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Big Events in Ming Dynasty

Li Yong Bao Tong
Xi Wang Shao Gong
Xi Wang Shao Gong
Xing Chao Bao Tong
Yong Le Bao Tong

In 1368, Yuan dynasty was to its demise and Zhu Yuanzhang(朱元璋) became the emperor. He made Yingtian(应天)( today's Nanjing, in Jiangsu province) the capital and entitled the reigning dynasty as Ming. In 1421, Zhu Di(朱棣) moved to Beijing and made Beijing the capital. In 1644, Li Zicheng(李自成)invaded Beijing and Ming ended. There are altoghter sixteen emperors with a duration of 277 years(from 1368 to 1644) in Ming. == Coinage in early Ming == Usually, Chinese money is a round coin with a square hole in the center. On the the obverse side, there are usually words. On the reverse side, there are words or graphic patterns. It is also possible there is nothing on the reverse side. At that time, there were many different coinage, including "Da Zhong Tong Bao"(大中通宝), "Hong Wu Tong Bao"(洪武通宝), "Hong Xi Tong Bao"(洪熙通宝), "Yong Le Tong Bao"(永乐通宝), "Zheng De Tong Bao"(正德通宝), "Hong Zhi Tong Bao"(弘治通宝),"Yong Le Tong Bao"(永乐通宝), "Jia Jing Tong Bao"(嘉靖通宝), "Jia Jing An Bao"(嘉靖安宝), "Wan Li Nian Zao"(万历年造), "Wan Li Tong Bao"(万历通宝), "Tian Qi Tong Bao"(天启通宝),"Chong Zhen Tong Bao"(崇祯通宝).

Words on the Coinage


During the transitional period between Ming and Qing, different governments made their own money with different words on it. Usually, there are four words on the four directions of a coin.

Words on the Coinage Producer
Yong Chang Tong Bao(永昌通宝)[1] Li Zicheng(李自成)
Da Shun Tong Bao(大顺通宝)[2] Zhang Xianzhong(张献忠)
Xi Wang Shang Gong(西王赏功)[3] Zhang Xianzhong(张献忠)
Xing Chao Tong Bao(兴朝通宝)[4] Sun Kewang(孙可望)
Da Ming Tong Bao(大明通宝)[5] Nan Ming(南明)
Hong Guang Tong Bao(弘光通宝)[6] Nan Ming(南明)
Long Wu Tong Bao(隆武通宝) [7] Nan Ming(南明)
Yong Li Tong Bao(永历通宝)[8] Nan Ming(南明)
Zhao Wu Tong Wu(昭武通宝)[9] Wu Sangui(吴三桂)
Li Yong Tong Bao(利用通宝) [10] Wu Sangui(吴三桂)
Hong Hua Tong Bao(洪化通宝) [11] Wu Shifan(吴世璠)
Yu Min Tong Bao(裕民通宝)[12] Geng Jingzhong(耿精忠)

Hong Xi Tong Bao


"Hong Xi Tong Bao" was produced in 1425, during Hongxi yeas, when Zhu Gaochi(朱高炽) was the emporor of Ming. It is very rare. Until now, only two of them have been seen to the public. However, one has been lost and the other now is in the Chinese History Museum. "Hong Xi Tong Bao" has been regard as national historical relics.

Yong Le Tong Bao


"Yong Le Tong Bao" was produced by Zhu Di, one of the emperors in Ming. In the very beginning of Ming, paper money was widely used. After Zhu Di became the emperor, he carried out a series of reform covering all fields, including politics, economy, culture, military and diplomacy. Out of the diplomatic and foreign trade needs, he produced"Yong Le Bao Tong" in 1408.

Yong Zhen Tong Bao


"Yong Zhen Tong Bao" was the firt culmination during the chinese coinage production history. It has many different kinds which represent different currency value. On the reverse side, there are some complicated graphic patterns which experts today even cannot accurately work out their meanings.

Xing Chao Tong Bao


"Xing Chao Tong Bao" was produced by Sun Kewang(孙可望), in 1649, Shunzhi six years, when he became the Dongping King.[13] At that time, Sun produced a large number of "Xing Chao Tong Bao" and it had its distinct features with a profond influence. The style of the words on the coinage was plain. Most of the coinage was made of copper. Though the work was a little rough, but it was given full weight. This style was reflected in the later "Li Yong Bao Tong" , "Zhao Wu Bao Tong" produced by Wu SanGui and "Hong Hua Bao Tong" produced by Wu shifan.

Xi Wang Shang Gong(西王赏功) and Zhang Xianzhong


[14]Zhang Xianzhong is a famous leader of the peasant rebel army in the late Ming dynasty. In 1630, he joined the peasant rebel army. In 1643, he was called "Da Xing Wang"(大西王). In 1644, he doninate Sichuan and became the king of Chengdu, entitling the reigning dynasty as "Da Xi"(大西)and his firt reigning year as "Da Shun"(大顺). Zhang produced his money "Da Shun Tong Bao" as official currency. In order to honor those who made contribution to Da Xi dynasty, he produced another money called "Xi Wang Shang Gong" as an award to them. There are four kinds of "Xi Wang Shang Gong", which are made of gold, gilding, silver and copper. At that time, the peasant rebel army won people's great admiration and support. "Da Shun Tong Bao" was often sewn onto clothing as a sort of celebration to the peasant rebel army. Since it was very difficult to get "Xi Wang Shang Gong", it was very rare and precious. It was nearly an impossible condition that ordinary people could get it. As a result, there are very few remaining.

Years-counting Table in Ming Dynasty


Most of coinage names are derived from the reign titles(年号). For example,"Hong Wu Tong Bao" was produced during the Hongwu years(1368—1398).

Reign Title Duration(Years)
Hongwu(洪武) 31
Jianwen(建文) 4
Yongle(永乐) 22
Hongxi(洪熙) 1
Xuande(宣德) 10
Zhengtong(正统) 14
Tianshun(天顺) 8
Jingtai(景泰) 8
Chenghua(成化) 23
Hongzhi(弘治) 18
Zhengde(正德) 16
Jiajing(嘉靖) 45
Longqing(隆庆) 6
Wanli(万历) 48
Taichang(泰昌) 1
Tianqi(天启) 7
Chongzhen(崇祯) 17

