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Sandbox h





( Gulliver c)
Cliff Notes [https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/g/gullivers-travels/summary-and-analysis/part-iii-chapter-1

  • History and politics

...and the Principal secretary, Redresal, who was a friend to Gulliver. Several of these officials later bring/brought articles of impeachment against Gulliver on grounds of treason). Courtiers to the emperor and candidates for high office are required to show their expertise by performing on a tight-rope.(p.39) Political and sectarian divisions exist in the kingdom. The two political parties are distinguished by the height of their heels; the the Tramecksan or "High-Heels", and the Slamecksan or "Low-Heels".(p.47) Sectarian differences are between "Little-Endians" and "Big-Endians", distinguished by the manner in which they crack open their eggs at mealtimes.(p.48)

  • Satirical Interpretation

Gulliver reports Flimnap, the king's treasurer, had a bad fall some years before Gulliver's arrival, in which he "would have infallably broken his neck, if not one of the King’s cushions … had not weakened the force of his fall".(p.39) Demaria notes this is a reference to the fall of Walpole in 1717, and to the Duchess of Kendal, who helped Walpole regain King George’s favour. (fn.42, p.276)



Further reading==

  • Downie The Political Significance of GT 1989 in Swift and His Contexts eds Irwin, Real, Wooley
  • Eddy
  • Higgins Swift’s Politics; A Study in Disaffection
  • Lock The Politics of GT (1980) Clarendon Press
  • Reilly Approaches to Teaching Swift’s GT (1988) Modern Language Association of America

. ...



( Gulliver b)

  • search balnibarbi
  • language of Balnibarbi

[https://englishlanguageandhistory.com/?id=jonathan-swift-gullivers-travels-language-balnibarbi short comment, nice picture

  • the machine

[https://fineartamerica.com/featured/the-writing-machine-from-the-academy-of-lagado-balnibarbi-in-travels-into-several-remote-nations-of-the-world-better-know-as-gullivers-travels-by-jonathan-swift-english-school.html image

( Balnibarbi)
In popular culture Is depicted in the 1996 miniseries GT. In this production the sensible Lord Munodi is portrayed as the Rajah of Laputa’s mother, the Empress Munodi, (played by Geraldine Chaplin) who rules B without/in defiance of the impractical schemes of the Laputans. She is depicted resisting the / an attack from the flying island by using a giant lodestone to draw the island down to earth/ destruction, a fate avoided by the efforts of the R/king’s ‘idiot’ son. The episode also depicts the Academy of Projectors in Lagado, and the eccentrics who worked there.

Search [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=EDlVAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA135&dq=balnibarbi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI__aNg6TsAhUoQhUIHfWyCCs4ChDoATAAegQIBBAC#v=onepage&q=balnibarbi&f=false Bowling for Gulliver: the travels of Michael Moore and Lemuel Gulliver JJ Hopkins ch 5 (p135 et seq) compares B to Ireland; english mismanagement leading to wrack and ruin p143, 147 and compares L&Bs topsy-turvy logic to ‘a small town in Utah were all citizens required to own guns’ and profiles a blnd man who passed a shooting test at a firing range (p138) and a Michigan bank that gave out free guns to new account-holders

[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=JmNbAAAAMAAJ&q=balnibarbi&dq=balnibarbi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT3s6qhaTsAhUbaRUIHb5fBFo4ChDoATACegQIAhAC Discussions of Jonathan Swift J Traugott 11962 p112 compares B’s impoverished state’ to Ireland

[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nodApTWVPBEC&q=balnibarbi&dq=balnibarbi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT3s6qhaTsAhUbaRUIHb5fBFo4ChDoATADegQIABAC Geography of GT JR Moore (1941) p225, 226  ? plate IV contradicts Plate III Maldonado as town on Luuggnagg, or on Balnibarbi and [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GGhXAAAAYAAJ&q=balnibarbi&dq=balnibarbi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT3s6qhaTsAhUbaRUIHb5fBFo4ChDoATAFegQIBRAC Journal of English and Germanic philology Gustaf Karsten same quote .



