Hengfeng County: sources, copyediting. Neither 'celebrity' was born there (they were both born in the neighbouring Yiyang County, Jiangxi, however (reputedly since no source) they organised an uprising there along with a third (Huang Dao, who was born there). Heading would be more appropriate as one describing 'notable events' or something along with a history of the uprising. Also, zh agrees with en but neither de nor the source en links to recognise the existence of Xing'an subdistrict.
--w:es:Condado de Hengfeng: sources
--Shao Shiping: sources, expand
--Fang Zhimin: sources, expand
Subdistricts of China: sources, expand
--w:es:Subdistritos de China: sources, expand
Kowoj: sources, expand (trans. from es)
--w:es:Couoh: sources
w:es:Ciudad libre de Danzig: sources, could also expand from en
Northeastern Jiangxi Soviet: any other reference/proof of existence?
--Jiangxi–Fujian Soviet: possibly linked? No sources but some in zh
w:es:Shangrao: expand (trans. from en and zh)
Xing'an County: expand, sources
w:es:Liuyang: sources, could also expand from en
w:es:Pueblo de la República Popular China: format sources
Huangzhou District: sources, then translate to es
w:es:Ciudad-distrito de Luozhuang: reference area
--Luozhuang District: fix area and population, find better sources? Also expand if possible
w:ca:Ersu: pictures to table for accessibility
Zhu Zanjin: sources
Liu Haikuan: sources
Traditional Chinese law: sources, translate to es
w:es:Xiao (flauta): format sources, also more?
--Xiao (flute): more sources