User:Nanette Moi
Global Market Source International is the Independent Direct Investing base in Kelowna, British Columbia Canada.[[1]]
Independent Direct Investors, who owns a personal financial assets, and or who allowed to raise any amounts as qualified investor, an individual who alone and or together with his/her a spouse, who wholly owned a personal financial assets, this means the investor, individual he/she must only purchasing for him and or herself, rather than another person.
The acknowledgement of the investment act., amended in 1940’s, was first established in 1934 and made it’s emergence according to the version of section 34 the investment act, which was specified to be governed as the investment act, of 1940’s, which are primarily focus to control the public financial assets, and to accomplished it’s own purposes by governing the financial banking industries, to compilation in managing the public financial assets, which are specifically implemented in enforcing the compliance for the banking financial institutions, it’s creation/s and amendment/s in the 1940’s which made the investment declarations of financial strati-graphically designed for the banks who hold and or withholding’s the public financial assets, in compilation for financial banking institutions, the investment processed and or the procedures to engaged in for withholding the public financial assets, money savings and investment or investing, by governing the investment amendment act, 1934-1940’s, which was specifically applied for the banking financial institutions of the banking industries, to dealt with the public financial assets through the investment act, that was finalized and amended in 1940’s.
GLOBAL MARKET offered a flexibility to individual investor who are self-reliant, independent and financially sufficient to sustaining his/her own financial independent investing a person who own a personal financial assets, who decides for him/herself to buy and sell for his/her own solely benefits, he/she is individualistic a single minded who think for him/herself, to invest independently, by taking his/her own personal financial investment risks, a person alike entrepreneur authentic type who is mentally capable of making his her own personal financial decision.