( Gulliver b)

  • source

[https://www.jstor.org/stable/27707449?seq=1 Edmund Reiss The Importance of Swifts Glub Episode in The Journal of English and Germanic philology vol 59, no.2 (April 1960) pp. 223-228 Univ. Illinois Press opinions differ Wm Eddy sees it as a digression, and compares it to Lucians Dialogue of the Dead Eddy A critical study of GT Princeton 1923 p.164 while Murry it is another example of Swift’s belief in the greatness of the Ancients over the Moderns. JM Murry Jonathan Swift: A Critical Biography (1954) London p.334 He also suggests it is / Reiss suggests, with Murry it is important as a link between the conversations G has with the Brob king, in part II, and with the mistress in pt IV. Both of these conversations/characters are/ contain severe criticisms of humanity/ human civilization, yet in the first, G is defensive, rejecting the king’s opinions, while in the second, G endorses the mistresses comments. Reiss suggests this change of heart by Gulliver is explained by Swift’s account of his meetings with the ghosts on Glub, and his dissillusionment with the modern world . ...


  • Luggnagg

(Luggnagg, dec)
Robert Fitzgerald The Allegory of Luggnagg and the Struldbrugs in Gulliver’s Travels Studies in Pphilology Vol 65, no. 4, p657-676 Univ N Carolina Press at JSTOR [https://www.jstor.org/stable/4173612?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents (passwd)

Satirical interpretation

p658 luggnagg represents France, the court of Louis XIV

p659 ‘hospitality to strangers’ = Louis welcome to James II and the Jacobites

p660 “ quotes petitioners crawling and licking the floor, dust is sometimes swept, but at other times poisoned represents the servile nature and elaborate codes of conduct used by Louis to control his nobles. Poisoning refers specifically to the deaths of the Duc de Bourgogne, his wife and son in 1712; believed to have been poisoned by Philipe duc dOrleans, the king’s/Louis’ nephew Louis refused t believe in Philippe’s guilt, = the page who was forgiven.

p660 G reports the king’s seal, which he received as an introduction to the Emperor of Japan, depicted the king lifting a lame beggar from the earth’ a reference to Louis’ care to support and elevate his illegitimate children, particularly the duc de Maine, who hadd been lame from birth.

F also suggests that the Struldbrugs, as well as being a cautionary tale an bout the / and a ref to Swift’s approaching old age (p658) , was a satire of the French Academy, (p661) p662 as well as being a group of old men, the Academy itself was immortal, by was I / m having no retirement, permanent membership of 40, replaced by like-minded as they died, loss of youth and vigour

p663 G describes them / the S as ‘opinionated, peevish, covetous, morose, vain, talkative’ criticisms levelled at the academicians by Montesqieu

p658 Swifts fear of old age, the tradition / a homily on earthly and heac vnely immortality, the myth of Tithonus, examples of people / those around who survive to old age

p.658 Members of Fr Academy are known as ‘the Immortals’

... Other interpreters p657

Charles Firth the political significance of GT
Nora Mohler & Marjorie Nicholson the scientific background of Swift’s voyage to Laputa
Arthur Case personal and political satire in GT

Other information

[[Louis, Duke of Burgundy#Death and legacy

… (from Fr Wp article (it was mistakenly believed they had ben poisoned) … it was believed at the time.. the sudden deaths of all three

  • Struldbrug

( Gulliver b)
search strulddbrug [1] might be independently notable (viz [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/comment/outlook-hewitt-grasps-nettle-of-britains-growing-struldbrug-problem-94501.html 2003 and [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/2883789/The-Struldbrugs-of-Luggnagg-and-an-age-old-problem-foretold.html 2004

search "struldbrug problem" [2] finds [https://www.academia.edu/2054047/Health_implications_of_novel_life_extending_drugs_uncorrected_proof_ C Wareham

[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=gfuwDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA183&lpg=PA183&dq=%22struldbrug+problem%22&source=bl&ots=kNAzvF-cft&sig=ACfU3U18b0lcK8CKjdEJ0Am-0ympraGosg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_ho2v8tjsAhUWTBUIHRZIBF8Q6AEwB3oECAwQAg#v=onepage&q=%22struldbrug%20problem%22&f=false Prospective Longevity

search [[Ursula le Guin The Island of the Immortals reviewed[https://io9.gizmodo.com/ursula-k-le-guin-has-a-brand-new-reason-to-be-scared-o-5844494 e-book [https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-island-of-the-immortals/ another reviewed[http://bestsciencefictionstories.com/2013/10/28/the-island-of-the-immortals-by-ursula-k-le-guin/

See also== Tithonus legend [[Tithonus [[Tithonus (poem) Tennyson ) ALT . ...



