Montaser (Monty) Sadeddin is a 14 year old Tic Toker in 2020. Monty has accumlated over 2.8 thousand Followers on that app itself. Monty has a deep history of his family dating back over hundreds of years. Monty has a family of 6 with 2 brothers and a sister. Montys dream is to inspire and motivate. You can find him on Tic tok under @Montysa8 and on Insta under Montysa24.
[edit]Before Fame:
[edit]Monty was born in the city of San Dimas in the year of 2006. He later Moved to Amman, Jordan at JUST 3 Months old. He lived In Jordan till he was about 6 and a half years old. After he turned 7 he later moved to Rancho Cucamonga, California. He still Visits Amman every summer alongside his country of Palestine.
Now (still before Fame)
[edit]Monty still does Tic Tok racking in new followers every day. You can find him on almost every social media platform!
[edit]Monty has Gained over $500 off Tic Tok. More to come his way.
[edit]Montysa8 on Tic Tok " Some days are Mondays" [1]"Enjoying life per usual" " A vote for Me is a Vote for You"
[edit]- ^ Monty