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YAY FOR FALLING SAND GAME!                                                                    

#wxSand: Owen Piette's Falling Sand Game #Version 4, File subversion 2 #element element r g b gravity slip density conductivity visible group Liquids Water Steam Spout Acid group Solids Concrete Metal Wall Plastic Plant Soil Mud Straw Paper Stone Wood Gate Key Key2 Bridge BridgeSupport group Fires&Flammables Fire Fuse PropaneLamp Propane Torch Gasoline LighterFluid group Explosives Fire Fuse Bomb Squib Detcord Gunpowder Dynamite Dynawire Plunger Fireworks Firewire Firetrigger DepthCharge NMT NMTWire NMTDetonator Wipeout HeatBomb #Erases. element Empty 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 #House Wall. element Wall 128 128 128 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.500000 1 hotcolor Wall 255 0 0 #Burns other elements. Source of energy. element Fire 247 63 63 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.100000 1 self 0.025000 Fire 1.0000 Empty hotcolor Fire 255 63 63 neighbor 0.9 Fire Water 1.0 Empty Steam neighbor 1.0 Fire Plant 1.0 Fire Fire neighbor 0.01 Fire Plastic 1.0 MoltenPlastic Ember neighbor 0.85 Fire Wall 1.0 Ashes Ember #Dissolves other elements. Turns to steam when heated. element Water 32 32 255 0.700000 1.000000 0.500000 0.400000 1 hotcolor Water 200 200 255 self 0.9 Water 1.0 Steam hotself 50 Water #Grows in water. element Plant 32 204 32 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 0.2 Plant Water 1.0 Plant Plant #Ground element Soil 185 84 37 0 0.500000 0.900000 0.000000 1 #Source of water. element Spout 10 100 10 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 0.75 Spout Empty 1.0 Spout Water neighbor 0.5 Spout Soil 1.0 Empty Empty #Plastic, made by heating up Fossil Fuels. element Plastic 238 221 204 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 #Very Hot Melted Plastic, Hardens Eventually. element MoltenPlastic 255 220 200 0.800000 1.000000 1 0.000000 0 self 0.0001 MoltenPlastic 1.0 Plastic #Will eventually condense. element Steam 85 85 255 -1.000000 1.000000 0.010000 0.000000 1 self 0.001000 Steam 1.0000 Water #Continuous fire. element Torch 100 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1 neighbor 0.2 Torch Empty 1.0 Torch Fire neighbor 0.2 Torch Water 1.0 Torch Steam neighbor 0.2 Torch Plant 1.0 Torch Fire neighbor 0.2 Torch Plastic 1.0 Torch MoltenPlastic #Burnt Wall element Ashes 133 133 133 0.750000 0.150000 0.150000 0.000000 0 #Heats up, but doesn't burn! element Metal 100 100 100 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.85 1 hotcolor Metal 255 0 0 element RWater 75 75 255 -1 3 0.9 1 0 self 0.0090 RWater 1 FWater element FWater 75 75 255 1 4 0.8 1 0 #Flammable! element Propane 240 240 240 -1 1 0.01 0 1 neighbor 1 Propane Fire 1 Fire Fire #Source of Propane element PropaneLamp 125 125 125 0 0 0 0 1 neighbor 1 PropaneLamp Empty 1 PropaneLamp Propane #Solid, but percussion explosives can conquer it. element Concrete 161 161 161 0 0 1 0 1 element Asplode 255 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 explode Asplode Fire 50 element Bomb 150 150 0 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Bomb Fire 1 Asplode Fire #Here's where it starts getting crazy-messy. element PopAsplode 255 255 85 -1 0 0 0 0 explode PopAsplodex PopAsplode 15 #Note: Squibs are Impact explosives; They don't cause fires. element Squib 123 132 90 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Squib Fire 1 PopAsplodex Fire element PopAsplodex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 self 0.225 PopAsplode 1 Empty element Fuse 244 164 96 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 0.78 Fuse Fire 1 LighterFluidx LighterFluidx neighbor 1 Bomb PopAsplode 1 Asplode Empty neighbor 1 PopAsplode Fuse 1 Fire Fire neighbor 1 PopAsplode Squib 1 PopAsplode PopAsplodex #Burns for a little while. element Ember 200 50 50 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.002000 Ember 1.0000 Fire neighbor 0.2 Ember Empty 1.0 Ember Fire neighbor 0.9 Ember Water 1.0 Empty Steam neighbor 1.0 Ember Plant 1.0 Ember Fire neighbor 0.005 Ember Plastic 1.0 MoltenPlastic Ember #My attempt at peoples. element People 255 182 193 0.35 2 0.15 0 1 neighbor 1 People Fire 1 BurningPeople Fire neighbor 0.09 People Empty 1 Empty People #FIRE!!! element BurningPeople 255 182 193 0.25 2 0.15 0 0 neighbor 0.15 BurningPeople Empty 1 BurningPeople Fire self 0.001 BurningPeople 1 Corpse neighbor 0.1 BurningPeople Wall 1 BurningPeople Fire neighbor 0.1 BurningPeople Water 1 People Water element Corpse 119 136 153 1 0 0.15 0 0 element Detcord 188 143 143 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Detcord Fire 1 Detcordx Empty neighbor 1 Detcord PopAsplode 1 Detcordx Empty element Detcordx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Detcordx Fire 5 #A Flammable Liquid. 