( Gulliver c)

  • Brob

satire just as Swift/In part I satirized contemporary politics by making the concerns of the Lilliputians small and inconsequential, in part II … by having the Brobdingnagians look down on our notions of civilization

Further reading

  • Balni

(Bartleby search Balnibarbi has this on Brobdingnag [https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Travel-Writing-In-Jonathan-Swifts-Gulliver-Travel-PJTJ699L6R The voyage to Brobdingnag intoduce a difference not only between the physical size of Lilliputians and Brobdingnagians but also their moral and profound size. The Brobdingnagians are just the reverse of what the Lilliputians were. The Brobdingnagians are forgiving .Swift focuses on the superiority of the giants and the irrelevance of Gulliver. While the Lilliputians attacked Gulliver with spears and arrows at first sight and behaved unpleasantly, the Brobdingnagians were amused at the sight of him . (Actually the Brob farmer treated him badly also, but see Pt I (?p26) G felt he could dash a dozen Lilliputians ; the farmer saw him as inconsequential as he had seen the Lilis)

  • Glub

search Hannibal, vinegar, has [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/apr/03/where-muck-hannibals-elephants-alps-italy-bill-mahaney-york-university-toronto Philip Ball 3 Apr 2016 The Truth about Hannibal’s route across the Alps and [[Fire-setting

  • Lugg

[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GGhXAAAAYAAJ&q=luggnagg&dq=luggnagg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7zp2JjbDsAhXgVBUIHVhVAxw4ChDoATAHegQICRAC Journal G Karsten p220 location of L = 29N … p225 Balni out of proportion compared to L , Mal and Glubb misplaced p226 plate III contradicts the text. G tells of a delay getting passage to L (mispelt Lugnagg) hence diversion to Glub

Cultural depictions


(Gulliver (a) )

  • Glub

satire history isn’t what it seems

sorry state of contemporary politicians compared to statesmen of old

cultural depictions G is depicted in only one production of GT, the 1996 miniseries, starring Ted Danson as Gulliver. In it the master of G, played by Omar Sharif, is a more sinister character than in the book, keeping G in a bemused state while using his blood to summon ghosts from the past


  • Lugg

satire meeting the king

the curse of immortality

cultural depictions L is depicted in only one production of GT, the 1996 miniseries, starring Ted Danson as Gulliver. In it G encounters the Struldbrugs, and is offered immortality, but quickly sees that it is a curse, not a blessing.


  • Luggnagg

[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/2883789/The-Struldbrugs-of-Luggnagg-and-an-age-old-problem-foretold.html Struldbrugs age-old problem foretold ? concentration of wealth in the hands of the old?


[https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/g/gullivers-travels/summary-and-analysis/part-iii-chapter-10 cliffs notes ch 10 Luggnagg, ch 9 meeting the king of L also ch 11 = Japan ch 8, 7 = Glubb history is not what it seems ch 6, 5 the Academy ch 4 Munodi ch 3 Laputa, Lindalino ch 2 Laputa ch 1 pirates, Dutchmen

journal of Eng and Ger Philology [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GGhXAAAAYAAJ&q=luggnagg&dq=luggnagg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7zp2JjbDsAhXgVBUIHVhVAxw4ChDoATAHegQICRAC Gustaf Carsten p266 examines faults in geography and [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=nodApTWVPBEC&q=luggnagg&dq=luggnagg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7zp2JjbDsAhXgVBUIHVhVAxw4ChDoATAJegQIABAC the geography fo GT same publication

  • Cultural representations

[[Gulliver's Travels (miniseries) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115195/ =GT and [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5721318/?ref_=ttep_ep1 = ep 1 (Lilliput, Brob)

[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5721344/?ref_=ttep_ep2 = ep 2 (Lap, Bal, Glub/Lugg, Houynym)

  • Laputa/Balni

Shashi Kapoor Rajah Navin Chowdri Prince Munodi Geraldine Chaplin Empress Munodi

  • Academy

[[Graham Crowden, Prof of Politics [[John Geilgud Prof of Sunlight [[Richard Wilson Prof of Language

  • Glub

[[Omar Sharif The Sorcerer

  • Lugg

[[Kristin Scott Thomas Immortal Gatekeeper

  • Brob

[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062578/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Land of the Giants 1968