Valley Methodist Church
  544. Vinedale
  545. Vinegar Hill Historic District
  546. Vineta Hotel
  547. Viney Fork Baptist Church
  548. Vine–Oakwood–Green Bay Road Historic District
  549. Vinie McCall House
  550. Vinland Grange Hall
  551. Vinland Presbyterian Church
  552. Vinoy Hotel
  553. Vinson House (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  554. Vinson House (Rogers, Arkansas)
  555. Vinsonhaler Blacksmith Shop
  556. Vinton Building
  557. Vinton Public Library
  558. Vinton School
  559. Vinton Street Commercial Historic District
  560. Vinton station
  561. Vinton-Boardman Farmhouse
  562. Vinton-Torrey House
  563. Vintonville Historic District
  564. Viola Coombs House
  565. Viola Cooperative Creamery
  566. Violet Avenue School
  567. Violet Bank Historic District
  568. Violet Bank Museum
  569. Violet Cemetery
  570. Violet Oakley
  571. Violett-Martin House and Gardens
  572. Virden-Patton House
  573. Virgil Hickox House
  574. Virgil and Beulah Crum House
  575. Virgin Valley Heritage Museum
  576. Virginia Avenue Colored School
  577. Virginia Avenue District
  578. Virginia Bank and Trust Building
  579. Virginia Beach Surf & Rescue Museum
  580. Virginia Brewery
  581. Virginia Building
  582. Virginia Can Company-S.H. Heironimus Warehouse
  583. Virginia City Church
  584. Virginia City Hall
  585. Virginia City Historic District (Virginia City, Montana)
  586. Virginia City Historic District (Virginia City, Nevada)
  587. Virginia Commercial Historic District
  588. Virginia Commission for the Blind
  589. Virginia Department of Highways Building
  590. Virginia Durant Young House
  591. Virginia Episcopal School
  592. Virginia Flats
  593. Virginia Furnace
  594. Virginia Hall (Dallas, Texas)
  595. Virginia Heights Historic District
  596. Virginia Hill Historic District
  597. Virginia Home
  598. Virginia Hotel (Santa Barbara, California)
  599. Virginia House
  600. Virginia Ice & Freezing Corporation Cold Storage Warehouse
  601. Virginia Intermont College
  602. Virginia Kendall State Park Historic District
  603. Virginia Key
  604. Virginia Manor (Natural Bridge, Virginia)
  605. Virginia Metalcrafters Historic District
  606. Virginia Middle School
  607. Virginia Military Institute
  608. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
  609. Virginia Museum of Transportation
  610. Virginia Mutual Building
  611. Virginia National Bank Headquarters Historic District
  612. Virginia Park Historic District
  613. Virginia Randolph Cottage
  614. Virginia Recreation Building
  615. Virginia Robinson Gardens
  616. Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind
  617. Virginia State Capitol
  618. Virginia State Route 193
  619. Virginia Street Bridge
  620. Virginia Theatre (Champaign)
  621. Virginia Theological Seminary
  622. Virginia Tillery Round Barn
  623. Virginia Trunk & Bag Company
  624. Virginia Union University
  625. Virginia University of Lynchburg
  626. Virginia V
  627. Virginia W
  628. Virginia Washington Monument
  629. Virginia and Truckee 18 Dayton
  630. Virginia and Truckee Railway Locomotive No. 27
  631. Virginia and Truckee Railway Motor Car 22
  632. Virginia station (Minnesota)
  633. Virginian Hotel (Medicine Bow, Wyoming)
  634. Virginian Railway Passenger Station (Roanoke, Virginia)
  635. Virginian Railway Underpass
  636. Virginian Railway Yard Historic District
  637. Virginia–Highland
  638. Virginia–Rainy Lake Lumber Company Manager's Residence
  639. Virginia–Rainy Lake Lumber Company Office
  640. Virginville, Pennsylvania
  641. Vischer Ferry Historic District
  642. Visitors Chapel AME
  643. Visitors Information Center (Portland, Oregon)
  644. Vista Bridge
  645. Vista House
  646. Vista Lutheran Church
  647. Vista Theater
  648. Vistula Historic District
  649. Vives House
  650. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
  651. Vocational Agriculture Building
  652. Vocational-Agriculture Building (Lovelock, Nevada)
  653. Voelker Orth Museum
  654. Vogel Place Historic District
  655. Vogl House
  656. Vogt House (Brownville, New York)
  657. Vogt House (Iowa City, Iowa)
  658. Vogt–Nunberg Farm
  659. Voice of America Bethany Relay Station
  660. Vol Walker Hall
  661. Volcano Block Building
  662. Volcano House
  663. Volin Town Hall
  664. Volkert Van Buren House
  665. Vollintine Hills Historic District
  666. Vollmer Building
  667. Vollmer House
  668. Volney Church-Carlos B. Shotwell House
  669. Volney G. Bennett Lumber Company
  670. Volta Laboratory and Bureau
  671. Voltaire Twombley Building
  672. Volunteer Park (Seattle)
  673. Von Allmen Dairy Farm House
  674. Von Hoffman House
  675. Von KleinSmid Mansion
  676. Von Mach Site
  677. Von Schmid House
  678. Von Trotha–Firestien Farm
  679. Voorhees Chapel
  680. Voorhees College Historic District
  681. Voorhees School
  682. Voorhies Castle
  683. Voorlezer's House
  684. Vore Buffalo Jump
  685. Vorous General Store
  686. Vosburg Turning Mill Complex
  687. Vosteen-Hauck House
  688. Votruba Block
  689. Vreeland Homestead
  690. Vreeland House
  691. Vriner's Confectionery
  692. Vrooman Avenue School
  693. Vulcan statue
  694. Vurpillat's Opera House