'Nuff Said. element Gasoline 175 171 135 1 1 0 0 1 neighbor 1 Gasoline Fire 1 Fire Fire #Classic..... element Gunpowder 139 125 123 1 1 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Gunpowder Fire 1 Gunpowderx Fire neighbor 1 Gunpowder PopAsplode 1 Gunpowderx Fire element Gunpowderx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Gunpowderx Fire 20 #First Made and Patented by Alfred Nobel. element Dynamite 255 19 21 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Dynamite Fire 1 Dynamitex Fire neighbor 1 Dynamite PopAsplode 1 Dynamitex Fire element Dynamitex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Dynamitex Fire 30 element Rubble 105 105 105 1 1 0.75 0 0 neighbor 0.015 Concrete Fire 1 Empty Rubble neighbor 0.025 Concrete PopAsplode 1 Empty Rubble neighbor 0.01 Concrete PopAsplode 1 Shockwave PopAsplode neighbor 0.45 Concrete Shockwave 1 Shockwave Shockwave element Shockwave 255 255 0 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.5 Shockwave 0.90 Concretes 0.071 Empty 0.029 Rubble element Concretes 150 150 0 0 0 1 0 self 0.01 Concretes 1 Concrete neighbor 0.05 People Rubble 1 Corpse Rubble #Run this from the plunger to the dynamite. element Dynawire 201 199 200 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Dynawire Plungerx 1 Dynawirex Plungerx neighbor 1 Dynawirex Dynamite 1 Dynawirex Dynamitex neighbor 1 Dynawirex Dynawire 1 Dynawirex Dynawirex #Connect This to Dynawire, then Touch with Fire to set off the dynamite. element Plunger 178 34 34 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Plunger Fire 1 Plungerx Empty neighbor 1 Plungerx Plunger 1 Plungerx Plungerx neighbor 1 Plungerx Fire 1 Plungerx Empty element Plungerx 178 34 34 0 0 1 0 0 element Dynawirex 181 179 180 0 0 1 0 0 #Where I realised that this game has a new angle.... thanks TheProgrammer. #Hardened Mud, for Huts, like they do in Africa. Try Exploding/Lighting on Fire. element Mud 139 68 18 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 0.025 Mud Fire 1 Mudx Empty neighbor 0.025 Mud PopAsplode 1 Mudx Empty element Mudx 139 68 18 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.05 Mudx 1 Mudxx neighbor 0.055 Mudx Mud 1 Mudx Mudx element Mudxx 138 68 19 1 0 0.15 0 0 #Don't Burninate the Peasants thatched roofs! element Straw 255 222 173 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 0.35 Straw Fire 1 EmberFast Fire #Burns for a little while. element EmberFast 200 120 50 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.085 EmberFast 1.0000 Fire neighbor 0.1 EmberFast Empty 1 EmberFast Fire #To Light Stuff! element LighterFluid 0 255 255 1 1.5 0.1 0 1 neighbor 1 LighterFluid Fire 1 LighterFluidx Fire neighbor 1 LighterFluid PopAsplode 1 LighterFluidx Fire element LighterFluidx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode LighterFluidx Fire 4 #The Paper! element Paper 238 229 222 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Paper Fire 1 EmberFastest Fire element EmberFastest 200 120 50 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.15 EmberFastest 1.0000 Fire neighbor 0.1 EmberFastest Empty 1 EmberFastest Fire #Very Hard Element. element Stone 255 222 173 0 0 1 0.1 1 neighbor 0.005 Stone PopAsplode 1 FStone Empty neighbor 0.009 FStone Stone 1 FStone FStone self 0.0009 FStone 1 Pebbles element BurningWood 165 42 42 0.000000 0.200000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.001 BurningWood 1.0000 Fire neighbor 0.1 BurningWood Empty 0.99 BurningWood Fire 0.01 BurningWood Ashes #Comes From Trees! element Wood 145 52 52 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Wood Fire 1 BurningWood Fire neighbor 0.05 Wood Water 1 DampWood Empty neighbor 0.005 BurningWood Water 1 DampWood Empty element DampWood 145 52 77 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 0.01 DampWood Wood 1 DampWood DampWood self 0.009 DampWood 1 WetWood element WetWood 145 52 97 0 0 1 0 0 element FStone 255 222 173 1 0 1 0.1 0 element Pebbles 245 213 163 1 0 1 0.1 0 #2kbs just to make the fireworks work. element RFireworks 235 104 109 -1 2 0.1 0 0 #Connect to Firewire element Fireworks 235 104 109 0 0 1 0 1 #Connect to Fireworks and Firetrigger element Firewire 161 160 159 0 0 1 0 1 #Connect to Firewire, then touch with Fire element Firetrigger 168 34 34 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Firetrigger Fire 1 Firetriggerx Empty neighbor 1 Firetriggerx Fire 1 Firetriggerx Empty neighbor 1 Firetriggerx Firewire 1 