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SPACIAL MASS MATRIX THEORY The Structure of Quanta and Nature of the Space-Time Continuum

Matter is simply defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter is derived from energy i.e. energy that is at given point in space. Energy on the other hand can be derived from matter but both matter and energy have one fundamental content; mass. The laws of conservation of mass and energy state that mass and energy cannot be created nor destroyed but that energy can be transformed from one form to another. Energy itself has mass and when for instance atoms in chemical compounds react, they do generate energy. The most logical reason suggests that if energy has mass and matter has it too therefore when matter produces energy then part of its mass must decrease. But this is not the case for example in chemistry. The constituent elements in the compound instead can be combined and reacted over and over again. Since energy in chemical reactions is never depleted would mean that there is infinite amounts of energy that can be released in multiple reactions. Chemical compounds do have mass but it is never affected in this case. Energy has the ability to travel through vacuum space without the aid of a medium. A few other forms of energy require a medium e.g. sound/vibration (air/gas, solids), electricity (conductor). Radiation e.g. light, can travel through great distances in vacuum even though it doesn't use a perpetual form of propulsion. This suggests that space is itself a continuous medium whose limits are equivalent to infinity. Space has the ability to accommodate all forms of radiations apart from light energy. This property allows for the existence of the electro-magnetic-spectrum. The fact that heat energy can travel through vacuum and not just media implies that other radiations or forms of energy that use materials for their movement could also travel through vacuum. Light energy travels over a vast expanse of the universe facilitated by a small quantity of energy. This either implies that light is a self-sustaining form of energy or space, being the medium, supplies it with additional perpetual energy to maintain its movement. This suggests that light having mass is expressed by space. This means space isn't empty but is also a form of mass or it has mass. This explains that when a wave of light energy or any other radiation travels through space, it may be more accurately represented by a chain reaction in an array of domino's falling in a vacuum in a chain reaction. The various kinds of radiations poses different amounts of energy hence this means they obtain different amounts of mass to facilitate their norm since all radiations travel through vacuum with ease means that there is a fractioning of mass common to all of them. This also means that these fractional mass. These inferences suggest that momentum is a sum total of spacial fractional mass. Momentum is a property that both matter and energy posses and it comes about when both energy or matter move in space. Space in this case can be either atmospheric or vacuum space. Mechanical waves such as sound and vibrations are examples of raw momentum energy. These waves unlike electro-magnetic waves travel through matter. Since matter causes and is readily affected by these waves its fair to assume that electro-magnetic waves can affect them and vice-versa. This is because electro-magnetic waves affect matter. Phonons (packets of mechanical energy similar to photons) are a stuck of fractional spacial mass and exists in gases, liquids and solid matter. Members of the electro-magnetic spectrum could therefore be readily converted to mechanical waves and vice versa since spacial mass fraction is present in both. An application and use of these energies would be in the conversion of light energy directly in to mechanical energy which may be used in inter-stellar transportation or tele-portation. The concept of space being a compound of iotic masses implies that radioactivity from unstable elements or their isotopes can be safely harnessed to more practical uses like heating or lighting. Radioactivity is due to instability of an atom's nucleus. Since space itself is a 'matrix of iotic masses' reasonably suggests that a radioactive atom merely carries “information” which is relayed into space through the atom's electronic configuration. This 'information' is then released at the rate of the elements decay and this in turn is then translated to radiation and energy i.e. alpha, beta and gamma. Another observation would be the de-radiation of these unstable elements into harmless isotopes within an artificially altered time period. Some of these elements do have extremely lengthy half-lives and decreasing this time will not only reduce their safety risks but will also increase the output of the radioactivity per unit portion. Radioactivity being 'information' would mean that a small quantity of radioisotopes could be used with the energy output replicated or amplified to a large or small amount depending on the intended use. This could consequently facilitate the harvesting of unlimited amount of charged particles. Spacial mass fraction or spacial mass matrix concept thus explains the analogies of electricity or charge, both static and current and magnetism. Magnetism as used in a dynamo is converted to electricity and the opposite of this principle in the working of a transformer and electro-magnets. This relationship between magnetism and electricity implies that magnetism is a force that affects stationary electrons and causes them to move even when the magnetic material and the induced object are of different elements. Electric current on the other hand causes magnetism. This if well understood could explain and give a precise picture of gravity and why it affects all forms of matter. The fact that charge is a mass in its own right influenced by the electronic shells of an atom indicates that electrons no matter from which element are never liberated either by thermionic emission or by photoelectric effect or other means. This would therefore facilitate the taming at lightning and converting it directly into utilisable electric current. It also explains the role of and why the 'earth' is necessary for the dissipation of charge especially seen during lightning strikes. Since charge exists on the surface of an element, as a result of having its own mass, would mean that an ion of any particular element would have additional 'weight on its atomic mass even though the mass of electrons is taken to be 'negligible'. Spacial mass matrix cannot be easily explained as having a particular pattern or design. In fact much of the evidence seems to suggest that it has fluid-like behaviour but with its particles closely packed.