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User:Muphrid15/Electromagnetic tensor draft

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In Geometric Algebra


The electromagnetic tensor is also described as a bivector--an oriented, planar subspace in four-dimensional spacetime. As mentioned earlier, the electromagnetic tensor has only six unique components. These correspond to the six linearly-independent planes that can be constructed in spacetime. Thus, the electromagnetic tensor can be written more compactly as an explicit bivector:

where , and , where Greek indices range from 0 to 3 and Latin indices range from 1 to 3, is the timelike basis vector, and represents a unit bivector in spacetime.

In the framework of geometric algebra and calculus, the main properties of the Faraday bivector in vacuum can be rephrased as

where is the four-derivative. This is a complete encapsulation of Maxwell's equations into a first-order differential equation: that the derivative of a bivector field on spacetime has a vector field for its source.

Because , it's possible to introduce the four-potential . The equation relating the four-potential to the source, the four-current, is

A substitution from the equation reduces this to

Setting is the Lorenz gauge choice, and giving an extremely convenient relation between (the wave equation).