Firetriggerx Firewirex neighbor 1 Firetriggerx Firetrigger 1 Firetriggerx Firetriggerx neighbor 1 Firewirex Firewire 1 Firewirex Firewirex neighbor 1 Firewirex Fireworks 1 Firewirex ARFireworks neighbor 1 ARFireworks Fireworks 1 ARFireworks ARFireworks element ARFireworks 235 104 109 0 0 1 0 0 element Firetriggerx 168 34 34 0 0 1 0 0 element Firewirex 141 140 139 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.05 ARFireworks 1 RFireworks self 0.001 RFireworks 1 Fireworksexplode element Fireworksexplode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fireworksexplode Spreadworks 3 element Spreadworks 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 self 0.9 Spreadworks 1 RSpreadworks self 0.0075 Spreadworks 1 Empty element RSpreadworks 0 0 0 -2 10 0 0 0 self 0.001 RSpreadworks 1 Empty self 0.1 RSpreadworks 1 RSpreadworks self 0.001 RSpreadworks 1 Spreadexplode self 0.001 Spreadworks 1 Spreadexplode element Spreadexplode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Spreadexplode Spreadexplodex 15 element Spreadexplodex 255 0 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexGreen 0 255 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexBlue 0 0 255 -0.2 1 0 0 0 neighbor 1 Spreadexplodex Spreadexplodex 1 SpreadexplodexGreen SpreadexplodexGreen neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexGreen SpreadexplodexGreen 1 SpreadexplodexBlue SpreadexplodexBlue neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexBlue SpreadexplodexBlue 1 Spreadexplodex Spreadexplodex self 0.1 Spreadexplodex 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexGreen 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexBlue 1 Empty self 0.005 Spreadexplodex 1 Spreadexplodexx2 self 0.005 SpreadexplodexGreen 1 Spreadexplodexx2 self 0.005 SpreadexplodexBlue 1 Spreadexplodexx2 element Spreadexplodex2 255 0 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexGreen2 0 255 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexBlue2 0 0 255 -0.2 1 0 0 0 neighbor 1 Spreadexplodex2 Spreadexplodex2 1 SpreadexplodexGreen2 SpreadexplodexGreen2 neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexGreen2 SpreadexplodexGreen2 1 SpreadexplodexBlue2 SpreadexplodexBlue2 neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexBlue2 SpreadexplodexBlue2 1 Spreadexplodex2 Spreadexplodex2 self 0.1 Spreadexplodex2 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexGreen2 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexBlue2 1 Empty self 0.005 Spreadexplodex2 1 Spreadexplodexx3 self 0.005 SpreadexplodexGreen2 1 Spreadexplodexx3 self 0.005 SpreadexplodexBlue2 1 Spreadexplodexx3 element Spreadexplodex3 255 0 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexGreen3 0 255 0 -0.2 1 0 0 0 element SpreadexplodexBlue3 0 0 255 -0.2 1 0 0 0 neighbor 1 Spreadexplodex3 Spreadexplodex3 1 SpreadexplodexGreen3 SpreadexplodexGreen3 neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexGreen3 SpreadexplodexGreen3 1 SpreadexplodexBlue3 SpreadexplodexBlue3 neighbor 1 SpreadexplodexBlue3 SpreadexplodexBlue3 1 Spreadexplodex3 Spreadexplodex3 self 0.1 Spreadexplodex3 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexGreen3 1 Empty self 0.1 SpreadexplodexBlue3 1 Empty element Spreadexplodexx2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element Spreadexplodexx3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Spreadexplodexx2 Spreadexplodex2 15 explode Spreadexplodexx3 Spreadexplodex3 15 #Fireworks code done #Eats through stuff. element Acid 109 255 149 1 1.5 0.95 0 1 neighbor 0.025 Acid Concrete 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Metal 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Wall 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Plastic 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Plant 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Soil 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Mud 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Straw 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Paper 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Stone 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Wood 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Fuse 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Bomb 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Squib 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Detcord 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Bomb 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Dynamite 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Dynawire 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Plunger 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Fireworks 