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I am going to be improving the Wikipedia page on Racial Profiling by adding sources from peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

The history of racial profiling first began in 1693, during slavery days. Those in legal authoritative positions were legally allowed to detain any Negro, regardless of their status. racial profiling can easily get confused with criminal profiling. Although they are similar, they are not the same. Criminal profiling is when those is power react on factual behavior, or forwarded clues about suspected criminal behavior by someone who matches the description of a specific individual. Racial profiling is using race or ethnicity to stop someone for no valid reason, singling them out, assuming they have committed a crime, just because of the color of their skin. In other words when individuals, typically those who are in power, bases a stereotypical ideology targeting a specific race in a negative way. Racial profiling, unfortunately, is very common all over Canada. It happens all over our cities, more often than we think. More often than not, we hear of many different causes where racial profiling has occurred. An example of racial profiling would be the popularTrayvon Martin case that has been all over the news.

Racial Profiling in Canadian Airports


When it comes to the airports in Canada, airport search is a preferred word to use in place of racial profiling . In the Canadian airports, when the officers use experience from prior offences that occurred on the job, it is referred to as an airport search, instead of what it really is, racial profiling.

People protesting racial profiling, location unknown



Satzewich V., & Liodakis N. (2013). "Race" and Ethnicity in Canada: A Critical Introduction. Ontario, CA: Oxford University Press.

Duffy, A. (2014). National Post: Airport search not racial profiling when based on customs officers’ on-the-job experience: court. Retrieved from http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/airport-search-not-racial-profiling-when-based-on-customs-officers-on-the-job-experience-court}}

Birzer, M. (2014). They Stopped Me Because I'm---. Retrieved from http://www.crcnetbase.com.uproxy.library.dc-uoit.ca/isbn/9781439872260