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Trevor Alexander

Trevor Alexander is an American semi professional hockey player and a music artist who goes by the name (Nasty Martin). He is also known for being a daredevil and a psychopath.


Trevor Alexander was born on June 19 1991 in Torrance California but was raised in Sacramento California.

Early life

From ages 3-6 trevor played hockey every morning with his older brother chase in their backyard at their home in Orangevale California . Trevor was always better then his brother at hockey but never took it seriously. In 2007 while trevor was playing a junior hockey tournament in sanjose he suffered from a major concussion. As he lost most of his memory from that day Trevor's parents decided to take him out of ice hockey. While trevor was recovering from all the head trauma he had a hard time paying attention in school and loved ditching his classes to go skateboarding and riding bmx with his younger friends from rival schools. Shockingly trevor ended up graduating from bella Vista high school in 2009. The night of his graduation his brother threw a party for him where he ended up meeting jaime and Jordan from a band called The greenlight district. at the time they were a popular emo band who were playing a lot of sold out shows in the Sacramento area. As trevor became close with jaime and Jordan he ended up joining the band as the bass player.