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Firewire 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid Firetrigger 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid DepthCharge 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid NMT 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid NMTWire 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid NMTDetonator 0.67 Acid Empty 0.33 Acid Acidgas neighbor 0.025 Acid People 0.67 Corpse Empty 0.33 Corpse Acidgas element Acidgas 160 215 215 -1 1.5 0 0 0 self 0.05 Acidgas 1 Empty #Use in 1 or 2 Brush size amounts. Use in water. element DepthCharge 85 95 135 1 1 1 0 1 neighbor 0.0075 DepthCharge Water 1 Gunpowderx Water #Awesome looking explosive, it needs to be properly prepared in order for it to be dangerous and cool-looking.. element NMT 255 228 225 1 0 1 0.8 1 neighbor 1 NMT Fire 1 Fire Fire element PNMT 0 255 255 1 0 1 0.8 0 element NMTDetonator 150 75 75 0 0 1 0 1 element NMTWire 200 200 200 0 0 1 0 1 self 1 NMT 1 PNMT hotself 35 NMT neighbor 1 NMTWire NMTDetonator 1 NMTWirex NMTDetonator neighbor 1 NMTWire NMTWirex 1 NMTWirex NMTWirex element NMTWirex 150 150 150 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 1 NMTWirex PNMT 1 NMTWirex NMTX element NMTX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode NMTX Fb1 10 element Fb1 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fb1x Fb2 5 element Fb2 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fb2x Fb3 5 element Fb3 0 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fb3x Fb4 5 element Fb4 0 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fb4x Fb5 5 element Fb5 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 0 explode Fb5x Fb6 5 element Fb6 255 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 self 0.1 Fb1 0.2 Fb1x 0.8 Empty self 0.1 Fb2 0.2 Fb2x 0.8 Empty self 0.1 Fb3 0.2 Fb3x 0.8 Empty self 0.1 Fb4 0.2 Fb4x 0.8 Empty self 0.1 Fb5 0.2 Fb5x 0.8 Empty self 0.1 Fb6 0.275 Fb1 0.55 Empty 0.275 FbVanish element Fb1x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element Fb2x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element Fb3x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element Fb4x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element Fb5x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 element FbVanish 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 self 0.075 FbVanish 1 Empty neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb1 1 FbVanish FbVanish neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb2 1 FbVanish FbVanish neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb3 1 FbVanish FbVanish neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb4 1 FbVanish FbVanish neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb5 1 FbVanish FbVanish neighbor 1 FbVanish Fb6 1 FbVanish FbVanish #Cool Explosive element Wipeout 100 200 150 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 Wipeout Fire 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx element Wipeoutx 255 255 130 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Empty 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.00025 Wipeoutt Wipeoutx 1 Wipeoutc Wipeoutc element Wipeoutt 255 255 230 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 0.55 Wipeoutx Wipeout 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutt neighbor 1 Wipeoutt Wipeoutc 1 Wipeoutc Wipeoutc element Wipeoutc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 self 0.05 Wipeoutc 1 Empty neighbor 1 Wipeoutt Wipeout 1 Wipeoutt Wipeoutt neighbor 1 Wipeoutc Wipeoutx 1 Wipeoutc Wipeoutc neighbor 1 Wipeoutc Wipeout 1 Wipeoutc Wipeoutc neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Metal 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Wall 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Plastic 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Plant 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Soil 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Mud 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Straw 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Paper 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Stone 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Wood 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Water 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Steam 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Spout 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Acid 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Fire 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Fuse 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx