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MyAccountBCool (My-account-bee-kewl) for many reasons. I write poems. That's cool. I have sayings. That's cool. I have a dog. That's cool. I eat food. That's cool.

I wished I lived in Chile. If I lived in Chile, I would be cooler.

See. I am full of surprises.

I can not be more chill.[1][2]

How do you know I am not lying? I will show you.

Poem too Epic to Read


Ode to Vowels


We never thank the vowels enough

Without them speaking would be quite tough

Don’t believe me

Just think of how hard it would be

To speak English without having the E

Just try it, you’ll see

Yah, sur, it might look cool

But othrs around you will think your a fool

Thy will look and laugh and ridicul

And think you nvr wnt to school

Now you might say, what about A

Words without A won’t b hard to say

Aftr all, I O and U will stay

But tak away A and it will b ok

Sriously, hv you not hrd th wy you sound

Whn vowl E is not round

S th popl round you hv found

Th words rlly confound

Ok, so w’v stblishd th fct

Tht Nglish sounds crzy whn A nd E hv bn hckd

But wht will hppn if w xtrct

Th vowl O, wht will it impct

Wll this sunds rlly quit mssd up

Nd whn smn sys ‘sup

Thy will think yu r mixd-up

Thy might vn tll yu t grw up

S w hv lrnd tht E A nd O r imprtnt whn

Yu wnt t cmmunict with smn, but thn

Wht but whn th lttr I hs bn

Rmvd frm ll yur cmmunictin

Ww ths s s sd

T rlly s bd

Whvr trs t tlk t th ld

Wh spks ths wy must b md

Nd just fr fun

Lt’s tk ut th lst n

S thr wll b tn

F cnsnnts, but vwls thr wll b nn

D y ndrstnd ths

D y lk t r d y mss

Th vwls tht wr dsmssd

Nt th byss

S y cn s w nvr thnk th vwls ngh

Wtht thm spkng wld b qt tgh

Vn rdng t ws rlly rgh

W nvr thnk vwls ngh

My Totally Original Cool Sayings

  • I'm dead inside.[3]
  • Wowwwwwww...
  • Stop with your logic!
  • Peanut butter fudge!
  • I'm so smart. (after saying something dumb)
  • Legendary![4]

My Dog


My dog is amazing.

You deserve not to let your eyes rest upon the glorious beauty from within her soul that is reflected upon her face.

Also, Wikipedia thinks the picture of my dog is potentially a hazard. I have to wonder... Why?


This food is too cool.

Real References

  1. ^ "Be More Chill (musical)", Wikipedia, 2019-04-09, retrieved 2019-04-11
  2. ^ "Friends", Wikipedia, 2019-04-05, retrieved 2019-04-11
  3. ^ "The Office (U.S. TV series)", Wikipedia, 2019-04-11, retrieved 2019-04-11
  4. ^ "How I Met Your Mother", Wikipedia, 2019-04-11, retrieved 2019-04-11