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User:Mwaffaq Otoom

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Mwaffaq (Mof) Otoom holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech (VT). He received his M.Sc. in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University (ASU) in 2006 and his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Yarmouk University (YU) in 2004. He is currently an Assistant Professor at YU. During his PhD study, Dr. Otoom developed a new metric, Capacity, that evaluates the performance of Chip Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (CHMs) that process multiple, variable heterogeneous workloads. His research interests are in the areas of computer architecture, performance evaluation and modeling of computer systems, workload specific processors, and embedded systems design. He was a recipient of scholarships from the Jordanian government (1999-2004), YU (2005-2010), ASU (2005-2006), and VT (2006-2011). Dr. Otoom is a member of IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu, Gamma Beta Phi, and Golden Key International Honour. He was selected to represent VT as a "Who's Who Among American College Students" in 2010. He was a Teaching Assistant and Software Engineer at YU (2004). He was an intern at estarta solutions company in Amman - Jordan (Jan. 2003 - July 2003). At ASU, he worked as a tutor, web developer, and Graduate Research Assistant.

Selected Publications:

  • M. Otoom and J.M. Paul. "Workload Mode Identification for Chip Heterogeneous Multiprocessors," International Journal of Parallel Programming: 40(2): 184-224 (2012)
  • M. Otoom and J.M. Paul. "Capacity Metric for Chip Heterogeneous Multiprocessors," CODES+ISSS11: 207-216. 2011
  • J.M. Paul, M. Otoom, M. Somers, S.M. Pieper, and M.J. Schulte. "The Emerging Landscape of Computer Performance Evaluation," Advances in Computers 75: 235-280 (2009)
  • M. Otoom and J.M. Paul. "Holistic Design and Caching in Mobile Computing," CODES+ISSS08: 115-120. 2008


Personal website: http://filebox.vt.edu/users/motoom/