User:Narla Lakshmana Rao
"Good Morning/Afternoon Sir or Ma'am !
First to all, I would like to thank you giving me this opportunity. It's my pleasure to introduce myself.
My name is Narla Lakshmana rao
I belong to Srikakulam in Andhra Pradesh
I have done my schooling 10th Std from Govt High School and 12th Std from Sri Viswa Jyoti Junior College and after then I joining Degree in Maharaj's men's Institute with Science tread and I, m present preparing competitive exams
My family background is, we are 4 members. My father is a former and My mother is Good Homemaker.
My hobbies are watching motivational videos and reading biographies of "Successful People".
My weakness is that I can easily trust anyone.
My short-term goal is to get a job a reputed company.
My long-term goal is to keep my family happy and achieve a good position by doing satisfying work.
So ! that's all about me.
Thank you so much Sir for giving me this opportunit Google.