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Physical Geologic Driver


Geologic Periods are defined by a biostratigraphic process alignment of sedimentary rocks with fossil floral and assemblages. The ICS Phanerozoic Eon Geologic Time Scale documents evolution of Eukarya (animal, plant, et al.), an emergent compendium of 417 Ma covariant Period interval sets. These are HoloceneR - SilurianS (-1 - 416 = 417 Ma), OligoceneOl - OrdovicianO (28 - 444= 417 Ma), MaastrichtianMaas stage - CambrianCm (71* - 488= 417 Ma), JurassicJ - VendianV Ediacaran-Varangian (146 - 563= 417 Ma) unconstrained date and CarboniferousC - Proterozoic Cryogenian-Ediacaran (~286 - ~703= 417 Ma). The Carboniferous ends in a Karoo Ice Age, the 286 Ma-ago date is circa 1982pp5,pp114:[1] geologic dating, igneous province FN7 and a two pulse process. The Cryogenian (or Sturtian-Marinoan) Ice Age 800 to 600 Ma-ago is a two pulse process in a geologic span ~417 M-years earlier. Reiteration of the commutative 417Myr six interval setFN4 generates our Phanerozoic Period transitions. Within the commutative group (Apoapsis:Oligocene & O-S, Periapsis:P-Tr)FN5 is a subset of elevated tectonic intervals proposed by Radon & Kevet 1990 which extends out of the Phanerozoic, across the Proterozoic, through the Archaean and into Hadean to the 4.5 Ba ago Moon-forming Thea impact[2]. The Moon stabilizes Earth's tilted spin axis with annual seasons. Mid ocean-ridge volcanism driven by the moon primordial event and Earth accretion energy regulates Ocean depth [3]. An enlarged liquid core further sustains polar magnetic shielding. [4] Hyperthermophile life spawned upward from that environment, including frequent ocean boiling stages 4.3 Ba-ago.[4] The physical environment bounded life on Earth, starting with CO2 dominated biosphere into the present Eukaryote plant and Pre-Cambrian global eukaryote photosynthesized oxygenic atmosphere.[4] The impact of 'Physical perturbations breaks incumbencies, removes dominant life forms, and opens opportunities for previous minor groups'.[4] The biological process obliges environmental shifts, fostering new phenotype exploitation of our Rare Earth and Gaia biosphere.

Period / STAGE PHYSICAL / Delta 6th Interval ISC (Ma ago) PERFN5 Big 5 ICE LIPFN7 CIEFN7
-1Ma ago A
Paleogene_Oligocene Δ(79-7)M P 33.9-23Ma ago FN1 <--Mid-Oligocene
Paleogene 66(±0.3) K–Pg
MAASTRICHTIAN 70.6Ma ago B 72.1(±0.2) 72.1Ma-ago 71Ma-ago
Cretaceous Δ75M
145.0Ma ago C 145(±4.0) 145Ma-ago
Jurassic Δ54M
201.3Ma ago D 201.4(±0.2) Tr-J 198Ma-ago 200Ma-ago
Permian_Triassic Δ(79+7)M 252.17(±0.6) <--PTr P-Tr 251Ma-ago 252Ma-ago
~286Ma ago 298.9(±0.8) Karoo 285Ma-ago
Carboniferous Δ73M
359Ma ago 358.9(±2.5) late-D 358.9Ma-ago
Devonian Δ57M
416Ma ago A417M 419.2(±3.2) 419.2Ma-ago(-)
Ordovician_Silurian Δ(79-7)M P417±2M--> 443.8(±1.5)FN2 <--OS O-S
488Ma ago B417M 485.4(±1.7)
Cambrian Δ75M
~563Ma agoFN3 C417M ~538.8(±1.0)
Varangian.Ediacaran Δ54M
~617Ma ago D417M ~635
648±13 Mannoan
714±17 Sturtian

Morbas (talk) 17:39, 12 November 2015 (UTC)

period_period : underscore shows a PER point.
~period : tilda indicates poorly constrained dates.
± : interval.
(±) : accuracy estimation.

