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Hello! I’m Morrigak! To clarify, that is not my real name. What that is, you’ll never know :). The same statement applies to my age: all I’ll say is that I’m under 18, but not by much.

Anyway, a little about me: I joined Wikipedia because I wanted to be able to add what I know to what has already been written, in hopes that it might help someone, and fix grammatical errors (except for dangling participles, I have no idea what those are. Sorry).

I play violin and piano; I am learning Welsh, Norwegian, and Scots Gaelic;and love classical music. Before you say classical is boring (if you weren’t going to, thanks), you should try Tchaikoskvy’s 1812 overture; or at least skip to the middle of it. He used literal cannons in it to celebrate…I don’t know, some Russian victory. But it was Shostikovitch that must have had a tortured soul.

If you are a TwoSetter, you might have seen that as a reference; and that’s good, because it was one. I love TwoSet Violin! And yes, I tried to add Eddy Chen to the infamous Absolute Pitch page. Just before typing this paragraph, actually. Sorry about that, but I really was trying to simply spread knowledge. That’s my thing! And now it’s going to bug me forever (and I’m sure that one administrator doesn’t like me for asking for the “why” on not allowing Eddy over and over.), but I need the “why!” I always have to have the why, and it’s caused me a lot of problems. Seriously, a lot. You would think I’d give it up.

But anyway, to conclude this, thank you if you’ve made it this far; in this modern day and age we have short attention spans; some classical pieces are 9 hours, and now our songs are rarely more than 4 minutes. If I have also bugged you for any sort of “why” or will bug you later on, I apologise, and I apologise in advance. - Morrigak :)