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User:Mr. Sean2001

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This is the Mr. Sean2001 User page. Welcome!


Meteorology and Mathematics major at Millersville University. Plays clarinet, saxophone, and piano. Trying to master violin and banjo.

Where else to find me on the Web

I have a blog located here. I'm also on Twitter. Personal and Weather Twitter. The explanation for the 2001 in my username is as follows: I may have been born in 1995, but in 2001 during first grade, I insisted on calling myself Mr. Sean as it made me feel more like a man (or at least it did when I was 6).

Projects and Goals

I need to try to not give up on my goals midway.

  • Bulleted list item
  • Complete the Duolingo Japanese course (though the course is still in beta rather than full release)
  • Get weight to 160 pounds
  • Finish Codecademy Python course

VilleThis user attends or attended Millersville University.
Flag of Maryland
This user is of Japanese ancestry.
This user is a citizen of Japan.
This user is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow.

Mr. Sean2001 (talk)