PropaneLamp 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Propane 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Torch 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Gasoline 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx LighterFluid 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Bomb 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Squib 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Detcord 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Gunpowder 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Dynamite 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Dynawire 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Plunger 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Fireworks 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Firetrigger 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Firewire 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx DepthCharge 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx NMT 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx NMTWire 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx NMTDetonator 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Firewirex 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Firetriggerx 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Plungerx 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Dynawirex 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Shockwave 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx RFireworks 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx FStone 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx WetWood 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Pebbles 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx FStone 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx BurningWood 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx DampWood 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Ember 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx EmberFast 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx EmberFastest 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Mudx 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Mudxx 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Concretes 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx PopAsplode 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx BurningPeople 1 Wipeoutx Corpse neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx People 1 Wipeoutx Corpse neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Concrete 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Bridge 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx BridgeSupport 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Bridges 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx BridgeSupports 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Gate 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Gatex 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Key 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx Key2 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx ARubble 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx HeatBomb 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx neighbor 0.15 Wipeoutx HeatBombx 1 Wipeoutx Wipeoutx #People and cars cross over this. element Bridge 159 84 74 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 0.75 Fire Bridge 0.34 Ashes Ember 0.66 Fire Ember neighbor 1 Bridge BridgeSupports 1 Bridges BridgeSupports #To hold up Bridges. element BridgeSupport 139 64 54 0 0 1 0 1 element Bridges 159 84 74 0 0 1 0 0 element BridgeSupports 139 74 64 0 0 1 0 0 neighbor 1 BridgeSupports BridgeSupport 1 BridgeSupports BridgeSupports neighbor 1 Bridges Bridge 1 Bridges Bridges neighbor 1 PopAsplode BridgeSupport 1 Empty BridgeSupports self 0.01 Bridges 1 ARubble self 0.01 BridgeSupports 1 ARubble element ARubble 154 79 69 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.01 ARubble 0.65 Rubble 0.35 Empty #For use with Key. element Gate 106 90 205 0 0 1 0 1 #For use with Gate. element Key 255 215 0 0 0 1 0 1 self 0.15 Key 1 Empty self 0.0015 Key2 1 Empty element Gatex 106 90 205 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.01 Gatex 1 Empty neighbor 1 Gatex Gate 1 Gatex Gatex neighbor 1 Key Gate 1 Key Gatex neighbor 1 Key2 Gate 1 Key Gatex #Ok, not actually a solid, but in here for the sake of organisation. element Key2 255 195 20 #Heat it up! element HeatBomb 80 80 130 0 0 1 0.75 1 self 0.005 HeatBomb 1 HeatBombx hotself 35 HeatBomb element HeatBombx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 explode HeatBombx Fire 17 hotcolor HeatBomb 130 130 230