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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?
-George Carlin

About Me


I'm currently a senior in high school. I joined Wikipedia...some time ago, and promptly got myself caught up in something else, and forgot all about this. I tend to do that a lot. But yeah. That is just about everything you need to know about me.



Thor's hammer's name. No, I'm not one of those Ásatrú folks (although I have nothing against them), I just have a general interest in ancient mythologies.

Interests (aka things I might be able to help edit)




Didn't we cover this already?

Stephen King


Big fan. I plan on rewriting, or at least fixing up, some of the more obscure articles related to The Dark Tower sometime in the near future.



I've been using GNU/Linux full time for the past couple of years. CLI/KDE are my preferred environments.



As my second userbox displays (aren't those things useful?), Libertarian Socialism is a political philosophy I identify with. Therefore, in the interest of neutrality (I know I couldn't control myself in this regard), I won't be editing any political articles.

To-Do List


Calla Bryn Sturgis - Major editing, possibly complete overhaul.
Devar-Toi - Same as above.