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Francisco Serrano


Poet. Born in Mexico City in 1949. He studied political science and filmmaking at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and French literature at the Sorbonne University in Paris. Poetry scholarship recipient from the Centro Mexicano de Escritores and from the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte. Involved for several years in cultural affairs in his country, he was coordinator of publications of the Directorate of Publications and Libraries of the Ministry of Education, Director of International Relations at the National Institute of Fine Arts and Chief Advisor in the Secretariat for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Council for Culture and Arts (Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes) and the National Institute of Anthropology and History. For several years he directed the magazine Art in Mexico. In 1971 he published his first book, Canciones egipcias. Disciple of Octavio Paz, he soon experimented with the use of random processes in poetic composition. In 1980, he participated in the creation of Mutaciones, Jaula, In/cubaciones, a piece of work that combines poetry, music and the visual arts, in collaboration with painter Arnaldo Coen and composer Mario Lavista, and in 1982 the piece of stochastic poetry El cubo de los cambios, again with A. Coen. He later ventured into visual poetry and theater. He is the author of the dramatic poems La rosa de Ariadna, used as the libretto of the opera by the same name by Italian composer Gualtiero Dazzi, and in the musical En susurros los muertos, also with G. Dazzi. In 1996, with Italian composer Aldo Brizzi, wrote the libretto for the opera-cabaret in six parodic languages Orpheus in Underland. Co-author of several art books with Mexican painters Manuel Felguérez, Vicente Rojo, Gabriel Macotela and Roberto Cortázar. He has published thirteen books of poetry, including Libro de hexaedros (1982), No es sino el azar (1984), Confianza en la materia (1997), Música de la lengua (1999), Aquí es ninguna parte (2000), Prosa del Popocatépetl (2005) y Cuenta de mis muertos (2006). His poems have been translated into English, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Flemish, Swedish and Japanese. Author of several anthologies of Mexican and Latin American poetry and several books for children. Has offered to the Spanish language poetry of the Provençal troubadours, the Carmina Burana, the Book of Job and various works of mainly French and English poets. These translations are compiled in the volume entitled Movimiento de traslación. Francisco Serrano lives and works in Mexico City.





Canciones egipcias (1979)

Poema del fino amor (1981)

Libro de hexaedros (1982)

No es sino el azar (1984)

Alicuanta (1984)

La rosa de Ariadna (1992)

Música de la lengua (1999)

Confianza en la materia (1997)

Aquí es ninguna parte (2000)

Al raso (2000)

Poemas (1969-2000) (2003)

Prosa del Popocatépetl (2006)

Cuenta de mis muertos (2006)

Poems with Painters


Mutaciones, Jaula, Incubaciones, con Arnaldo Coen y Mario Lavista (1980-81)

El cubo de los cambios, con Arnaldo Coen (1982)

Ciudad Rota, con Gabriel Macotela (1986)

Casas en el aire, con Gabriel Macotela (1991)

Autobiografía de la creación, con Manuel Felguérez (1992)

mutaciones transmutaciones in/cubaciones, con Arnaldo Coen (1992)

Tierra volando, con Gabriel Macotela (1992)

Ángeles cardinales, con Roberto Cortázar (1993)

Prosa del Popocatépetl, con Vicente Rojo (2003)

Opera Librettos


La rosa de Ariadna (1995)

Orpheus in Underland (1996)

Anhelo de amor (1997)

En susurros los muertos (1998)

Sol de movimiento (1999)

Books for Children and Young People


La luciérnaga, antología para niños de la poesía mexicana (1983)

Los vampiritos y el profesor (1986)

La loquita frente al mar (1991)

Esplendor de la América Antigua (1992)

24 poetas latinoamericanos (1997)

Lecturas de poesía clásica, t. I (2000)

Lecturas de poesía clásica, t. II (2001)

El jardín de los pájaros (2005)

El rey poeta (2006)



La rosa de los vientos, antología de la poesía mexicana actual (1992)



Carmina Burana (1991)

Memorias de un esqueleto a la intemperie, viaje del año 1684, de Matsúo Basho (1995)

La voz humana, de Jean Cocteau (2001)

El libro de Job (2006)

Movimiento de traslación (2009)


Página oficial de Francisco Serrano



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