FN1: Oligocene Epoch Interval ice notch 32.5-25.5Ma-ago
FN2: Ordovician–Silurian extinction event ice interval.
FN3: ICS 1998 http://www.palaeontologie.uni-wuerzburg.de/Stuff/casu6.htm
FN4: 417MA,B,C= commutative sum {(79-7), 75, 54, (79+7), 73, 57 }. Using only (79±7, 74, 55.5) Phanerozoic Galactic Arm Periods are mathematically expressed to ±2Ma absolute accuracy. The CB Periods (Oligocene, OS and P-Tr) are approximately at (79±7)/2 time points.
FN5: SOL CB retrograde movement causes inverse Kepler apsis SOL ISM flow rates.
FN6: Kvet PER sets uniquely divide the mid-apsis internals, thus reside close to the apsis axis. The Planetary Equidistant Rupture is otherwise a controversial record.
FN7:Large Igneous ProvinceLIP and Carbon Isotope ExcursionCIE (14C): Gillman/Erenler (2008) The galactic cycle of extinction
  1. ^ Snelling 1985 Chronology of the Geologic Record; Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications. ISBN 0-632-01285-4
  2. ^ Radon & Kevet Complete periodical table Radon Kevet, GeoJournal 1991, Vol 24 Num 4 ppg 317-420
  3. ^ Kasting, J.F, Holm, N.G (1992). What determines the volume of the oceans? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 109: 507-515
  4. ^ a b c d Rothschild, L.J. & A. Lister (eds.) Evolution on Planet Earth: The Impact of the Physical Environment. Academic Press. 2003. 456 pp. ISBN 0-12-598655-6


Morbas (talk) 17:59, 1 April 2012 (UTC)

Geologic Time Scale Pattern

Pattern ideologue Stratigraphy and ICS dating
-1.3+(42.5-7)= 34.2 Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Paleogene.Oligocene # Paleogene.Eocene}:33.9Ma-ago
34.2+36 = 70.2 Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Cretacious.Maastrichtian}:70.6(+0.4)Ma-ago*
70.2 + 75 = 145.2Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Jurassic – Cretaceous}:145.5(-0.3)Ma-ago
145.2 + 54 = 199.2Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Triassic – Jurassic}:199.6(-0.4)Ma-ago
199.2+(42.5+7)= 248.7 Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Permian # Triassic}:251Ma-ago(-2.3)
248.7+36 = 284.7Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Carboniferous – Permian}:299 vs 290Ma-ago*
284.7+74=358.7Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Devonian – Carboniferous}:358.9(-0.2)Ma-ago
358.7+57=415.7Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Ordovician – Devonian}:419.2(-3.5)Ma-ago
415.7+(42.5-7) = 451.2Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Ordovician # Silurian}:443.7Ma-ago**
451.2 + 36 = 487.2 Ma-ago Phanerozoic{Cambrian – Ordovician}:485.4(±1.7)Ma-ago
487.2 + 74 =561.2Ma-ago Varangian{Ediacaran} – Phanerozoic{Cambrian}:541***

Geologic Convention Eon{Period.Stage}:ICS date
CB alignments #
Controversial Issues *
Ordovican.Late Ice Age from 460Ma-ago**
Cambrian Explosion was a middle Driver transition. ***
ICS: International Commission on Stratigraphy

Morbas (talk) 19:24, 30 January 2014 (UTC)

Polar MW SOL Arm Intercepts

Radius (KLyr) Theta (degrees)FN1 Arm Period
23.59 +1.09 Orion Cenozoic/Devonian
23.9 0.00 present Holocene
23.36 -28.55 CB (near) Oligocene
12.5 -28.55 CB (near end)
22.7 -59.58 Perseus Masstrichtian
22.81 -126.05 Norma-Cygnus Cretaceous
23.9 -172.09 Shaver Jurassic
23.04 -215.64 CB (far) P-Tr
12.5 -215.64 CB (far end)
22.42 -249.76 Scutum-Crux Permian
23.09 -310.47 Sagittarius Carboniferous

FN1: SOL at 0.00O Orion 1.31Myr-future; Oligocene 34Ma-ago
Ellipsis Apoapsis +0.3O from SOL, eccentricity 0.027, Period 199.0Ma, and spiral eggress 0%/199. Ellipsis superimposed on 417Ma relative CB rotation cycle. Arm theta expansion fits to 0.18% using root sum of squares of differences. The small 7.09O CB bend matches NGC1300 prototype sb galaxy. GSA 2009 dates reduced disparities except using earlier dates noted.
Polar Radial Arm expansion Equation R=A * THETA2.57+RCB
RSPUR <= ASPUR=44.2Klyr Arms{Orion, Shaver}
RMINOR <= AMINOR=24.3Klyr Arms{Sagittarius,NormaSigma}
RMAJOR <= AMAJOR=13.0Klyr Arms{Scutum-Crux, Perseus}
Calculation advances triple radial-symmetric arm expansion patterns.
Ratios {ASPUR,AMINOR} 1.87 and {AMINOR,AMAJOR} 1.82
THETA in degrees referenced to expansion from CB near & far polar angles.

Notes: 1) Review of Raup/Sepkoski Periodicity of extinctions in the geologic past 1983 Statistical analysis was limited to 250Ma, (Sepkoski / Harland extinction data base used for various reasons), produces a 26Ma peak for time series fourier transform. My assertion is if the analysis was across the Phanerozoic, they would have found this 417Ma equal covariance. Work in progress, as the 52Ma is an octive of 417Ma within the tolerances of the 26Ma they have presented. 417/8=52.125...hmmm six MW arms plus two CB alignments yields eight Period Transitions per 417Ma passage through all the arms.
2) Raup/Sepkoski used fourier, an analysis that depends on a continous wave. They attempted to include datum across nore than 250Ms ago, but dismissed the results because of lower quality. Now we see (above) that datum over 250Ma ago slips across the near and far CB arm expansion sets. This introduces a phase shift that effects the fourier analysis quality. A secondary effect further mucks up the analysis, and that is the variations caused by unregular intercepts of the expanding MW spirals and the variation is radius of the ellipsis orbit. They did not find the 417Ma, let alone the 139Ma elliptical SOL/MW orbital overlay.
3) Regressive trace arms into the Galactic center reveals centric inner bulge/halos causality. Centric outward paired spirals, refracted by far and near CB particle beams generate dual triple arm divergence, a 2+2+2 Galactic Arm Cb structure causal. The near side beam defines our Oligocene 7 million year thermal notch. The far beam intercepts SOL at PTr. Given the arm diametric expansion equivalents, Birkland electic-plasma filaments represent the only hypothetical driver of Cb Galactic structures{[Ref#1]}
Ref#1; A.L.Peratt et.al. 'Three Dimension Particle-in-cell Simulations of Spiral Galaxies' 1990IAUS..140..143P.
WIP using Plasma cosmology and Hannes Alfvén
Morbas (talk) 15:41, 1 August 2016 (UTC)

Permian Triassic


SOL orbital angle Arm crossover angle at Carboniferous Permian is shallow-est of all the arm intercepts. The SOL MW orbital is midway at PTr extinction event. We would expect an multiplicity of Birkland Current Filament intercepts leading up to PTr. The Scutum-Crux is a major arm.
WIP Morbas (talk) 02:48, 3 August 2016 (UTC)

Observation Differences

Type Wikipedia PGD[1]
MW SOL Radius 27.2Kly 23Kly[2]
SOL Orbital ≈238Myr 199(-)Myr[2]
MW Pattern 50Myr NA[3]
CB Rotation 15-18Myr 19 Myr abs

[1] Physical Geologic Driver (PGD)
[2] Major Arm inward spiral intercepts at the core.
[3] The MW pattern appears to diffract at both CB ends and expands outward, crossing the SOL orbital.
Morbas (talk) 02:51, 3 August 2016 (UTC)